How to box at home?

Some believe that you cannot learn boxing at home. That for this you need to visit the hall, arrange sparring with the coach and other athletes. But, having bought a punching bag, you can master the main strokes and keep yourself in good physical shape. How to box at home?

The purpose of classes, advantages and disadvantages

Before you start boxing yourself, you need to decide what these classes are for. If the main goal is to master the techniques of self-defense, then you better find a mentor who will teach you. What can be achieved with home training?

  1. Health improvement.
  2. Dexterity and speed in movements appear.
  3. The blow will be stronger.
  4. Strengthen your muscles and ligaments.
  5. The figure will be sporty and embossed.

Of course, training in the gym has several advantages, but homework has advantages:

  • you determine the exercises and load yourself;
  • independently create a training schedule;
  • during training, you will not receive blows to the head and other parts of the body.

But home training also has disadvantages:

  • You will not be able to box in sparring;
  • a coach can give you extra motivation;
  • the apartment does not have as much space as in the hall.

Also, some athletes like the atmosphere of training and group work. But boxing homework can be effective if you are right in organizing it. You need to choose the right exercises and make a schedule and training plan.

pear training

Training Equipment

How to box? To do this, select the optimal inventory.

  1. Boxing gloves.
  2. Gloves to wear under boxing gloves.
  3. Punching bag.
  4. Dumbbells with different weights. Needed for strength training.

It is important to choose the right punching bag (or bag). Her weight should be close to the weight of a person. Also, it should be of optimal stiffness so that you do not injure your hands. Therefore, in the store, hit the pear several times to determine if it suits you. Ideally, if the filling of the bag is made of rubberized chips in combination with sand. It is best to choose a pear made from leather, although vinyl is easier to care for. Also, the mount must be durable.

It’s good if you have a horizontal bar or you have the opportunity to work out on the equipped site so that your classes are more effective. Clothing and shoes should be comfortable, athletic.

how to box a punching bag

Warm up

How to box? Classes need to start with a warm-up. This is necessary in order to warm up the muscles and minimize the risk of injury. Start your workout with slow walking and neck exercises.

Then stretch the remaining muscle groups. Ideal if you can go for a run. Also do stretching exercises and on the spine. When you are finished warming up, you can start home boxing training.

Strength exercises

To make your home workouts more efficient and productive, punching boxing needs to be supplemented with strength exercises.

  1. Push ups on fists. A novice boxer should lay a mat under his arms. After a few workouts, your fists will become firmer and you can practice without a rug. Such an exercise will help strengthen the triceps and wrist joints so that the blow is stronger. Do 3-5 sets of 20 push-ups. Gradually, their number needs to be increased.
  2. Jumping rope. Take a few minutes to jump before training, and you will increase your speed and endurance. For a boxer, strong, pumped up calf muscles and legs are important. Do different types of jump rope.
  3. Squats Do 5 sets of 50 times. If you have a barbell, then you can use it to increase the effectiveness of the exercise. It must be placed below the neck so as not to injure the neck and reduce the load. Keep your back straight, the heels under your shoulders, and the feet slightly expand. Look directly in front of you so as not to lower your neck.
  4. Shadow boxing is an important part of training, which helps to work out the attack and defense with a non-existent opponent. It will also increase your stamina.

Such strength and endurance exercises are best done before a workout, which contributes to its productivity.

boxing technique

Main hits

How to box? You should study what are the main blows in boxing.

  1. "Jeb." On impact, the arm is straightened completely, and the fist must be held horizontally with the palm down.
  2. "Cross". This is a direct blow with which boxers knock out the opponent. The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, the body is deployed and strike. To defend against the enemy, the face is covered with the right shoulder, and the lower part of the face is covered with the left fist, the left elbow should be pressed to the body.
  3. "Hook". A powerful blow that can also be used to knock out an opponent. It is applied along a curved path. Power depends on how fast you apply it.
  4. Uppercut - the top strike, which is inflicted with a striking hand in close combat.

Knowing the basic techniques, you can correctly box the punching bag and learn more complex combinations based on them.

punching boxing

Stance and movement

How to box a punching bag? You need to stand up. It should be comfortable and stable. Thanks to this, you can make the strike as powerful as possible and evade enemy attacks. Her choice depends on which hand you have leading.

If you are right-handed, then you put your left foot forward at an angle of 45 ° relative to your opponent. The left heel should be in line with the right toe. Evenly distribute body weight on feet. The elbows are pressed to the body, and the arms are raised. Cover your cheek with your left hand and the chin with your right hand, and it should be lowered down.

How to box in sparring? In boxing, it is very important to constantly move. Stand on your toes and move around the ring. If your opponent is right-handed, then you need to move to the right side. And if you are left-handed, then to the left. This will allow you to maintain the distance between you and the opponent's striking hand.

boxing competitions

Work with inventory

How to box a punching bag at home? You need to stand up. Then start boxing - alternate punches: straight left and uppercuts, straight right and side. You need to work out the blow not only individually, but also in various combinations.

How to box a punching bag? You need to aim in its central part. The strength and speed of strikes must be increased gradually. If you box the punching bag at a fast pace, then this is not only a good strength training, but also a cardio load. If the pear is swinging strongly, then you need to increase its weight.

how to box a punching bag

Features of training girls

Some people think boxing is a men's sport. But among the fair sex, he is becoming more and more popular. How to box a punching bag for girls? There are no special differences from men's training, because you determine the load yourself.

In women's boxing there are fewer blows to the body, and they are not inflicted below the lower back. In the first classes, girls need to pay more attention to endurance training. Also include exercises and strength exercises. Some girls believe that their figure will look more "courageous." But boxing is not aimed at building muscle mass, but at developing dexterity and increasing endurance.

how to box a punching bag for girls

These are recommendations on how to properly box a punching bag at home. You can effectively train yourself. The main thing is to choose the right equipment and make an optimal training schedule. For sparring, you can go to the gym or work out with your friends athletes.

Boxing boosts your stamina, speed and overall muscle tone. Your reaction improves, you become more attentive. This sport can be practiced by both men and women at home. The great advantage of such training is that you minimize the risk of injury. Boxing is also a great opportunity to combine strength exercises with cardio. Gradually increase the load so that your workouts are effective.


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