How do roosters fertilize a chicken? How many chickens can impregnate a rooster?

As you know, chickens can lay eggs without a cockerel. However, in order for the chickens to be hatched, they, of course, must be fertilized. And here it is already without a male, of course, it will not be possible to do. One of the unusual features of poultry of this species is that males do not have a penis. Rather, they have it, but in a rudimentary rudimentary state. In this regard, many people have a question about how roosters fertilize chicken. We will talk about this further.

Why a rooster has no penis

Unfortunately, even scientists do not know the answer to this question. When examining the embryo, it was found that at first the penis in the chicken develops quite normally. However, on the ninth day, its growth slows down, and subsequently completely stops. This is due to the active work of the Bmp4 gene, which controls the cell death program. Typically, in animals and humans, Bmp4 is responsible for preventing uncontrolled cell division (and hence the development of cancerous tumors).

how roosters fertilize a chicken

The mechanism of stopping the growth of the penis of a cock, thus, has been studied by scientists. However, they still have no answer to the question of why the Bmp4 gene is activated precisely at the tip of the genital organ of the bird embryo. There are only a few versions that more or less plausibly explain this phenomenon. Some scientists believe, for example, that the concentration of the Bmp4 gene on the tip of the embryo's penis is somehow related to its presence in the beak of the embryo. In the latter case, he is responsible for restraining the growth of teeth that chickens do not need.

There is another rather convincing version, according to which the restraint of the growth of the penis in embryos is the result of natural selection and hyperactivity of males. Some researchers believe that chickens for a long time in the process of evolution preferred to choose males with a smaller penis. As a result, it turned out that the genitals of their gentlemen completely atrophied.

How roosters fertilize a chicken

Physiologically, the mating process in this bird looks like this:

  • the cockerel begins to chase the lady he liked in the yard;
  • overtaking a chicken, he dances on her back, as they say, tramples on her;
  • while he presses his cloaca to the cloaca of his girlfriend;
  • with short-term contact of this kind, seminal fluid transfusion occurs.

Below you can see how the rooster fertilizes the chicken. The photo demonstrates this clearly. As you can see, despite the fact that the penis is absent in males, outwardly this process in chickens is nothing special.

how a rooster fertilizes a chicken

The reproductive system

So, how the roosters fertilize the chicken, we think you more or less understand. Now let's see how, in fact, the reproductive system of chickens is arranged. The process of fertilization of eggs in this bird is quite natural and ordinary. That is, after the spermatozoa get into the cloaca, they begin to move in search of the egg and, having found it, invade inside.

how a rooster fertilizes a chicken photo

Cesspool, used for mating, simultaneously serves in chickens also for the withdrawal of waste products. The very reproductive system of these birds consists only of internal organs. In chickens, this is a cluster of ovaries located on the left side of the peritoneum, in roosters, a pair of yellowish-white testes with vas deferens that flow into the cloaca.

The ratio of individuals of different sexes in the herd

Perhaps the question of how a rooster impregnates a chicken is important for purely cognitive purposes. However, for the successful breeding of the herd, this knowledge can hardly be too useful. It is much more important to be aware of how many males in the herd should be in a certain number of chickens. Indeed, the quality of the fertilization of eggs, and therefore the percentage of hatchability of chickens, will depend on how correctly the ratio of individuals of different sexes is selected.

Usually the owners start one cockerel for ten chickens. In large poultry farms, a 1 to 20 ratio is often used to obtain an incubation egg . These figures should be guided. Ten individuals are the best answer to the question of how many chickens can fertilize a rooster. The only thing that can affect the required number of males is the characteristics of this particular breed. If the character of its representatives is lively and active - increase the number of hens. When keeping calm rocks, on the contrary, more males are brought up.

how a rooster fertilizes chicken eggs

How to choose a cockerel?

Thus, the ratio in the herd of individuals of different sexes has a rather serious impact on the quality of offspring. However, to a greater extent, the survival and productivity of subsequent generations in the herd depends on the characteristics of the cockerel itself. Of course, you need to choose the right manufacturer. As the rooster fertilizes the eggs of the chicken, we sorted it out. The process is absolutely natural. That is, sperm simply penetrate the egg, as a result of which the latter begins to divide. But, of course, for good fertility they must first of all be active and healthy.

It is believed that a good cockerel can be chosen focusing not only on its exterior (which, of course, must fully comply with the requirements of the breed), but also paying attention to its behavior. Leave in the herd is the bird that:

  • actively suppresses attempts to establish leadership in the herd of any chicken;
  • sings loudly and with all his appearance shows who is in charge.

Of course, you should pay attention to how the rooster fertilizes the chicken. A good individual mates with representatives of its "harem" willingly and confidently.

how many chickens can impregnate a cock

How to make males not fight

So, how the rooster fertilizes the chicken and how many males should be kept in the herd, you now know. A ratio of 1 to 10 usually gives the best results. Thus, if there are a lot of chickens in the herd, there are, of course, a few males. Meanwhile, as you know, because of their activity, these birds love to measure their strength. Moreover, in a fight, they sometimes inflict serious damage on each other. How to avoid such troubles? To do this, you just need:

  • Choose from a brood of not too aggressive individuals.
  • Put a ladder in the middle of the chicken coop. A weak cock during an attack by a strong one will jump on it, thereby avoiding injuries.

So you now know how roosters fertilize a chicken. This process, as you see, is quite natural. Even despite the fact that these birds do not have external genitalia.


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