Miracle ointment for 100 diseases: preparation and reviews

At all times, people dream of finding salvation from the pain and suffering caused by disease. The invention of a wonderful medicine is mankind's innermost desire. Even in our century of medical victories over severe ailments, it remains relevant to appeal to centuries-old folk experience that created and combined unique recipes tested by generations that cure or significantly alleviate various painful conditions.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases
Such folk remedies include a healing ointment, the recipe of which, found in ancient books by our contemporary Elena Seymova, has been tested by her and presented as an effective remedy. This is a miraculous ointment for 100 diseases, reviews of the healing properties of which unanimously confirm its powerful healing effect. This is the subject of this publication.

Meet: miracle ointment for 100 diseases

A unique medicine made from well-known and simple ingredients has become a real sensation and rightly bears such a name. The miracle ointment for 100 diseases, which is also called E. Seymova ointment, is effective in the prevention of many ailments, the medical treatment of which does not always give a positive result. The spectrum of action of this tool is very wide, its effectiveness has been proven by the practice of treating various diseases: arthritis, ENT problems, dermatitis, eczema, burns, gangrene, sinusitis, diseases of the genitourinary system and many others.


The components of the ointment are vegetable oil, natural beeswax and boiled chicken egg yolk. When combined together using uncomplicated technology, they work miracles in the prepared remedy, eliminating chronic and acute painful manifestations.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases photo
Let's consider each of them separately.

Beeswax: properties

The miracle ointment for 100 diseases, the preparation of which is proposed, consists of three parts. Wax is the main ingredient of the product. Its healing qualities have long been used by mankind, and the first mention of it dates back to the third millennium BC. e. Even the priests of Ancient Egypt idolized this product, and in the treatises of famous healers of the past its wonderful healing properties were described many times. And today in our advanced century, mankind often turns to beekeeping products for help, whose medicinal qualities are recognized by official medicine, highlighting a whole area called apitherapy. Wax owes its unique healing properties to almost three hundred of the most diverse unique chemical compounds.

Church candles are not suitable for ointment preparation, natural wax is needed, you can buy it on the market, in specialized api pharmacies, or from a friend beekeeper. Its maximum color indicates the maximum concentration of nutrients in the wax. Saturated sand with a noticeable dark green hue, indicating an increased presence of propolis - this is an indicator that you need to focus on. In addition, wax is needed as part of the ointment as a preservative stabilizer.

Vegetable oil

To ensure good digestibility of the wax compounds, it is necessary to soften and dissolve it.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases prescription
This function in the recipe takes on the oil. An important factor is the presence in it of vital vitamins, acids and tannins. You can use sunflower, corn or olive oil. Different sources give different priorities to refined and unrefined oils. The use of a refined product is motivated as the most neutral to the mucous membranes and skin, as well as the lack of smell and the long shelf life of the finished ointment.

Unrefined first-pressed oil also has its advantages. It contains significantly more useful substances, in addition, phosphatides are present that accelerate the regeneration processes.

Egg yolk

The miracle ointment for 100 diseases, the recipe of which is proposed in the article, contains another ingredient - chicken yolk.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases reviews
This is the most important component responsible for the nutritional component of the ointment, saturated with fats and proteins necessary in the process of cell renewal. There is only one criterion for the choice of yolk - the best option is a fresh home-made egg, the microelement composition of which is noticeably richer than the factory counterpart.

Miracle ointment for 100 diseases: preparation and preparation for it

It is believed that in the recipes of traditional medicine, the approximate volumes of the components do not interfere with the overall degree of effectiveness of the drug. This is an erroneous opinion. The prescription of medicines should be clearly defined, and as for folk healing, the amount of each component has been accurately calculated in centuries-old and generationally tested means. The miracle ointment for 100 diseases is the same. To prepare it you will need:

• 250 ml of vegetable oil;

• 40 g of beeswax;

• half of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.

Taking into account the naturalness of the ingredients, it is necessary to focus on the following aspects: the choice of dishes for cooking and the duration of the process. So, the best options are:

• enameled dishes without chips and enamel cracks, since the interaction of ointment components with metal is extremely undesirable;

• containers made of heat-resistant glass.

No other utensils (even Teflon) should be used in the manufacture of ointments.

miracle ointment from 100 diseases

The second aspect of the right miracle ointment is to constantly monitor the melting process. Overheating, prolonged boiling is fraught with the loss of most of the effectiveness of the final product.

Ointment Manufacturing Technologists

So, prepare the ointment like this:

• oil is poured into a prepared container and begins to heat over low heat;

• when the oil temperature reaches the level of 35-40˚, wax is lowered into the pan;

• as soon as the wax has completely melted, in small parts add the yolk, previously well ground with a blender or fork.

Especially careful should be introduced yolk: it provokes rapid formation of foam. At this time, the pan is removed from the fire. Do not forget and constantly stir. As soon as the mixture acquires an even consistency, it is removed from the stove, not bringing to a boil.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases instructions

Miracle ointment for 100 diseases is ready. It remains to strain it through a sieve of any synthetic material and pour it into small jars with a wide neck. You can store the product in the refrigerator for up to 10 months.

What problems does miracle ointment treat?

The effectiveness of this tool has been proven in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, purulent otitis media and tonsillitis. The ointment is applied to barley in the eyes, boils, abscesses, abscesses, ulcers, including trophic. Complementing the main treatment for many female diseases, the ointment significantly accelerates recovery in the diagnosis of inflammatory processes of the appendages, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, fibromyoma up to a 10-week size. Relieves pain in joint problems, copes with a number of skin diseases, eliminating dry skin, cracks and itching.

How to apply for various diseases?

The scope of this mixture is very extensive, because it is not in vain that it is positioned by a huge number of people, like a miracle ointment for 100 diseases. Instructions for use of the drug are simple, although they are used both externally and internally.

Outdoor application:

• edema, boils, abscesses, wounds, joint pains are treated by applying ointment to the affected area, gently rubbing, wrap with a soft cloth and leave for several hours, preferably at night;

• gangrene and trophic ulcers - severe diseases, wipes applied to the affected areas should be changed every 2 hours;

• purulent sore throats, abscesses in the throat are cured by compresses - applying warm ointment to the neck and warmly wrapping;

• dermatitis, eczema, extensive dry skin will also require intensive application of ointment.

miracle ointment for 100 diseases instructions for use

Ingestion is practiced with:

• diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract: take half a teaspoon of ointment three times a day before meals;

• sinusitis, instilling a heated ointment in the nose twice a day at intervals of one hour;

• purulent otitis, dipping a cotton flagella in an ointment heated in a water bath and inserting them into the ear, at the same time the ointment is applied to the skin behind the ear;

• diseases of the female reproductive system, using tampons, they should be changed every 10 hours, mastitis is treated with compresses that change with a two-hour interval.

Such (and not only these) problems are successfully solved by the miracle ointment from 100 diseases. Photos demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of the product make it possible not only to visually see its effectiveness, but also to force it to adopt this economical folk recipe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10604/

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