Automatic comb Fast Hair Straightener: reviews

You can find it funny that the girls are constantly dissatisfied with something in their appearance: curls need to be straightened and straight hair curled, but one thing is certain - smooth, shiny, neat and healthy strands will decorate any. How to achieve the effect of silk smoothness? Curling irons and irons spoil the hair, and also require well-known handling skills.

But there was a Fast Hair Straightener comb, reviews of which leave the impression of an exceptionally successful innovation in the field of beauty. It was invented several years ago, it was originally used only among professionals, but it quickly became a sensation and "went to the people." An option has been released specifically for home use.

comb fast hair straightener reviews

According to the manufacturer, this comb:

  • Convenient - just a few simple movements.
  • Safe - it does not spoil hair.
  • Economical - it can be bought very inexpensively, and the procedure itself will require only 10 minutes.

All this is especially important for active business women. In 10 minutes, you get styling, like a professional hairdresser, plus a well-groomed look of hair.

And if you read about Fast Hair Straightener reviews? The comb is suitable not only for women with curly or naughty curls. Even if the hair is straight and even, it may not look smooth and shiny enough. This comb will allow you to smooth individual protruding hairs, achieving a silk effect.

Where to buy

Keep in mind that it is very easy to purchase a fake. Official website: You can order a comb here for 2490 rubles. Delivery is carried out by courier or mail.

How does the comb work?

Structurally, the tool is a combination of a massage comb and curling iron. At the same time, it is equipped with an ionization function, which allows you to stabilize the electrical balance on the surface of the hair and avoid electrification, which is the main reason that even straight hair does not lie smoothly.

Features of "Fast Hair Straightener Hot 906"

The comb, reviews of which are presented both in written form and in video reviews, is already familiar to many. She has:

  • White or pink case.
  • Digital LCD panel on the handle of the case, showing the exact degree of heating.
  • Ceramic teeth, specially designed to effectively massage the scalp, as well as apply anti-static with a tonic to the hair.
  • The tips of the teeth are covered with caps made of heat-resistant rubber. It is both a massager and protection of the scalp from exposure to high temperature.
  • Power and temperature selection buttons.
  • Power cord rotating 360 degrees, 2 m long for easy handling.

fast hair straightener reviews comb

The comb heats up in 30 seconds, the exact temperature can always be seen on the handle panel. Extreme teeth are made of dense silicone that protects against burns. The base of the comb is coated with tourmaline. When heated, this material emits negative ions that extinguish the static electricity that occurs when combing hair, especially dry hair. In addition, tourmaline provides an even and stable heating, which makes the device more gentle and at the same time effective.

Recommended temperature

The temperature range that the Fast Hair Straightener comb is able to provide (I testify about this) is sufficient for styling any hair, from thin to the most naughty.

  • Thin dry locks - no more than 190 degrees.
  • Normal hair of medium thickness - from 190 to 210 degrees.
  • For thick and strong hair, it is permissible to bring the temperature to 230 degrees.

Instructions for use

  • Connect the device to the network. The power of the device is 29 W, it works from a network with a normal voltage of 100-240 V.
  • Turn on the device by pressing the button on the side, select the desired temperature, wait until it warms up.
  • Separating the hair into small strands, comb each, conducting from the roots to the ends.
  • You can fix the result with varnish, but in most cases this is not necessary, since the hair will be smooth anyway.

How to stack

The procedure is as follows:

  • Wash, dry, do not comb hair. But about the latter in the reviews is a contradiction. Some write that the hair must be combed, as the tips cling to tangled strands, tear them and tear them apart.
  • Apply thermal spray, dry slightly.
  • Slightly raise the strand, bring a comb under it and very slowly draw it. The curl needs to be launched so that it does not cling to the tips.

thermo comb straightener fast hair straightener reviews

  • Thus process the whole head.
  • Short locks, for example a bang, it is inconvenient to straighten a comb, it is worth being prepared for this. The best option is medium or long hair.

Curly and straight

Why is curly hair impossible to straighten once and for all? It's all in the form of a follicle - that is, the bulb from which the hair grows. The more flat it is, the more curly the strands will be. As you know, hair is not eternal, it has a life cycle: from growth to loss. Accordingly, no external effect on the hair outside the bulb will change it for a long time.

Why is straight hair fashionable?

Why do naughty curls, curls or waves most of their owners want to straighten? Why is such a product as a Fast Hair Straightener comb straightener so popular? Reviews about it are numerous enough to say with confidence: the novelty aroused serious interest.

There are many reasons for this, but it should be understood that this is mostly a matter of personal taste. Modern fashion is devoid of frames and even allows its passionate fans to choose. So why smooth and not curly?

  • As the owners of curly hair themselves say, it is much easier to care for smooth ones. Of these, styling can be done easier and faster, while naturally curly hair, as a rule, is distinguished by increased stubbornness. Curls, skillfully created by a styler, and natural curls - these are, as a rule, “two big differences”.
  • Just not coming. It happens that natural curls just do not go to the shape of the face, make it more complete or, for example, hide beautiful expressive cheekbones.

thermo comb fast hair straightener reviews

  • Curly hair is very fluffy. Many are not against curls, but want them to look well-groomed, and not like a burdock. For especially solemn occasions, the following move is often used: the hair is thoroughly smoothed with the means intended for this and only then curl them in curls.
  • Curly-haired look "collective farm", "too puppet", "for vocational schools." This is perhaps the most important reason. A modern woman looks more sexy, businesslike and active than her grandmother. Softness, femininity and romance are now understood differently than before. Many people find that only with straight, smooth, shiny hair can one look luxurious, glossy and stylish.

What is bad ironing?

A standard curling iron puts a lot of stress on your hair. First, it stretches and lengthens hair, and it, of course, becomes thinner and more fragile. Frequent tension at the roots can cause loss and early baldness. In addition, heating to 200 degrees dries the hair. It becomes susceptible to cross-section and brittleness. Among women, there has long been a need for a more gentle device, which became the Fast Hair Straightener comb. Reviews that the tool caused a section or worsened the quality of the hair are very rare. It acts on the strands sparingly.

What is the benefit of the Fast Hair Straightener thermal comb?

Reviews about the device are generally positive. However, it is worth noting that so many customers insightfully note that the hairbrush was just for their hair. Here, as in general when choosing any means for beauty or health, an individual approach is important. Hair type, needs, lifestyle - all this can make such a purchase as a Fast Hair Straightener comb, the customer reviews of which we will now provide, a good find, or maybe a waste of money.

comb fast hair straightener customer reviews


  • Effective for this type of hair: slightly curly medium length or straight, but thick and very naughty. On such strands, the result can be simply excellent. Buyers talk about the effect of salon styling.
  • Easy and fast. Heats up very quickly, in 10-12 minutes you can put your hair in order. It is convenient to take with you, because a comb is able to replace several items of hair care.
  • Does not spoil hair, does not burn and does not electrify.
  • The ability to individually set the temperature. This comb allows you to choose the optimal temperature so as not to burn the ends and at the same time see the effect. Many say that too low temperatures do not suit them - no result is visible.
  • A comb can replace sprays and balms for easy combing. Even if the hair is straight, they can be so naughty that combing them without auxiliary means is flour. Some customers who bought a comb just to quickly and easily comb long and stubborn hair were delighted.
  • Seals split ends. Of course, there really is no need to talk about sealing, but many customers noted that there were much less split ends. Perhaps this is due to the rejection of more aggressive styling products, or maybe well-laid straight hair is less prone to mechanical trauma.
  • Saves volume. The fact is that the iron straightens the hair and at the same time flatten it. And this comb leaves a natural volume at the roots, so the hair lies well.

What didn’t you like?

There are also negative reviews about the electric comb Fast Hair Straightener. It is repeatedly mentioned that the device tears off hair. He is not even called a straightener, but a “tear-off”.

Another minus, according to reviews - styling long hair takes too much time. However, this can hardly be called an unambiguous minus, because these customers are quite satisfied, because this is a gentle alternative to the usual ironing. In addition, styling very long and naughty hair cannot be quick.

It is clear that if you analyze the reviews on Fast Hair Straightener, the comb-iron is really an extremely gentle device. Only 10% of all reviews mention that the device spoils the hair, they become split, weak, brittle, require long-term treatment.

auto comb straightener fast hair straightener reviews

There are a lot of reviews that when heated, the comb emits an unpleasant odor, heavy, uncomfortable, quickly loses sight, the teeth fall off, smooths out poorly, the effect lasts very briefly. In fairness, it should be noted that completely devastating reviews were written mainly by those who took the device on Aliexpress.

The device remains hair, which, of course, needs to be removed. And this is not as easy as with any comb of a similar shape. There are also comments that the hair, despite promises, is slightly electrified.

Natural curls are different, as well as the structure of the hair. For some girls, the Fast Hair Straightener HQT 906 comb, reviews of which are generally full of enthusiasm, did not fit, because there was simply no effect. Even with one curl, the device could not cope and could not straighten it. If you have very stubborn, naughty, cool curls and a strong, dense hair structure, it is possible that the Fast Hair Straightener automatic comb-straightener (it makes sense to take into account reviews of its uselessness) will be a waste of money. Also, this device is not recommended for those whose hair curls directly from the roots - in this area it is very difficult to get close to them.

How long does the effect last?

According to customer reviews, the result will delight the owner of naughty curls throughout the day. If the curls were not straightened with an iron, but with a device such as the Fast Hair Straightener thermo-comb-straightener (reviews, of course, confirm this), then in the evening they will curl back. This is a very satisfactory result, given that it does not need to use additional funds. If it is necessary to prolong the effect, nothing prevents the use of styling products with the comb.

How to distinguish a fake

Not always pleasing customers with a comb Fast Hair Straightener. Reviews clearly indicate that buying a fake is easier than easy. So, what is the difference between a fake and the original:

  • Packaging. The original comb is packed in high-quality bumpy material, laid neatly, and the cord is fastened.
  • The buttons on the side of the original comb are matte, on the fake - from shiny plastic.
  • The tips of the teeth are the most important difference. The fake has ceramic tips that are dull, which means they are made of poor materials. In addition, you can immediately notice that they are precarious. At the original, the tips are fixed from the inside, so that no signs of attachment are visible. Glue spots are noticeable on the fake, the balls do not hold well, usually peel off after a month or even after a week of use.
    comb fast hair straightener hqt 906 reviews
  • The wire from the original looks better, it easily rotates 360 degrees. To turn the fake cord, you need to make some effort.
  • There are gaps and irregularities on the plastic of the fake case. True, they can be seen only by carefully examining the subject.


So, what is important to keep in mind when planning a purchase like a Fast Hair Straightener? We analyzed the reviews, and we can draw the following conclusions from them:

  • It is important not to buy a fake. This is the key point on which it depends on whether the comb is the most useful irreplaceable thing or a waste of money.
  • Not suitable for all hair and hairstyles.
  • If approached, it will be more convenient and easier to use than ironing.
  • Stable and evenly warms up.
  • There is a lower temperature than ironing.
  • Significant saving of time in comparison with other methods of hair straightening - up to a result of a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Heats up quickly - in just 30 seconds you can start laying.
  • It fixes hair, eliminating static electricity, and avoids delamination, that is, it prevents the ends from being cut.
  • Convenient to take with you on trips.


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