What is text style? Sample Texts

The style of speech, text can be conversational, journalistic, scientific. Each of them has its own characteristics and features. What is a text style and how to distinguish one speech system from another?

what is text style


In order to answer the question of what is the style of the text, it is worth recalling any phrase from a poetic work in which we are talking about natural phenomena. And then try to “translate” the content of the poetic passage into the language used by television broadcasters to broadcast weather forecasts. The poet will say: "It is pouring warm summer rain." Announcer: "Today there is rainfall." In meaning, these phrases are identical. The language tools that are used in them are completely different. So what is text style ?

There are several speech systems. Each of them is used in one or another sphere. This is the style of speech, text.

text speech style


There are disagreements regarding the classification among linguists. The answer to the question of what is the style of the text, all have one. This system, which is characterized by certain language means. All text styles, examples of which are given below, can be divided into two types:

  1. Book.
  2. Colloquial.

The book, in turn, is divided into scientific, official business, journalistic and religious preaching. Some linguists will also highlight the artistic style, that is, the one used by writers and poets. However, this opinion can be argued. Authors of fiction take full advantage of the language. They are not limited to the means that are inherent in a particular speech system.

Speech styles differ in pronunciation of words, lexical and phraseological composition, morphological tools and syntactic constructions.

speech styles text examples

Spoken style

This speech system performs the function of verbal communication. Its features are ease, informality, expressiveness. Similar characteristics do not have other speech styles. Examples of colloquial texts are found in fiction. The writer, seeking to reflect life most realistically, includes dialogue in the narrative.

A feature of the conversational style is also the presence of reduced speed. A person purchasing a ticket at the box office will say the phrase: "One to Petrovsko-Razumovskaya." He will not express his desire in a booklike way. In a journalistic style, such a phrase would look like this: "I want to buy one train ticket heading to the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station."

In the colloquial style, the sound side of speech also plays an important role. Namely - intonation. It is she who gives the speech the impression of conversationality. The vocabulary of this style includes two types of words:

  1. Common
  2. Conversational.

Colloquial words, professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon are also found. The spoken language system is rich in phraseological units, which, for example, is rarely found in journalistic texts.

text styles examples

Book style

A characteristic feature of this speech system is the observance of literary norms. The lexical feature of the book style is style unity. Appeal to colloquial words in a journalistic or scientific text is unacceptable.

How are other book speech styles different from scientific? We give examples of texts using the contents of the first stanza of Yesenin’s famous poem, “I am tired of living in my native land”.

  1. The hero of the work expressed a desire to leave the locality in which he was born (scientific style).
  2. The hero of the work is tired. He no longer intends to live in his native land (journalistic style).
  3. The hero of a poetic work reached adulthood and became able-bodied. Accordingly, it has the ability to change the place of residence (official-business style).

Features journalistic style - generalization and abstractness. There is no expressivity in such texts. Extremely impartial statement of facts.

Journalistic texts can perform two functions: information and influencing. The journalist does not indifferently take place events. He is an active participant.

And, finally, the official-business style, serving the legal relations between citizens and the state, is characterized by isolation, stability and an abundance of standard, sometimes dissonant phrases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10608/

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