What does it mean to dissemble, or lessons from our lives

Sometimes it’s enough to open an explanatory dictionary to read and learn the meaning of a word. But, as often happens, we sometimes do not need a book, but an experience of our own life, which presents lessons in various cities. For example, do you know what it means to “dissemble”? This will be the topic of today's publication.

synonym for cunning

Meaning of the word and its synonyms

The word "cunning" comes from the adjective "cunning", which, in turn, has Old Slavonic roots.

In those distant days, they spoke of the meandering course of the river, which entailed danger and inconvenience. Based on the foregoing, the meaning of the word "dissemble" takes on a second semantic meaning. Sly - means cunning, treacherous, dangerous. So, the synonym for the word "to dissemble" is the verb to trick, deceive, underestimate.

Both dignity and disadvantage

Straightforward actions are not always appropriate. At the same time, people with the help of cunning introduce their enemies, and possibly victims, into error in the most sophisticated ways. And achieve their goals.

Following from the above, it is possible to build a logical chain: to cunning, to cunning, to deceive, to betray. But you can build another logical chain: to cunning, to cunning, means, purpose, success. In this case, you should understand what it means to dissemble. In other words, we can say that, based on life experience, knowledge and skills, achieve our goals. This is acquired cunning. The first version of the chain can also be attributed to acquired cunning, only in this case people will suffer.

What does it mean to cunning or, say, awkwardly lying, as children do, trying to get a toy or sweets from their parents? This is an innate deceit; it is most likely instinctive and impulsive. In this case, malice is not prosecuted.

We give a simple and understandable example from our lives. A wife is cunning to make her husband do something useful for the family. Yes, she is cunning, but her purpose is noble. And if sometimes a person does this, then you should know that this does not mean that he is bad.

dissemble what it means

How to understand that this person is disingenuous?

What does it mean to dissemble? To cunning or not to say something? How can one know that a person is cunning and deceiving you? There are several signs of behavior that should alert you. These are compressed lips during a conversation, this is a violent manifestation of a dispute, this is touching the neck, eyes, turning the body to the side, lowering the thumbs of the rivers, while the liar bends the thumbs inside the palm of the hand. Knowing the personal qualities of loved ones, we can easily determine whether they are cunning or not. But if you have a stranger in front of you, it will be difficult to notice a change in his behavior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10615/

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