How to cook aspic with gelatin? Some simple tips

Kholodets is one of the best traditions of Russian cuisine. This delicious and fragrant appetizer attracts the attention of welcoming hostesses who like to have a good dinner and come to guests with something delicious. Recipes for cooking jellied meat (or rather, subtleties and secrets) exist in many families: how, what, and in what sequence to add to make a tasty dish. Not an exception - the recipe: how to cook jellied meat with gelatin so that it hardens better. We will try and we will take advantage!

how to cook aspic with gelatin

Apply or not

This question torments many hostesses. How to cook aspic - with or without gelatin - has been debated for decades. But, agree, and if your dish does not freeze to the desired jelly consistency? You will get ordinary meat soup instead of a delicious product. Of course, the classic aspic is supposed to be cooked without gelatin. This is known to all. But experienced housewives add it to the dish “just in case”, because it is probably impossible to predict - almost every time the jelly picks up differently.

how to cook jellied chicken with gelatin


Still, how to cook aspic: with or without gelatin? To begin with, this product is quite useful for the human body. It increases the volume of connective tissue, promotes their growth. Especially the product is good for strengthening the joints (recommended primarily for children and athletes, as well as the elderly). By the way, collagen gelatin is also useful for good growth of hair, nails, bones in the body. And also - gelatin contains aspartic acid, which contributes to the rapid recovery from injuries, diseases. Moreover, this product is completely natural and is made from animal components. So, in fact, there is nothing “military” in the gelatin supplement, you can not fear for your health and safely apply!

How to Cook Jellied Chicken with Gelatin

Typically, aspic (aspic, jelly) is prepared from pork and beef. But do not forget that this dish is excellently obtained from chicken, duck, goose. You just need to add a little gelatin for better solidification. How to cook aspic with gelatin?

Ingredients: chicken, and preferably a rooster, homemade - one thing, two medium-sized onions, black pepper (10 peas), a small spoonful of animal gelatin, three eggs, a pair of garlic heads, a bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking process

Before boiling jellied chicken with gelatin, it is necessary to prepare the chicken: pinch, gut, rinse, cut into small pieces. Then take a larger pan. We put chicken meat there, pour water. We put the dishes on a large fire and bring the water to a boil. We pass to medium and small fire. With a slotted spoon, you need to remove the resulting foam. Add peeled onions and peppercorns to the pan. Cooking is necessary long enough: three or four hours. In the meantime, prepare the rest. Soak gelatin in half a glass of warm water and set aside for swelling for about two hours. Hard boiled eggs. Separate the garlic with cloves and peel. Some housewives prefer to crush or chop this ingredient finely. My parsley and parsed into branches.

how to cook aspic with gelatin

When the chicken has already cooked, remove it from the broth with a slotted spoon and cool it. Remove the bow and discard. The broth itself needs to be filtered through a gauze pad. Enter dissolved gelatin. If the broth is cold, heat it (but not bring to a boil) and mix thoroughly. Separate the chicken meat from the bones with a fork. We chop it together with the skin into small pieces. In deep plates or molds, we spread evenly the meat. Sprinkle garlic on top. We cut the eggs figuratively (it is possible in the form of a crown, for example). Decorate the meat on top. Here we put a sprig of parsley. You should get some plates. Then fill it all with broth with gelatin, as carefully as possible so as not to damage the structure. Let it cool and place in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for further solidification of the dish. This usually happens in a few hours. Now you know how to cook aspic with gelatin from chicken. A frozen dish is usually consumed cold. Horseradish and mustard are traditionally used as seasoning. Some housewives prefer to pour vinegar or lemon juice on top, decorating in addition with lemon slices.

how to cook aspic from pork legs and chicken with gelatin

How to cook aspic from pork legs and chicken with gelatin

The cooking process is almost the same as the previous recipe. However, there are some nuances. Pork legs are boiled longer to get a brew. Some housewives generally prefer to cook them separately, then filter the broth, and “disassemble” the legs. And the chicken is introduced after and additionally boiled. Gelatin is added at the last stage of preparation, dissolved in warm water. The dish is seasoned with garlic. Garnished with egg and greens. Bon appetit to all!


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