Hard temper. Psychology. Personality test

Are tough and strong character two sides of the same coin? Can the manifestation of cruelty and cruelty in general be considered strengths of the personality, what does psychology say about this? What affects character formation is described in this article.

What is character in terms of psychology?

Before considering what is tough in nature, consider the definition as a whole. In general, this definition is abstract and can be viewed from several perspectives:

  • On the one hand, this is the totality of all the features of the human person, what constitutes his image characterizes.
  • On the other hand, character is often understood as the ability to defend one’s own opinion, inner core, will, purposefulness. It is precisely the absence of these traits that we say: "You are a spineless person," thus implying an internal weakness.

A rigid type of character is formed under the influence of various circumstances. Consider these features separately for women and men.

Male character

The tough character of a man speaks of his authoritarianism, integrity, "conservation", inability to adapt to changing circumstances. Such a representative of the stronger sex does not make concessions, he hears only his own opinion in everything, does not trust anyone, relies only on his own strength, it is impossible to convince him. Sometimes his tough character manifests itself much more for others: he requires unconditional submission to himself. A vivid example of such a person is Alex's father from the movie "Major Payne". The demonstration of power in this case is expressed through assault. Unpleasant, of course, but bright.

Girls with a strong character

A tough character type in girls can form for various reasons, from psychological trauma received in childhood to unhappy love. As a rule, such a girl is uncomfortable with the thought of marriage, children and typically female household chores. There are several reasons for this behavior from the point of view of psychologists:

  • The desire to challenge, protest against generally accepted rules (for example, that every woman should find happiness in motherhood, be able to lead a house and receive unearthly pleasure from it).
  • Thirst for power.
  • Attempts to attract attention.
  • A way to emphasize your femininity.
  • A way to get a compliment.

Consider each item:

  1. About the protest has already been said above, but still specify. A strong girl wants to show that she is independent of a man, because the concepts of "independence" and "strength" have recently been equivalent. This impulse often conceals a partner’s unwillingness to enter into a serious relationship with a girl or marry.
  2. Power - the desire to be the main thing in a relationship, to decide everything for two. But here is the problem - the desire to do everything as you like does not get along with the thought of responsibility for decisions made.
  3. Attraction of attention - the tough character of a girl can be a kind of motivator for action, which for the time being works for a while, attracting men, forcing them to grow until they turn into arrogance. Such women begin to think something like this: "I'm too high for you."
  4. How can strength emphasize weakness? A girl with a strong character can show a man that, despite all her strength, she needs support and support, and she will receive it.
  5. A way to get a compliment - a strong woman believed that she was so, because she was told so. But in reality, a strong personality is always strong, regardless of whether someone sees it or not. Flaunting is a sign of weakness.
    hard character type

Why do men choose strong women

Self-sufficient girls are quite another matter, and this is their strength. They do not need the man to constantly be on the skirt, they will not control the correspondence on social networks and spoil the men's evening with endless calls. The lack of control makes them attractive, as well as several other reasons:

  1. They are not afraid to speak out and always say what they really think.
  2. They are able to independently solve problems and do not run away from difficulties.
  3. They are self-confident and can defend their own opinions.
  4. They know about their abilities and always strive for more, never stopping there.
  5. They know how to listen to the interlocutor, to find compromises. This quality helps a lot in the business sphere.
  6. A strong girl is not a boring housewife with borscht. She is cheerful, active, always on the move. And it’s always interesting with her.
  7. A strong girl will emerge with dignity from any situation.

Cruelty and strength

A tough character does not mean a strong character. As a rule, in stiffness a person drowns his weaknesses. A strong person has a will, a desire to reach the ultimate goal. At the same time, he does not cause unnecessary cruelty, because he knows what pain is. A strong person can forgive, recognizing that everyone has the right to make a mistake. She is able to look her fear in the eyes and overcome it, look back and correct the mistake. A tough person lives in captivity of his resentment, childhood fears and complexes, for him strength is the only way to show his abilities. The strength of a man is in the ability to take responsibility for his life and the life of his family, keep his word, and help. Physical and moral rudeness have nothing to do with power.

Personality test

This personality test will show how hard a person is and his main features:

hard temper

Look carefully at the picture: what do you pay attention to first? Do not think too long, the first reaction will be the most accurate. The selected animal or image will show character traits.

a lion

show of strength

If you initially noticed a lion, it means that you can overcome difficulties on the way to the goal and solve problems. You are not afraid to defend your own opinion and what is important to you. Sometimes the environment says that you have a hard character, but in fact it is not, you just have inner courage. Do not worry, you know how to love and will do anything for the sake of loved ones, and the opinions of others should not worry you.

Girl's face

girl’s hard nature

The personality test says that if you saw a woman’s face first of all, it means that emotions are boiling inside you. And considerable. A tough character is not about you, you always think about other people, showing a good attitude. But frequent care of others makes it difficult to live our own lives.


What affects character formation

This is not to say that you have a tough character; rather, you are very demanding of yourself and others. You strive to learn something new and go to achieve your own success. Mind and discretion are combined with decisiveness in you, life’s troubles do not scare you, but for those around you remain a mystery.


personality test

If you notice a butterfly, then you have your own way and look at things, you do not succumb to other people's influence. You are an adherent of strict moral principles with a developed sense of justice. This is your personality.

Strength of character lies in the ability of a person to bear responsibility for his life and not to shift it to others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10629/

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