Proper breathing while running

When playing sports, you need to control not only your body, but also your breathing, because a lot depends on it. Proper breathing while running has a beneficial effect on the body, significantly reducing the load on the cardiovascular system and increasing the supply of oxygen to all organs. As a result of such correct operation of all body systems, the effect of the training process is markedly increased. Improper breathing reduces the training time and makes the body work to the limit, taking away the person’s last strength.

Of course, everyone’s breathing is individual, so proper breathing while running is a rather conventional concept. But still, the basic principles must be observed for the most full use of the capabilities of your body.

Breathing while warming up

You can’t start running without warming up because you can easily get injured by loading unheated muscles and tendons. Before jogging, be sure to perform special exercises on flexibility. Warm up usually begins with tilts to the sides and back and forth, circular rotations with arms, feet, followed by squats, pelvic rotations, lunges and swing legs. Proper breathing here consists in exhaling to compress the chest, and inhale when it opens.

In almost all flexibility exercises, a breath is taken when the body is straightened and when it leans forward a little. Exhale - at the end of the exercise.

In strength exercises, exhalation is done on an effort. For example, when pushing up, you take a breath when your arms are bent and go down, and a breath in the most difficult moment - when you lift the body on your hands up. The most important thing here is not to hold your breath, otherwise dizziness and even loss of consciousness due to oxygen starvation of the brain are possible.

Proper breathing while running

It is very important to constantly monitor the correctness and depth of your breathing while running, because the need for body tissues in oxygen increases several tens of times. The correct breathing technique when running is the key to successful training and well-being. Irregular or too frequent breathing will only interfere with the control of your body and adversely affect the coordination of movements, while not covering the body's need for sufficient oxygen supply.

During jogging, you should try to breathe evenly and measuredly, emphasizing exhalation. With a slow run, inhalation-exhalation is done every three to four steps. If you can’t breathe like that, then you can reduce the number of steps to two or three. You will quickly be able to learn to keep the right rhythm if you listen to yourself.

Running fast, it is impossible to control your breath, no matter how hard you try. The body at this time needs a huge amount of oxygen, which is why breathing automatically becomes much faster in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen needed by the organs.

So we sorted out the concept of "proper breathing while running." When practicing any sport, you need to remember that you need to breathe through your nose, especially if the training is on the street. With nasal breathing, the air is well cleared of microparticles, dust, and also heats up. If breathing while running comes through the mouth, then all the harmful substances go directly to the bronchi and settle on the tonsils, the airways are supercooled, and this increases the risk of colds and infectious diseases.

In addition to special breathing and its techniques, there are also various exercises for developing the diaphragm and effectively controlling your own breathing. A variety of respiratory systems developed in our time, allow you to maximize the use of all the capabilities of the body. Be sure to pay attention to breathing during training and try to control it.


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