Good to know: how to treat ingrown toenails at home

Following fashion trends, there is no time to think about what effect narrow tight shoes or synthetic fabrics have on the state of health. Often this leads to the appearance of fungal infections or pathologies of the nail plates. An ingrown nail, which not only looks unaesthetic, but also causes serious discomfort, also belongs to such troubles. Therefore, the question of how to treat an ingrown nail at home, always remains relevant. Moreover, there are several ways to fix the problem without surgery.

how to treat ingrown toenails at home

Ingrown nail: folk remedies for its treatment

The causes of the pathology of the nail plate are most often fungal infections that destroy it. In this case, a change in the direction of its growth occurs. In such cases, it will certainly be necessary to treat the fungus after removing the ingrown part of the nail. Wearing narrow and tight shoes, heredity and unprofessional pedicure also lead to deformation of the nail plate and a change in the direction of its growth. But no matter what situations this phenomenon entails, one must begin to act as early as possible. So, how to treat an ingrown nail at home?

ingrown nail folk remedies

Treatment is carried out depending on the stage of the disease. At first, an ingrown nail does not cause much discomfort. However, an abscess and purulent lesion of soft tissues located around the problem area can form very quickly. Therefore, proceed to the procedures immediately, since advanced forms require serious and long-term treatment with antibiotics. There is a simple but effective remedy for ingrown toenails.

To begin with, the legs must be steamed in the bath. For five liters of hot water, put salt, iodine and soda in the proportions 4: 1: 2 tablespoons, respectively. Keep in the foot solution until the water cools completely. The use of such a composition for the bath will not only soften the nail and tissues, but also disinfect the wound, moreover, after the bath the pain will subside somewhat.

Next, we need glycerin oil (you can replace the butter). The softened nail should be carefully lifted in the place where it has grown and put a small cotton flagellum under it, richly soaked in oil. On top of the nail plate also make an application of oil, wrap it all with cellophane and leave it overnight. The procedure should be carried out until the complete restoration of the nail plate. Remember this simple recipe, and then you will know how to treat an ingrown nail at home.

ingrown nail remedy
You can go the other way to fix the problem. After the bath, gently grind the nail parallel to the border of ingrowth until it opens with a book. Apply applications with oil daily until the ingrown part of the nail comes out of the soft tissues itself.

In order that you no longer have a question, how to treat an ingrown nail at home, carry out preventive measures. This is a timely treatment of various infections of the foot and nails, compliance with hygiene rules, wearing comfortable shoes and hosiery from natural fabrics. Do pedicures only with specialists!


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