Who is this prankster? Meaning of the word, synonyms, associations

Who is this prankster. In this article we learn about which words are adjacent to this masculine noun, in what areas it is used, with what is associated, what synonyms does it have. Consider also the words that rhyme with him. Briefly tell about the films in the names of which this wonderful word is present.

What do synonyms mean?

One who is naughty is called the word "prankster." This noun is similar in meaning to the words "bully," "tomboy." Its synonyms are also the following nouns:

  • minx;
  • mischievous person;
  • imp;
  • pampering;
  • entertainer;
  • the jester;
  • wit.

The noun "quiet" is the antonym of the word. "Prankster" is used in general vocabulary and in slang. It is also used in folklore, colloquial expressions, jokes.

Adjectives and Verbs

Now we learn about adjectives that are "friends" with a noun. These include the following words:

  • prankster;
  • old;
  • unbearable;
  • pensive;
  • desperate;
  • playful;
  • lustful;
  • nice;
  • cheerful;
  • nimble;
  • sort of;
  • poor;
  • nasty;
  • disgusting and others.
prankster character Tom Sawyer

A prankster can: manage, disappear, be recognized, whisk, daydream, flaunt, slip away, take a fancy, stay, jump, move, scream, raise, compensate. Also with this noun are such popular verbs as stocking up, meeting, stealing, laying down, serving, slamming, pushing, chopping off, spurting, etc.


The words "prankster" definition we already know. Now we learn about the associations to this word. The noun "prankster" is associated with Ivan, laughter, comedy, youth, screeching, etc.

Words from words, rhymes

From the letters of the word "prankster" you can make the following nouns:

  • rock;
  • Nora;
  • crown;
  • icon
  • gunner;
  • prose writer;
  • basket;
  • order;
  • sign;
  • pion;
  • rose flower;
  • casinos and others

The noun we are studying rhymes with words such as a classmate, participle, tease, holiday, eyecup, basin, etc.


Prankster from a psychiatric hospital

In 1988, the picture "Prankster from a psychiatric hospital" was released on large screens. In this comedy film, the main role was played by the famous comedian and actor Dan Ackroyd. In "Prankster from a psychiatric hospital," events unfold around computer genius and con artist John Burns, who once ended up in a prison psychiatric hospital.

movie prankster max

In 2007, the director James Prank "Prankster Max" was released. At the center of this story are two brothers Adam and Max, who are similar to each other only in appearance. Adam is a patient and hardworking person. Max is one of those who always gets into trouble and creates problems for all his loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10632/

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