Tomato Snow Tale: cultivation, reviews, photos

Before the summer season begins, gardeners think about choosing tomato varieties for planting on their site. A short summer requires you to choose precocious varieties that will have time to ripen in the Russian climate. One of these is the Snow fairy tale tomato, which can be grown in the northern and central regions of Russia.


The bush of this plant belongs to the standard type, that is, it has a small size, elegant appearance with a short straight trunk, lushly decorated with green shoots and fruits. This form of the plant does not need to be tied, does not require pinching. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm.

The fruits cover the bush abundantly. The shape of the tomatoes is smooth, round, resembles Christmas balls. The consistency of the fruit is dense, their color is bright red. Tomato Snow Fairytale brings consistently high yields.

Tomato Snow Tale

Seedling preparation

Tomatoes are grown in open ground, so first you need to prepare seedlings. Seeds can be purchased at the store or harvested from ripened fruits. It is important to select seeds from tomatoes that are not damaged by disease. Then the seeds are dried for two days in a non-hot place. After this, a saline solution is prepared from one teaspoon of salt and a glass of water, where the seeds are placed for 10 minutes. Only those that have not surfaced are selected. All other seeds are dry, not suitable for seedlings.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for literally 10 minutes. To soften the skin, the seeds are kept in water with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. To speed up the germination process, experts recommend leaving the seeds in wet gauze for five days. To temper the material, it is placed in the refrigerator at night.

Tomatoes Snow fairy tale photo

Tomato Snow Fairytale, like other varieties, prefers peat soil, where you can add sawdust. Grow seedlings in different containers:

  • in special boxes;
  • in trays for seedlings;
  • in small pots;
  • in peat tablets;
  • in plastic cups.

In shallow containers, seedlings can be grown only before the picking process. Deep containers have a drawback - in them the roots of tomatoes can be mixed up. The best option would be trays for seedlings with partitions. Plastic cups and pressed peat washers are also suitable.

Seeds of tomato Snowy Tale planted in mid-March. The tray is covered with a transparent film, which is removed after emergence. Ten days later, tomatoes can be dived, that is, to plant bushes in separate containers. Usually the impetus for a dive is the appearance of the first leaf, after which the next day you can plant. Immediately after a dive, the seedlings are hidden from the sun for several days, then returned to their original place.

Tomato Snow fairy tale, the photo of which is presented in the article, is tempered on the balcony at a temperature of + 15 ° . This period takes 14 days. It is important to ensure that the temperature is not lower than + 8 ° C. The soil must be moist. Direct rays of the sun are dangerous for greenery.

Tomato Snow Tale reviews


By the time of planting seedlings on the bed, its age should be 60-65 days. It is planted in mid-May in open ground under a film, with the onset of summer, the coating is removed.

Caring for tomatoes involves:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing.

Watering should be done regularly - once a week, with warm water.

Fertilizers are applied two weeks after planting, then in the period of ovaries. For top dressing, choose liquid complex fertilizers. For tomatoes, superphosphate, nitrate and organic are suitable.


Tomato Snow fairy tale collected reviews about himself mostly positive. Gardeners highlight the attractive appearance of this variety and a high level of yield. 30 fruits ripen on one bush, the weight of tomatoes can reach 200 grams. These are very good indicators, which cannot but please gardeners.


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