How to protect yourself from dogs on the street (or from a pack of dogs): practical recommendations

The urban environment, in addition to comfort, can be fraught with danger. One of them is four-legged friends. This means that both an adult and a child should know how to protect themselves from dogs on the street.

how to protect yourself from dogs on the street

Take note

Statistics provide the following data: every year, more than one hundred attacks of these animals on people are recorded. It is worth noting here that often the victim himself provokes them. However, how aggressive each dog is depends not only on its breed, but also on the training and education of the dog, as well as on the behavior of its owner.

Stray dogs are the most dangerous, especially when you consider that there are plenty of habitats in any city. These are construction sites, areas of the private sector, territories adjacent to supermarkets. Couriers, postmen, janitors and, worst of all, small children are usually attacked. Any passing person may also not be greeted by a meeting with these animals. By the way, the most aggressive breed is the dachshund (as the researchers found out). Every fifth dog of this breed at least once bit its owner. Every twelfth animal attacked him.

how to protect yourself from a dog attack on the street

Dog Attack Instructions

How can you protect yourself from dogs on the street and not provoke their attack? You can not make sudden movements, raise your arms above your head. Avoid turning your back on the animal (your fear may be transmitted to it). Drop the attempt to “hypnotize” the animal with a look: such behavior by animals can be perceived as a signal that you are going to attack it. By the way, a barking dog is not always dangerous. Most likely, they just want to scare you. You can let the dog come close to you and give you the opportunity to sniff yourself. Loudly and decisively pronounced commands can stop her: “Stand”, “Fu”, “Sit” and the like. And if that doesn't work? How to protect yourself from dogs on the street? Keep in mind that stray dogs are very likely to moderate their ardor and fighting spirit and stop if they see that their victim intends to raise a stick or stone.

how to protect yourself from a pack of dogs on the street

A serious danger is the silently attacking animal. In this situation, you have to navigate very quickly. You need to look around in search of a place where you could take refuge in a short time. When you see the driveway or the shop door, any hill (even a children's slide), a small pond, immediately go to them. There is no time to think.

Running Man - Potential Prey

Unfortunately, the opportunity to hide is not always. Therefore, looking for a way to easily protect yourself from dogs on the street, regular sand should always be kept in mind. Throwing a handful of it in the eyes of an animal, you can count on a few moments of respite. During this time, you will have time to call someone to the rescue. Drop the idea of ​​fleeing the animal. Any dog ​​costs nothing to overtake the average person. In anyone who runs, she sees potential prey. Exceptions are those cases when there is one hundred percent opportunity to avoid meeting a dog. For example, climb a tree, stairs, find yourself waist-deep in water. Do not hesitate here - run!

Salvation in water

These animals are defenseless in water. After all, you will have the opportunity to stand on the ground, and the dog will have to swim. Dodging it at least once, grabbing the wool and leaning on top, you can dive together or just bend down. The main thing is that the dog face is in the water. Therefore, it is not so difficult to get rid of a dog rushing after you into the water.

How to protect yourself from dogs on the street, if the worst thing - the attack - did happen? The main thing is a rebuff. Her nose, ribs and head are the places where blows give a good result. Knowing the vulnerabilities of your opponent, you can quickly neutralize him. Important! Dogs of fighting breeds do not react to this, since they are almost insensitive to pain.

how easy it is to protect yourself from dogs on the street

If you have the courage and strength, you can grab the animal by the jaw and pull them in opposite directions. Stone, stick - any of these improvised items can be used to defend oneself. If you are not sure that you will be able to actively defend yourself, it is better to raise your hands so that your throat and face are covered, and call for help as loudly as possible.

How to protect yourself from a dog on the street or from a pack of dogs? Any item available can be used to distract the animal. For example, a bag, bag, umbrella. Outerwear removed and thrown on a forward arm will also allow the animal to be distracted. Better tissue would suffer from his teeth. It is dangerous when a pack of dogs attacks. If she was suddenly interested in a package with an edible (this often happens in cities in the winter), it is better to leave the animal to wear. Health is more important.

Stray animals are another threat

Stray dogs can be found on the road. How to protect yourself from dog attacks in this case? Seeing a flock spread out on your way, it is better to go to the other side in advance. If animals are quietly in one place, then they are not going to hunt. If events unfold not in the best way, and there is no possibility to miss each other, you can choose one of two options. The first is a demonstration of complete indifference to them. Just need to be prepared for the fact that animals will attack unmotivated.

how to protect yourself from dogs on the street

Perhaps this is the only situation where it makes sense for the first to begin active actions. As you approach the pack, scream out loud at the dogs. So that your scream is like a growl. Dogs respond to human intonation. And they will perceive your threats ("growl") as readiness for battle. Most likely, the cry of confrontation will be limited. And if not? How to protect yourself from a pack of dogs on the street?

Using Handy Items

We mentioned some of them above. You can also protect yourself by using a piece of asphalt, foliage, dust, dirt. These items should not be scattered. Especially if in the hands was just one of them. It is better to clamp a stone in a fist. In this case, the blow received by the dog will turn out to be more painful compared to the punch. The stick can be used to damage the animal's spine. Eyes, jaws, genitals - sticks can also be hit on these parts of the animal’s body. From an armful of leaves stuck in the mouth or muzzle, the harm to the animal will be small. The respite you receive will give you extra time to take a more stable posture and take a favorable position. Dust, dirt can be floated to clog the respiratory system of the animal and its eyes. While it is shrinking, you will have time to navigate with respect to further actions. Important: the use of improvised items is justified only if it is done point blank.

how to protect yourself from a dog on the street or from a pack of dogs

If you have an umbrella in your hands, it’s best not to equate it with a baton. Try to use it as a shield, opening and closing. It is difficult for a dog to understand the essence of objects and things. Any animal will be frightened upon stumbling upon an unexpectedly opened umbrella dome.

Muzzle, nose - pain points. If you hit them with a bag, the dog will begin to try to cling to it. Do not resist and give her such an opportunity. As soon as she grabs this item, start pulling it strongly toward you. The animal will retain its prey. Then you can take the bag to the side, divert the attention of the dog and kick it with his foot.

Wrong behavior

You are faced with a dangerous situation, and the answer to the question of how to protect yourself from a dog attack on the street is vital to you. Remember: fear and passive defense will be the most wrong. If you fall, cover your head with your hands, etc., you will get more injuries and damage than with active defense.

stray dogs how to protect yourself from dog attacks

Helpful information

We find out further how to protect ourselves from dogs on the street. If there is a pepper spray, then it is better to always have it with you. He scares away animals. Gas is sprayed into the dog's face, taking into account the direction of the wind. You can stock up on an ultrasonic repeller.

No matter how the situation in which you find yourself, your moral readiness for fighting with animals is important.


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