How to enable updates on Windows 7, or all about updates

Today we are going to learn how to enable updates on Windows 7. To be honest, this process is extremely important for the modern user. It can both protect you from computer problems, and, conversely, bring a lot of trouble. For this reason, many try not to set themselves automatic search and installation of updates. But sometimes you have to abandon this action. Let's try to figure out how to enable updates on Windows 7, and also try to configure this item.

how to enable updates on windows 7


To begin with, we find out the most common layout for everyone. The thing is that when you reinstall the operating system, at the very end of the process you will be shown a window with the settings. And in it you can set the installation parameters for new applications, as well as search for updates. Under the label "recommended" is the automatic scanning item. But, as a rule, he is not often chosen.

How to enable updates on Windows 7? To do this, simply check the box next to "Check and install automatically." Or you can pay attention to "Scan automatically, but let the user select files for installation." Now click "Next" and finish installing the operating system.

That's all the problems are solved. Now you will automatically be checked for updates on your computer, as well as downloaded and installed (with certain settings). As you can see, not everything is as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But how to enable updates on Windows 7 if, when reinstalling the operating system, you selected "Do not automatically update"? Let's try to deal with you in this difficult question.

Update centre

In order to answer how to enable updates on Windows 7, just visit the update center. A small icon for quick navigation is hidden in the system tray. It looks like a small package from the disk.

how to enable the search for updates on windows 7

Click on this icon. You will see a large window in which the results of the computer scan will be displayed. On the left side of the screen, select the menu item "Change settings". Now you will see a window in which you can make the appropriate settings.

You can set an automatic check with installation, just check, and also disable this "moment" permanently. To be honest, it is the last menu item that is chosen by most modern users. It helps to avoid many problems. Now let's find out how to enable the search for updates on Windows 7, if you decide to deal with this issue yourself.


In order to start scanning your computer for updates, you will have to contact the update center again. It is in it that all possible operations regarding this issue will take place. Just open this service through the tray (or using the search in the "Start"), and then look at the window that opens.

On the right side of the screen, find the "Test" button. Now make sure you have an Internet connection. Only in this case you can get the right information. After a click, your scan will start. Wait a while. This process can take about 20-30 minutes. It is advisable not to work on the computer at this time.

Are you done? Then the next point is nothing more than installing updates on Windows 7. This action is extremely important for any user. And now we will learn how to activate it correctly with you. Otherwise, you may have huge problems with the operating system. But about them a little later.

installing updates on windows 7


We already know how to enable updates on Windows 7. More precisely, check them. Now you need to understand how to install these objects, if initially you did not accept the automatic option. To do this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

After the system scan is completed, you will see 2 lines - “important updates” and “recommended”. To configure the objects installed on the computer, just click on a specific phrase. After that, a window will appear in which you should mark all the necessary objects with checkmarks on the left side. Once everything is ready, just click on the "Install" line in the "Update Center". You can wait for the result. At the end of the process, you will be asked to reboot. Make it and enjoy your achievements.

Update Implications

Many users decide not to install updates on Windows 7. And this is quite normal. After all, this process, as a rule, brings a lot of inconvenience to people. Which ones? Let's get to know them.

For example, you can say goodbye to your operating system. Especially if you have a pirated version of the software. Windows 7 (important) updates contain special files to combat piracy.

do not install updates on windows 7

In addition, automatic updating causes numerous crashes on the computer. Sometimes even so strong that it is simply impossible to work. No one is safe from this.

Also, before you enable updates on Windows 7, think carefully about whether you need them. Often, it is because of them that the place quickly runs out on the computer.


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