Methods of drilling wells. Shock-rope, rotary drilling

For a more comfortable stay in a country house, a sewage system and water supply are required. It is difficult to imagine housing without such communication. After all, water is required not only for cooking, but also for watering cultivated plants. Her absence greatly complicates life.

Shock-rope drilling of wells allows solving such problems. Using this method, you can get water without much effort. It is worth noting that such work can be done independently. The main thing is to know how to properly drill a well and what is required for this.

percussion drilling

The main types of wells

If desired, do-it-yourself shock-rope drilling is possible. A photo of the finished design is presented below. Before starting work, you should determine the type of well. There are several of them:

  1. Tubular well. Its depth is from 8 to 12 meters. High water, dust, dirt, and also foreign elements in this case do not fall into the water intended for drinking.
  2. A well in sandy soil is usually made 15-30 meters deep. In this case, the screw method is used. The device for the well is a metal sleeve, at the end of which there is a section with perforation. A filter is mounted in the sand of a large fraction with impurities of pebbles. In general, the structure can last about 5 years with rare use, and with frequent use up to 15. Washing of the structure is carried out after silting. If this does not produce results, then a new well is being drilled nearby.
  3. Artesian. The depth of this well is 15-200 meters. This indicator depends on the depth of the limestone layers. The service life is 50 years.

Drilling technology

There are currently several technologies:

  1. Shock-rope drilling.
  2. Rotary.
  3. Auger.

Technologies differ among themselves in the destruction of certain rocks, as well as in the methods of extracting soil from the trunk of the structure. Each method involves the use of special equipment, which affects the quality of work in different ways. The cost of drilling a well depends on this.

do-it-yourself shock drilling

Shock Rope Drilling

This method is the simplest and relatively inexpensive. A feature of the technology is the absence of the need for heavy equipment. A well drilling rig can be mounted independently. It takes a little time and effort. Do-it-yourself shock-rope drilling is the most popular method that allows you to open aquifers directly from the surface.

The main advantages of this method:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Allows you to control the water content of the horizon, as well as the water level.
  3. You can penetrate a large diameter well.
  4. Eliminates the risk of getting into the water intended for drinking, harmful impurities during drilling.
  5. Efficiency and profitability during work in the winter.

What is required

For drilling a well by shock-rope method, it is necessary to purchase special devices. As a rule, this requires:

  1. Block and winch.
  2. Cable.
  3. The machine for clogging.
  4. Installation frame.
  5. Barbell.

The main element of the design is a driving glass. In addition, a piece of pipe made of steel is required. It should be beveled inward. The line should have a cutting solid edge at the very bottom. An anvil is installed on top of the driven glass. It is on it with the help of a bar that strikes are inflicted. The winch allows you to lower and raise the driving glass.

do-it-yourself shock drilling

How the installation works

How is shock-rope drilling carried out? Machines for this can be made independently. The main thing is to imagine how it works. The installation action is as follows:

  1. Due to the friction force, the rock gets into the driven glass and is held in it.
  2. To penetrate deep into the soil, a rod is used, which throws itself on the anvil.
  3. When the driving glass is filled with soil, it rises and then cleans.
  4. these actions should be performed until the required depth is reached.

Shock-rope drilling is best used in places where the soil is loose, clay and soft.

How to punch a well on loose soil

If there is loose soil on the site, it will be more difficult to drill a well . This will require a bailer. This part is a pipe made of steel and having a check valve below.

This greatly simplifies the process. When lowering the element into the soil, the valve opens. As a result, soil enters the pipe. When lifting, the valve closes. After removal, the choke is cleaned. After this, the procedure is repeated.

So that the soil does not crumble during drilling, casing pipes can be used . They are clogged in the soil at each deepening. At the first stage, this element should have an expansion shoe with a conical shape. In order for the machine to move without difficulty, its diameter must be smaller than the size of the casing. Only in this case can you go deeper into the soil to the required level. Shock-rope drilling with casing is used not only on loose soil.

shock casing drilling

How to punch a hole in hard rocky soil

On hard rocky soil, punching of wells is carried out using a bit. Under its blows, the destruction of rocks. Then it is removed using the bailer. For the installation of casing pipes, an expander must be used. Thanks to him, the required diameter is provided for the passage of the structure.

Clogging of elements is carried out in those soil layers that are located below the level of occurrence of aquifers. After this, it is necessary to pump out the accumulated fluid, as well as to clean the soil and water mixture from the bottom of the well. This is carried out using a bailer.

hammer drilling machines

Some tips

Shock-rope drilling is a simple process. Subject to certain rules, you can get a well with clean water. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. If shock-rope drilling is carried out using a driven glass, then a little soil should be added before starting work. This method allows you to create a viscous mass, as well as facilitate the work.
  2. The cable should be strong enough. This indicator is very important. Indeed, much depends on the rope. First of all, will this structural element be able to jam the load cup? It is best to use a cable made of steel. Its diameter should be more than 1.2 centimeters.
  3. When installing the structure, it must be ensured that it stands strictly upright. If there are deviations, then the casing simply will not fall. As a result, the drilling process will have to be stopped.
  4. Drill glasses up to 2 meters long are greatly simplified for well drilling.
    shock wireline drilling

Features of the installation of casing elements

For a finished well, an additional casing is usually mounted. It can be whole and made of asbestos-cement pipe, as well as its individual segments.

The process of working with such material requires caution and increased attention. Otherwise, the structure will not be free to sink. All pipe links must be securely fastened and kept from slipping. To fix them, you should use staples. These fragments are subsequently covered with strips of stainless steel sheets.


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