How to quickly learn to pull up

Almost every healthy person is physically able to lift his body weight with his hands.

Every beginner is interested in how to quickly learn how to pull up. The question is simple, but the concrete or physical embodiment of the answer largely depends on the personality of the trainee.

There are four questions that need to be addressed to everyone who wants to learn how to pull themselves up correctly:

1. Psychological training

First of all, you have to believe that you can do what almost all teenagers and men freely do. You are no worse, and maybe better, but have not yet tested yourself in business.

Believe that you have a lot of physical strength from birth. The only thing you don’t have yet is practical experience and exercise technique.

Believe that you will succeed after not very difficult preparation and training.

2. General physical training

Before starting any physical exercise requiring a lot of physical activity, it is necessary to carry out several simple exercises to warm up and stretch the muscles.

This will protect yourself from injuries (dislocations, sprains, cramps).

Start warming up from top to bottom, i.e. from head to toe. Such a warm-up can repeat any set of morning exercises that you know.

Spend 10 - 15 minutes to warm up.

High-quality warm-up facilitates exercise with physical activity. With a preliminary warm-up, it’s easier to learn how to pull up properly.

3. Hand preparation

It’s premature to think about how to quickly learn how to pull yourself up if your hands are weak.

You can check the strength of the brushes in a simple way, on the crossbar. It is necessary to hang freely on the crossbar without touching the feet of the floor and without swaying. If you managed to hold the vis for 30 seconds, then you can safely proceed to the pull-up exercises.

If the brushes are weak, then you need to strengthen them. The easiest and most convenient tool is the carpal expander. It is enough to purchase the simplest rubber expander and this will be enough to strengthen the muscles of the hands.

A few days of training with an expander will strengthen the hands enough to begin training pull-up exercises.

You can secondly check the duration of the hang on the bar and make sure the strength of the hands.

The strength of the hands is the secret of how to quickly learn how to pull up.

4. Proper breathing

One must learn how to breathe properly. This applies not only to pull-up exercises, but also to all strength exercises.

The rule is simple: on inspiration, movements are made to return to the starting position, and on exhalation, direct movements are made that require muscle tension.

Proper breathing is the secret of how to learn how to pull yourself well.

If all the preparatory conditions are met, you can start training.

For the first workouts, you can start with the hang, in which the palms of the hands will be directed towards you. As you gain experience, hands should be turned with palms away from you. The brushes on the bar are located at shoulder width.

Do not try to do a full pull-up in your first workouts. Partially tighten. The main thing is to learn how to start the pull-up process. The rest will come with practice.


1. Take the vis on the crossbar. Take a breath.

2. As you exhale, make a sharp jerk with your chest up, it will allow the body to slightly bend around the lingual region. This, in turn, will create a small, but necessary and sufficient angle in the elbow and shoulder joints, which will allow you to start muscle contraction to start pulling up. Without an initial jerk, it will be difficult to start breast contraction of the elbow and shoulder joints.

3. On inspiration, lower the body to its original position. Repeat the exercise.

After a few dozen workouts, you can learn how to pull yourself up and teach other people the secrets of how to quickly learn how to pull up. Daily training 2-3 times a day for a week will give a result in a few confident pull-ups.


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