Kettlebell jerks: technique. Kettlebell Exercises

One of the most popular power sports in Europe is kettlebell lifting, which is based on activities such as jerking and pushing weights. Make them the maximum number of times for a certain period of time. Kettlebell lifting is a type of weightlifting; it has become widespread in Europe and the former Soviet Union. This activity is for real strongmen who are able to lift a huge weight over their heads.

Kettlebell lifting can be called a young kind, since it gained great fame only at the beginning of the twentieth century. From year to year, he is gaining more and more fans around the world, mainly thanks to the European and World Championships. So, you see, soon will be in the Olympics.

How did weights get into sports?

If we trace the history of weightlifters, we can see that the jerks of the kettlebell were shown for the first time by strong men in the circus. Most manuscripts only confirm that the strongmen were present without fail (along with acrobats, jugglers and clowns) in traveling circus troupes. The tasks of such athletes also included the protection of the territory and members of the troupe.

According to historical documents, athletes at the circus, additionally involved in law enforcement, were called security officers. Later this name was taken away by the executive branch. Apparently, the desire of the audience after visiting the circus to become the same physically developed laid the foundation for kettlebell lifting in Europe.

If we recall the story of the remarkable athlete Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny, it will not be difficult to understand how kettlebell lifting from an entertainment show got into big sport.

kettlebell jerk technique

The first steps to weight lifting

Reading the stories of outstanding athletes about the beginning of a career, one can marvel at the great similarity of their childhood with the childhood and youth of each of the average children. If you plunge into thoughts about the past, you can recall the presence of a kettlebell at home for every third acquaintance or relative. You could meet such sports equipment near the bed, on the balcony, in the workshop and even in the kitchen. In the latter case, it is not entirely clear why, the kettlebell was on a plate, in a bucket of cabbage, etc. And each time, when he came to visit, a neighbor boy dusted off her, and his fragile hands tried to push the weight up.

Over the years, a stronger young man could already several times with one hand push up a yellow kettlebell with the inscription "16 kg", and later a green one - a jerk of a 24 kg kettlebell. And sometimes, enviously watching someone big and strong squeeze a red weight of 32 kilograms with one hand, he dreamed of repeating such a jerk someday. An ordinary person is distinguished from a professional weightlifter only by one thing - a weightlifter never gave up, trying to improve his own records in weight and the number of repetitions.

jerk weights which muscles work

Popularity at no cost

A person’s predisposition to any sport is determined not only by desire. This requires physical indicators and financial capabilities. The genes of Europeans, including residents of the former Soviet Union, even allowed children to do kettlebell lifting. Kettlebell lifting gained great popularity in the post-Soviet space precisely because of the lack of financial costs.

It was possible to perform kettlebell jerks during group classes, it was enough to have only one kettlebell in a large yard. There was no question of any other equipment in the form of clothes, shoes and belts. I only found out about the equipment of the children during the competition for the title of champion of a city or region. Since there were no problems with metal in the country, the price of weights was affordable for the entire population. A wide selection of forms and varieties on the market, including collapsible and adjustable weights, indicates the enormous popularity of kettlebell lifting in the USSR.

The origins of weight lifting in the army

Anyone who has served in the USSR army, without hesitation, will say what SKA is. Somewhere near CSKA. Thanks to the army sports club, millions of people got acquainted with sports while still serving in the army, and then, decades later, they instilled a love of sports for their children and grandchildren.

Boxing, wrestling, kettlebell jerks, barbell presses, football, hockey and dozens of other sports were held in high esteem in the army. It doesn’t matter in which troops the soldier served - the presence of a weight can be found not only in the tanker's garage, but also on the deck of a military cruiser, even on board the submarine there was this sport equipment. The classic push of two weights at the same time was called the "underwater jerk of soldiers." Thanks to state support, kettlebell lifting in the post-Soviet space occupies one of the leading positions in weightlifting.

jerk weights which muscles

Everyone needs to know the rules.

In competitions use weights of 32, 24 and 16 kilograms. Groups of participants are divided into categories, where the winner is determined for each weight category, both for men and women.

There are four age categories:

  1. From 14 to 16 years old - younger girls and boys.
  2. From 17 to 18 years old - older girls and boys.
  3. From 19 to 22 years old - juniors and juniors.
  4. Over 22 years old - adult category of women and men.

If several participants have the same result, the victory is counted to the one who had less weight when weighing. If the situation remains controversial, then the victory is given to the one who first acted in the draw. Kettlebell lifting consists of three disciplines:

  1. Jerking weights with each hand in turn. Discipline for the female.
  2. The push of two weights at the same time from the chest, followed by lowering to the position of the hang is the professional name “push along the long cycle”. Only for men.
  3. The jerk of the kettle with each hand in turn and the pushing of two weights from the chest is the professional name “biathlon for men”.

jerk weight

With the technique of mastering the kettlebell push

Exercise push in weight lifting is repeatedly repeated, relating to speed-power loads. It is more complex than a jerk of a kettlebell. The technique includes the following sequential tricks:

  1. Start with a swing of weights back.
  2. Lifting weights to half a squat.
  3. Half squat, followed by extension of the legs.
  4. Lifting weights to the chest.
  5. Dumbbell pull with simultaneous half squat.
  6. Straightening arms and legs.
  7. Lowering weights to the chest.
  8. Dropping weights from the chest.
  9. Putting weights back, beyond the knees, to the starting position.

According to the conditions, the push of weights must be made the maximum number of times, invested in 10 minutes. Apparently, due to the very fast pace of the exercises, the jolts of the weights appeared in crossfit.

kettlebell jerk exercise

One-Hand Jerk for Beginners

The final exercise of jerking a kettlebell in a biathlon is the least difficult, since it is performed alternately with one weight with two hands. However, the execution technique is whiter than complex:

  1. Start with a swing of the kettlebell back, beyond the level of the knees, to the starting position.
  2. Lifting weights to half a crouch with simultaneous extension of the legs and back.
  3. The withdrawal of the kettlebell up on a straight arm ends with a straightening of the back and a small squat. The weight is rotated around the forearm.
  4. Fixing weights at the top on a straight arm. Legs are straightened, back is straight.
  5. Lowering the kettlebell. Turning the weight around the forearm, throw the weight forward and immediately grab the handle. At the moment of capturing the bow, the weight of the weight will give acceleration to the body.
  6. Sit down and bend your back, bringing the weight to its original position, beyond the level of the knees.

jerk and push kettlebell

There is a way to lift weights up through the side, when the weight, being behind one knee, is pushed through one side. The use of this method is used to relieve tension from the lumbar in the process of performing a basic exercise. Thanks to the removal of weights across the side, the athlete earns more points by completing more jerks.

A man should have shoulders

Since ancient times, judging by the cave paintings, romantic works and female enthusiasm, the presence of a developed shoulder joint is mandatory for any man, regardless of age and marital status.

The athlete-weightlifter from the general mass distinguishes the presence of huge shoulders. However, not only the shoulder joint is involved when a kettlebell jerk is performed. What muscles work, you can understand by studying in more detail the technique of performing exercises. Thanks to the squat, the load is transmitted to the hips. The removal of weights from the starting position develops the back muscles. The push of the kettlebell and the turn, in addition to the shoulder joint, loads the triceps and forearms. We can conclude that kettlebell lifting is basic, developing broad shoulders, providing additional development of the muscles of the legs, back and arms.

Crossfit and work with weights

For people involved in professional martial arts who want to increase strength endurance, crossfit was developed - a program of constantly changing exercises, conducted with high intensity. This program allows for a short period of time to develop in a person tremendous strength and endurance for a specific task.

Working with free weights in crossfit includes a kettlebell jerk. The technique for each sport is different, sometimes developed by the athletes themselves on the spot. The classic exercise for crossfit looks like this: taking a weight with both hands by the edges of the bow, you need to pull it to the chin. Without changing the position of the hands, push the weight above the head up. This exercise is performed with very high intensity 10-20 times in a row. It can be performed by both men and women.

jerking weights

Using Weights For Weight Loss

An urgent problem for people of the 21st century is overweight. Slimming and dieting products have become quite popular, but for the majority they do not help. Many manage to lose weight, only spending calories under the influence of physical activity. The desire to go in for sports very often remains at the idea level because of the unwillingness to be under the general eye in the gym, and there is no extra money to buy a treadmill to practice at home. In such cases, buying weights will help.

Weight loss is 100% likely to contribute to a jerk of a kettlebell. What muscles work during a jerk? Legs, back and shoulders. Any athlete knows that the muscles of the legs and back are the largest muscles in the human body. They are pumped very hard, and a huge amount of calories is expended on their work. And this is the cherished consumption of calories for any person who wants to lose weight.

Not shelving

Having studied in detail the theoretical part, the history of the origin of kettlebell lifting, the implementation technique, tasks and methods of achieving results, the following conclusions can be made:

  1. Kettlebell lifting is an inexpensive sport. For training you will need only a kettlebell and a safety belt for the spine.
  2. Kettlebell lifting can be practiced at home, so it is suitable not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people who want to adjust their figure.
  3. Training a jerk of a kettlebell develops the basic muscles that determine the physical component of a person.
  4. Kettlebell lifting is quite popular, allowing the athlete to achieve results and gain international recognition.

There remains only one factor, which is the main, determining link in whether a person will be athletically developed or not. This is a desire!


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