Types of wines: detailed classification

A wide range of wines is not easy to figure out. They can be classified according to various criteria: preparation method, color, wine materials, alcohol and sugar content. In order not to get confused in the names found on beautiful bottle labels, you need to know the main types of wines. We will talk about them in this article.

types of wines

Wine classification

First of all, wines are distinguished by juice, which is used for their manufacture. On this basis, they are divided into vegetable, raisin, grape, fruit, berry and multi-sorted.

  • Grape wines are considered the most noble. Many experts generally believe that drinks made from sun berries have an advantage over everyone else, and alcohol made from other raw materials is more like a plant tincture. The classification of grape wines is very diverse. They can only be aged in oak barrels with strict adherence to the recipe. In addition, nothing but sugar and grapes can be added to a noble wine.
  • Fruit wines are made from apple and pear juice. They turn out light, with a characteristic bright aroma and taste. As a rule, they are low alcohol. There are people who consume only these types of wines and consider them the most delicious.
  • Vegetable wines are created from the sap of trees (maple, birch), as well as watermelons, melons, rose petals and even garden plants (parsnip, rhubarb). This exotic alcohol really resembles a plant tincture, but it contains much less alcohol than other similar drinks. Fans of such alcohol claim that it contains a lot of valuable vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  • Berry wines are made from forest and garden berries. They are also made from apricot, cherry, peach and plum fruits.
  • Raisin wine is a rare guest on our table. Its name speaks for itself: dried grapes are used to make this drink .
  • Multi-varietal wines are created in a special way: by mixing different grape varieties. Depending on the manufacturing technology, distinguish between salmon and blend drinks. The former are made by mixing several grape varieties at the processing stage, while creating the latter, completely finished wine materials are combined.

fortified guilt

Color classification: red wines

Different types of wines are exhibited on store shelves. They are often distinguished by color. This is the most common classification of wines, according to which they are divided into white, red and pink. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail.

For the preparation of red wines, pre-crushed berries of scarlet grape varieties are used. With long exposure, this drink loses its rich color. Therefore, young wine is always brighter than aged.

Famous wines are made from red grapes. The most famous of them are:

  • Bordeaux is a wine made in Western France. This is one of the most famous noble drinks in the world. It is traditionally served with roast.
  • "Cabernet Sauvignon" - a wine with a thick and complex aroma. It is usually served with chicken or pasta.
  • "Chianti" - Italian wine with a rich aroma. It blends perfectly with steaks and burgers.
  • Beaujolais is a light young wine.
  • Merlot is a thick and aromatic beverage consumed with the simplest food.
  • "Pinot Noir" - a tart and thick wine that goes well with any dish.

Color Classification: White Wines

Many prefer light white wines. In most cases, they are made from white grapes. Sometimes red ones are added to them, but then the peels containing coloring elements are first removed from the berries.

The following wines are prepared from white grapes:

  • "Sauvignon Blanc" - a drink with a herbal aroma that goes well with fish dishes.
  • "Chardonnay" - wine aged in oak barrels, perfectly suitable for simple and light food.
  • "Shannon Blanc" - a drink with a sweet taste. It is customary to serve chicken and vegetables.
  • "Riesling" - a wine with a honey aroma. It is combined with veal and oriental dishes.
  • Sauterne is a thick, sweet dessert wine.
  • Gewuztraminer is a refreshing drink suitable for fish and spicy dishes.

fine wines

Color Classification: Rose Wines

To obtain a delicate pink color in the manufacture of such varieties of wines, grapes are removed from grapes immediately after the start of fermentation. Drinks are made from a mixture of white and red berries. The technology used to produce white wines.

Alcohol and sugar classification

On this basis, drinks are divided into dining rooms, sparkling and fortified.

Everyone knows what table types of wines are: dry (sugar content - up to 0.3%), semi-dry (sugar - 0.5-3%) and semi-sweet (sugar - 3-8%).

Sparkling wines may have different alcohol to sugar ratios. They differ in that in the process of fermentation they are saturated with carbon dioxide. The most famous such wine in the world is champagne.

Fortified wines, in turn, are divided into flavored, liqueur, sweet, dessert semisweet and strong. Such drinks include such famous types of wines as Madeira, port and sherry. They have been enjoying well-deserved popularity among consumers for decades. For example, in Soviet times, many drank port wine. Some now prefer to drink fortified wines.

grape wine classification

Classification by method of manufacture

According to the manufacturing method, experts identify several types of wines: natural, effervescent, alcoholic, diluted, sweetened.

  • Natural alcoholic beverages are created exclusively from juice, the addition of other third-party substances is strictly prohibited.
  • Effervescent wines are made with the addition of carbon dioxide. These include champagne and cider.
  • Alcoholic beverages contain wine alcohol, which increases their strength.
  • Diluted wines are made from a mixture of water and fruit juice. Such alcohol is petio, as well as grape and berry half.
  • Sweetened drinks are made with honey and sugar. They are liquor, dessert and honey.

fruit wines

High quality wines

Among the variety of alcoholic beverages, high-quality wines stand apart. They are produced exclusively at a time favorable for ripening of grapes from special varieties growing in certain geographical areas. Depending on the production time, such wines are divided into collection, vintage and aged.

Collection wines are elite alcoholic drinks. They are kept in oak barrels or metal containers, bottled in special bottles and additionally insisted in enotecs (wine storages) for at least three years. It is such a product that is the most expensive in the world.

Fine wines are high-quality drinks that are aged for a certain amount of time. Table wines are infused for at least a year and a half, and strong - about two years.

Aged wines after manufacture are aged in stationary containers for at least six months. The countdown is from the first of January of the following year.

berry wines


This article examined all the popular types of wines. Now you can go to the store and competently study the range presented in it: you can easily understand the variegated variety of wine labels. Choosing a really good drink is sometimes difficult. In an ordinary store you can hardly find expensive collection or vintage wines. However, for most ordinary people they can not afford it, and among ordinary alcoholic drinks from grapes you can find very good examples. Good luck with your choice!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1067/

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