Diamond in the tourist crown of the East. The beauty of the ancient world: Azerbaijan (Sheki)

Most tourists visiting the country mainly focus on its capital, Baku. However, Azerbaijan is not only famous for its metropolis. Sheks very often undeservedly overlook. But this small city can rightfully be considered a tourist pearl of the Greater Caucasus. The village itself and its surroundings are saturated with historical monuments and artifacts. The city, located at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, is surrounded by picturesque gorges, valleys, alpine meadows and waterfalls. The beauty of ancient monuments in combination with wildlife will make a truly powerful impression on a person who is even familiar with oriental culture.

History of the city

Azerbaijan Sheki
The first mention of Sheki dates back to the VIII century BC. e. Then this territory was called Sakasen (Sake) in honor of the Iranian tribe of Saks. Much later, it became part of Caucasian Albania, and the name of the town was transformed in Shaka. Having adopted a new faith from the Armenians in the 4th century, the Albanians left several monuments of Christian culture in the vicinity of Sheki.

In the 7th century, the army of the Caliphate seized the territory now belonging to the modern state known as Azerbaijan. Sheki as a result of the Arab-Khazar war was repeatedly destroyed, until the weakening of the power of the Arabs in the 9th century. But even then the Albanian rulers returned to the city, then they captured the Shirvanshahs, then other conquerors. And only in the XVIII century, the territory with the city of Sheki as the capital became an independent khanate. It was annexed to the Russian Empire in 1805.

Historical and architectural complex "Caravanserai" (XVIII - XIX centuries.)

The city is at the intersection of trade routes. Overseas merchants stayed there to rest and visited the local bazaars. For their convenience, a peculiar hotel complex was designed and built, which is definitely worth a visit, visiting the sights of Sheki. Azerbaijan is the territory through which one of the routes of the famous Great Silk Road passed , so caravanserais were built in cities such as Baku, Shemakha and Sheki.

The lower part of the architectural monument is called "Ashagi" and is a large rectangular courtyard with a pool in the center. 242 rooms for guests were equipped with hatches, through which merchants could go down to the warehouse and personally check the safety of their goods. Today "Ashagi" has facilities for tourists, equipped with modern technology, luxury rooms and a comfortable restaurant.

The upper caravanserai, "Yukhara", which has a more complex architectural design, has become a museum in our time. Three hundred rooms are filled with ancient exhibits that help visitors plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity.

Palace of Sheki Khans (XVIII century)

attractions sheki azerbaijan
The summer residence, built by order of Magomed Hasan Khan, delights and catches the eye of foreigners who have arrived in Azerbaijan for a long time. At one time, Sheki was visited by Alexander Dumas, Leo Tolstoy, commander Nikolai Raevsky, French geographer Jacques Elise Reclus and other celebrities who delightfully described the palace as the greatest asset of the city.

The residence of the Sheki khans is one of the best examples of classical oriental architecture, which has always captivated the imagination with the magnificence of appearance and the luxury of interior decoration. Everything is striking: the patterned facade of the architectural treasure, which is decorated with scenes of battles and hunting, huge mosaic stained glass windows, delicate stone lattices.

Expressing his admiration, the Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet argued that the Palace of Sheki khans would allow the people to be proud of such a value, even if the Azerbaijanis did not have other outstanding architectural monuments.

Gelyarsan-Gerarsan Fortress (VIII-IX centuries)

sheki azerbaijan history
Another significant historical monument is the Gelyarsan-Gerarsan fortress near Sheki (Azerbaijan). The history of the structure explains the meaning of the translation of the name of the fortress: "come - see." Having rebelled against the conquest of their native lands by the Iranian khan Nadirshah, the independence fighter Haji Celebi held the defense in the fortress. To the offer of the khan to surrender, he mysteriously replied "come - you will see." As a result, the Iranian army was defeated. The people remembered the bold words of their hero and immortalized them in the name of the stronghold. Today, the walls of Gelyarsan-Gerarsan under the influence of time have lost their invulnerability, but they still look majestic.

City Sheki (Azerbaijan): surroundings

Mr. Sheki Azerbaijan
The small mausoleum of Babaratma Piri near the city of Sheki, located on the site of a centuries-old cemetery, is famous for its ability to heal diseases, therefore we are worshiped by pilgrims from all over the country.

In the vicinity of the city (Ilisu village), the Sumug fortress has been preserved. An old legend says that the battle tower of the Sultan Daniyal-bek was built on the site of the execution of concubines who dared to be unfaithful to their master. The building has a rich history associated with real historical events.

Mineral springs Markhal

Sheki city Azerbaijan
Fans of the majestic mountain landscapes who arrived in the city of Sheki (Azerbaijan) should definitely visit the village of Markhal located near the city. It gained fame in the 80s of the XX century due to its mineral springs that emerge to the surface. Here tourists are waiting for pensions and recreation centers, as well as crystal clear healing water.

At 7 km from the town you can admire another marvelous place. The Khan mountain plateau, located at a high altitude, is intoxicated by the clean mountain air and the aroma of flowers.

Ancient Albanian temple (I c.)

Azerbaijan Sheki
Church of st. Elisha in the village of Kish - miraculously preserved Christian artifact of Transcaucasia. Historians believe that the initiator of his exaltation was the apostle Elisha. The church still delights in its beauty. The air inside it remains cool even in intense heat, and everything around is breathing deep antiquity. In the courtyard of the temple there is an ancient burial place. Through the transparent dome that covers it, you can see the ancient bones. Apparently, these remains belong to Christian ministers and holy people who deserve the honor to rest in the boundaries of God's house. Fans of secrets and mysterious stories will find confirmation of their theories in these archaic walls.

Sea, mountains, forests, favorable climate - nature generously endowed Azerbaijan. Sheki is a special place that surprises and attracts with its special color, relaxed pace of life, cozy atmosphere, historical monuments, hospitality of the hosts and unique delicious cuisine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10679/

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