2015 vodka rating

Vodka is traditionally a Russian drink. This is not surprising - the Slavs knew a lot about strong drugs. From time immemorial, in the territory of present-day Russia, people boiled kvass, wine, mead, mash. The term "vodka" itself began to be used closer to the 20th century, and before that the drug was called wheat or some other kind of wine.

From the history of the creation of vodka

Alcohol was obtained during the experiment by Italian or Arab alchemists. In search of the philosopher's stone, they made many discoveries. Anyway, the first mention of vodka is contained in the Vyatka Chronicle of the 12th century. Although many researchers are sure that they brewed strong drinks long before this written mention.

vodka rating

The term "vodka" was widely used only in the 19th century. This is not surprising: as early as the 16th century, the first "tsar tsar" was opened in Moscow - an analogue of a modern bar. Here, visitors tried different strong drinks, but the most popular was Russian vodka. For centuries, the government either monopolized distillery, then taxed the industry, then struggled with the total consumption of alcohol, then made production “strong” the exclusive privilege of the nobility. Under Catherine II, each landowner-producer produced his own brand of vodka. The competition was huge, and the quality of the product was excellent. In those days, nobody made the official rating of vodkas, but nevertheless anise and pepper drinks were valued higher than the rest.

Competition between spirits

Vodka was produced not only in Russia - on other continents, this drink also gained its connoisseurs. Swedish vodka Absolute, which has long been a world leader, is not losing its position now. It is not surprising that it was the Americans who invented the competition between the best spirits in the world: they are famous for their ability to make objective ratings like no one else. The first consumer survey was conducted in 2011 by a company importing vodka into the United States.

Russian vodka

Following their Western friends, they introduced this practice both in Russia and in the CIS countries. Proven manufacturers and newcomers to the industry annually submit their product to an independent jury.

Top 10 World Winners

To compile a world ranking of vodkas, the applicant company for a competition among alcoholic beverages brought together the best representatives of the wine industry, professional tasters and ordinary consumers. Each product was rated by 30–40 people. Among the criteria that needed to be evaluated were aroma, taste, transparency, and aftertaste. The top ten were both eminent brands and beginners.

"Gray Goose" - vodka from the French province of Cognac - received the highest reviews from consumers and experts.

vodka price

Silver and bronze received the Russian brand "Crystall" and the Polish brand "Krolewska". The fourth was Russian vodka, prepared according to the classic recipe - "Youri Dolgoruki". The best Finnish vodka Finlandia closes the top five world leaders. The sixth position was taken by the Jewel of Russia brand from Russia - tasters highly appreciated the original cleaning method and recipe. The seventh was the Dutch vodka "Vincent Van Gog". In the eighth position was the brand from the USA "Rain" - high-quality corn vodka. On the ninth position - the producer of vodka "Ketel One" from the Netherlands. The top ten hit the brand from England, 3 Olives.

2015 vodka rating in Russia

Domestic colleagues decided to keep up with their western neighbors and conducted their rating of vodkas. It evaluated products of only domestic brands. At the liquor contest, seven categories were allotted to the assessment of fiery water. The opening of the year were: organic vodka "Clean dews", "Russian peppers decor", "Natural melt" and "HEAVEN ICE". In the category of super-premium segment, the winners were Honey with Lemon, Imperial Trust, Pure Dew and SIBALCO. In the premium segment, brands such as Black Diamond, Radamir, Gulf Stream, Selecta Lux, Haoma WHITE, and Gradus Premium were noted.

vodka producer

In the category "Subpremium segment" gold received "Sparkling Frost of the Arctic", "Sormovskaya lyrical history" and "Sormovskaya Lyuks", "Morosha", "Polar Urals". Sibiryachka, Evening Altai, Smell of Snow, Siberian Order and Match won in the Mid-Price Segment category. The category “People’s segment” has been highlighted by the brands “Invigorating”, “By grammar” and “Count Ledoff”. In the nomination "Special Vodkas" the gold received "Original Haoma", "Sub-ice", "Pervak ​​special double distillation".

A huge number of winners suggests that the distillery industry in Russia is experiencing its heyday. Every year new names appear, focusing on product quality and original recipes. Of course, do not forget that the first places in the ranking are occupied by vodka, the price of which is often above average.

The most bought vodka in the world

Despite the ratings, the British brand Smirnoff remains the most purchased vodka. The second position in the world ranking is occupied by the Ukrainian brand "Bread Gift". The third place belongs to Absolut vodka from Sweden. In fourth place is the Green Brand from Russia. The fifth and sixth places in the world ranking were occupied by brands from Ukraine - Nemiroff and Khortytsa. The Polish brand "Czysta de Luxe" took the seventh level of the rating. Three final lines of the list were divided among themselves by brands from Russia and Belarus - “Five Lakes”, “Crystal” and “Belenkaya”.

Verified Manufacturers

Despite the ratings and competitions held among alcoholic drinks, the tastes of consumers on different continents are fundamentally opposite. Each country prefers its own alcoholic beverage, and yet the most popular brands are proven brands that have proven themselves over many years.

vodka absolute

These manufacturers include the Finnish brand "Finlandia". The product of this brand has an excellent taste, and all thanks to the recipe. Vodka is made on the basis of barley and pure spring water. Initially, the Russian, and now the English brand "Smirnoff" has earned the recognition of consumers around the world, and all thanks to quality. Absolut was first released in 1879, and since then the product from Sweden has become a favorite liquor in many countries around the world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10691/

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