How to determine body temperature without a thermometer: tips

Sometimes there is an urgent need to urgently measure a personā€™s body temperature , but, unfortunately, there is no thermometer at hand. But do not despair, because, having certain knowledge, it is quite possible to do without this measuring device. To understand whether people have fever or not, it will be quite enough to use other ways to determine its temperature.

How to determine body temperature without a thermometer ? Is it possible? Let's try to understand these issues.

how to determine body temperature without a thermometer

Why do I need to quickly determine body temperature

In order to start the treatment process in a timely manner, you need to clearly understand the general state of human health. As you know, a lot of pathological and physiological processes entail either an increase or decrease in body temperature in people. Sometimes, inflammation of the human body can suffer from an increase in the thermometer, but here you need to approach the process of their treatment in a comprehensive manner.

And for the timely and immediate provision of first aid, it is extremely important to establish as soon as possible the characteristics of the patient's body. In some such situations, time is a very important factor, so you should not miss an extra minute. Sometimes the life of a person directly depends on this!

And if the temperature has already been determined correctly, even without the use of a thermometer that is traditional in these cases (after all, it may simply not be near), it is necessary to begin the process of direct treatment of the existing ailment. How to determine body temperature without a thermometer? This will be discussed further.

how to determine body temperature without a thermometer

The main methods of measuring temperature without a measuring device at home

How to determine body temperature without a thermometer? The most common and simple method, which has been known since ancient times, is to touch the lips of the diseased personā€™s forehead. If there is really a fever, it will be simply impossible not to feel it in this situation. Lips, unlike hands, with which you can also try to measure temperature, are more sensitive.

How to determine body temperature without a thermometer yourself ? If the person in the room is completely alone, he can also try to determine his heat without a measuring device. To do this, the palm must be folded in the shape of a boat, bring it to your mouth and exhale air there. At high temperatures, the nose can feel the heat coming directly from the body.

How to determine body temperature as accurately as possible without a thermometer? Another way to determine heat without a thermometer is to set the heart rate. According to medical research, with an increase in body temperature in people by 1 degree, their heart rate is proportionally able to speed up by about 10 beats per minute. Therefore, a high pulse rate may be a direct result of the patientā€™s heat.

how to determine body temperature without a thermometer yourself

Signs that indicate a fever

Still how to determine body temperature without a thermometer? It is also possible to determine the fever of loved ones by their symptoms, clearly manifested in this case. For example, with an acute sensation of aches in the joints, one can make an unreasonable assumption that the patient has a really high temperature. If he is chilling, or he periodically experiences acute thirst - such signs also indicate the presence of heat.

Also, by the color of the skin and inflammation of the eyes, one can judge whether the temperature is elevated or not. If red spots appear on the skin or eyes redden, these symptoms can serve as a clear sign that the body is actively fighting the disease. Therefore, there is also a fever.

how to determine body temperature as accurately as possible without a thermometer

How to correctly establish the fact of a high body temperature from a personā€™s sighs

How to determine body temperature by sighs without a thermometer? For a child, a norm of 20 to 30 breaths per minute is considered acceptable. An adult has a similar frequency somewhat less: from 15 to 20 breaths over a specified time period. If the number of breaths significantly exceeds the norms established by doctors, there is a high probability that the body suffers from increased heat.

In connection with the foregoing, determining the temperature without a thermometer does not seem to be an impossible task. Everyone can cope with it, while it is not necessary to have any deep knowledge in the field of medicine. But if necessary, everyone should provide emergency medical assistance. Therefore, if any suspicious symptoms are manifested, you must immediately take a radical decision to start an independent treatment process or urgently call a competent doctor.


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