How to find out the address of a person knowing the ip of his computer?

Many people ask the question: "How to find out the address of a person by the identification number of his computer on the network?" or "How do I know the person’s address by ip?" And why in general can this be needed? In fact, someone may seriously be interested in such a topic not at all for fraudulent purposes. Suppose the site was attacked by spammers, and it may happen that the same spammer left a comment on your site containing a virus link ... Then the case smells like a criminal proceeding. Well, we’ll try to sort out such a popular question.

how to find out the address of a person

To understand how to find out the address of a person, knowing the ip of his PC, first we will find out how to determine the same address.

IP address is a unique code on the Internet. It is assigned to each computer by the administrator. When accessing the Internet, the specified address is assigned by the provider. Each computer connects to the network with a personal ip that is different from the others. However, this does not always happen. For example, if the server has an external identification number and is connected to the Internet, then all computers accessing the network through this server will have the same ip.

Is it possible to find out the city, district, street, phone number, as well as to find the home address by ip? Rather yes than no. If the user does not use a proxy server and is the owner of a statistical address on the network, the task is much easier.

There are many sites on the network that provide such services.

how to find out the address of a person by ip

Here is some of them.

  • "" is a site that helps to find out the ip of your own computer, as well as its name, your city and provider. In addition, the site provides many additional services. For example, checking the existence of e-mail and the presence of ip in spam databases.
  • "" - a site that provides information on how to find out the address of a person by the IP address of a computer in a hidden way. To do this, you need to register on the site, select the "generate iplogger" function and copy the resulting code to the clipboard. After that, you will need to determine the field from which you will take the link (“<img” for LiveJournal, or “[IMG” for forums). Please note that the link should be copied as is, without tags and framed on both sides with exclamation points "!". At the preliminary stage, that’s all. Next, we write to the person of interest a personal message in which we paste the code from the clipboard. Just in case, we make a preview, make sure that all the necessary tags are hidden and send a message. As soon as the addressee reads the mail, this fact will be displayed in your "Statistics" section on the website along with the IP address of his computer.
  • "" is also a good service. Ip computer of the person you are interested in will help you find out on a specially generated link. As soon as the user goes to the specified address, his ip will be available to you.

Among other things, it should be borne in mind that when using a modem connection to the Internet, a computer is assigned a dynamic ip-address with a changing last digit.

get home address by ip

How to find out the address of a person? Perhaps all of the above methods will help you. Having found out in which city the person you are interested in lives, and with the help of which provider the person goes online, in case of fraud on his part, feel free to contact law enforcement agencies. Usually it is the definition of ip that is their main problem, but they can easily find all the other information.


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