Enterprise Infrastructure

The enterprise infrastructure is represented by a set of structural units of the organization (workshops, plots, farms and services). These units have an auxiliary subordinate character and provide the necessary conditions for the implementation of the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The infrastructure of the enterprise is divided into social, industrial and capital construction, serving both areas.

The production infrastructure of the enterprise is a set of units that are not directly related to the creation of finished products. But they have their main purpose - maintenance of the main production processes. These divisions include service and support facilities and workshops, whose functional responsibilities include: moving labor objects, providing the production process with raw materials, energy and fuel, as well as servicing and repairing equipment and other means. We must not forget about the structural units designed to ensure full conditions for the production and responsible for the storage of material assets, marketing of finished products, their transportation.

The social infrastructure of the enterprise is a combination of structural units that provide social and cultural and social needs of workers, as well as members of their families. This type of infrastructure consists of:

- canteens, cafes, buffets (catering units);

- hospitals, clinics, first-aid posts (health protection);

- kindergartens, creches (kindergartens);

- schools, vocational schools, continuing education courses (educational institutions);

- own residential buildings (housing and communal services);

- Libraries, boarding houses, clubs, sports complexes and summer children's camps (organization of culture and leisure).

The information infrastructure of the enterprise involves the organization of the interaction of information flows, uses computer technology and implements a certain set of measures:

- organizational, determining the structure of documents, as well as their movement routes, responsibility for fulfilling the rules for the development of algorithms, programs and the corresponding database structure, as well as the method of financing;

- technical, which provides for the acquisition, installation, maintenance, operation of equipment, as well as the creation of any cable system;

- the choice of system software that is planned to be used at the enterprise, the creation of a computer network in the form of a software and hardware complex;

- Education and training for employees of the organization;

- ensuring the technical and software security of information;

- filling the database.

To ensure the coordinated work of the information infrastructure at the enterprise, the following services are created:

- technical, whose functions include installation of a computer network, installation and repair of equipment;

- an operation service, the main function of which is to formulate and formulate a task for a group of software developers, as well as mandatory and detailed staff training.

Thus, the infrastructure of the enterprise in terms of implementation and further use of the latest information technologies should be presented in the form of a holistic system, ranging from power supply and simple automation to the installation of fairly complex information systems. It is an integrated approach to solving this issue that will allow, in addition to saving organization funds, increase productivity and ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10720/

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