Loreal Ombre. Reviews All the truth

One of the most discussed cosmetic products in recent years has become the hair dye "Loreal Ombre". Reviews about her are usually enthusiastic. However, for those who want to know all the details of the process, we have compiled our own selection of information on this tool.

loreal ombre reviews

“Loreal” is a cosmetics that has never been one of the budget ones, so for the implementation of the now fashionable image, you will need to pay about three hundred rubles. Which, however, are compensated by the fact that the staining can be carried out at home. And this means savings on the services of a hairdresser (from 800 to 1000 rubles on average for coloring with the customer’s own paint).

What does Loreal hair dye include in its constituents? Customer reviews indicate that the box contains instructions, gloves, a caring shampoo, brightening powder and cream showing the emulsion, as well as a comb for coloring. The staining time is set in accordance with the instructions. On average, those who tried this product kept the dye on their hair from 30 minutes to one hour.

hair dye loreal reviews

Those who applied the paint can be divided into two groups: women with dark and blond hair. And I must say that in each group there were both successful stains and problematic ones. For example, one of the girls wanted to achieve the same result as the Hollywood star Drew Barrymore. And she did it. From her rather dull brown-ash hair, she independently created an expressive contrast of the “chocolate” crown with golden tips (the dark color of the hair was natural).

What did Loreal Ombre paint bring to the image of other brunettes? Reviews report that those women whose hair was previously dyed in brown tones with other dyes, might not get this effect. In the best case, with a maximum “shutter speed” of about an hour, the ends of the hair lighten a little, due to improper chemical reactions. It is interesting that the product did not always “take” even brown hair of considerable thickness and thickness.

Many women and girls rejoiced at the appearance of such a unique product and trend - Loreal Ombre. Reviews of owners of brown hair indicate that they liked the opportunity to be both blonde (color refreshing) and fair-haired (a gentle face is not lost in exceptionally blonde hair). Almost everyone notes an innovative comb, as well as interesting effects from dyed hair when braiding and styling complex hairstyles.

Loreal cosmetics

What did users not like about Loreal Ombre? Reviews provide information that the drug has a fairly pungent odor, somewhat dries thin hair. Some did not like the clear line on the hair, which, however, they made out on their own. There are many positive reviews of the results on curly hair, to which this cosmetic product adds sun glare. On average, users rated the new product at four points out of five possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10723/

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