Karnika, bee: breed characteristic

Karnika (Krajina bee) is a highly productive breed, very popular among European beekeepers. For relative simplicity and high rates of honey collection, this variety is also valued in Russia. The homeland of Karnik are the Alps of Austria and Yugoslavia. According to many beekeepers, according to the characteristics, this variety combines the best qualities of the Carpathian and gray Caucasian bees.

Breed of bees karnik and their characteristic in appearance

One of the distinctive features of the Krajina bee is a very unusual appearance. Karnika is not yellow, like most other varieties, color, but gray with silver inclusions. Each border of these insects is very dense, and the hairs themselves are short. As a result, the bee looks shaggy.

strawberry bee

The size of this breed is not too large. The working insect weighs about 105 g, the drone - 230 g. The uterine bees of the strawberry are also quite miniature - up to 185-205 g. The proboscis length of insects of this species is 6.4-6.8 mm. In individual individuals, this indicator can reach up to 8 mm. There are several types of breeds of strawberry. In our country, mainly Polish Krajin bees are bred.

Breed productivity

Karnika is a bee that has earned popularity among beekeepers primarily for its high honey collection rates. In this regard, the breed is superior to most other varieties. In just one day, a family can collect up to 6-15 kg of honey.

Also a plus of this breed is the ability not to lose in productivity even on the poorest honey harvests. The good profitability of those apiaries that grow strawberries is also explained by the fact that these bees are very economical in terms of spending stocks in the winter. The maximum fertility of the uterus of this breed is 1400-2000 eggs per year. This is actually a very good indicator. The ability to grow large numbers of brood can significantly increase the profitability of the farm.

Karnika bee breed

Behavior features

Karnika is a friendly and friendly breed of bees. Animals or humans without good reason, these insects never attack. The beekeeper can freely open the hive and perform all necessary manipulations. In this case, the bees do not show any aggression and only begin to actively run around the honeycombs.

Pros and cons of the breed

A certain disadvantage of the breed is the tendency to swarm. In this regard, the strawberry is similar to the beef fast bees. However, with proper care and rich honey collection, this drawback does not manifest itself in any way. Moreover, with timely measures taken, these bees quickly move from swarm to working condition.

Among the advantages of the breed, many beekeepers include, among other things, the ability to navigate well in space. Alien hives with their own these bees are never confused. They do not differ and thievery. At the same time, the own nests of the bee karnik can protect very well.

bees carnica reviews

Honey Harvest Features

Karnika - bees, whose productivity characteristic is very good, the best results are shown on early bribes. That is, they collect the most honey in the spring. In this case, insects can work actively already at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. This breed is not too sensitive to poor honey collection. At the same time, even at the first opportunity, she easily switches from bad to good. The best results Krajina bees show on red clover. But at other medical gatherings they are able to prove themselves to the maximum. In summer, in bad weather, insects do not fly out of the hive.

First of all, the strawberries fill the brood part of the nest with honey. Then the insects go to the store. The honey seal on these bees is most often dry and light.

Sometimes beekeepers are interested in which bee is better - Carpathian or Strawberry. There is no definite answer to this question. The productivity indices for both of these varieties are approximately the same. However, the activity of collecting at the Carpathians, unlike the Karnika, which prefers to "work" for the most part in the spring, depends on the frequency of flowering of good honey plants during the entire warm season. Thus, the feasibility of breeding a particular variety is determined only by the characteristics of the flora of a particular area.

strawberry bee characteristic

Wintering bees

Karnika is a breed of bees that can tolerate lower temperatures without harm to itself. In terms of resistance to cold, it is only slightly inferior to the most hardy in this regard, the Central Russian variety. At the same time, it is significantly superior to the Caucasus in terms of winter hardiness.

Until recently, beekeepers attributed to the characteristic features of this bee including spasmodic development. Overwinter Krajina breed in rather weak families. In stock for the winter, bees have about 6-9 full frames. This feature is primarily associated with the fact that beekeepers in Germany and Austria, the countries in which krainka is the most popular, have long bred this species in small hives equipped with a lid on the back. But since now specialized stores in Europe began to offer special extensions that allow them to expand hives arbitrarily to any size, lines of these bees appeared, wintering with strong families. However, in principle, the breed does not change at all, but rather, comes to its original state. The fact is that in this way these bees hibernated once in Hungary and Romania.

which bee is better than carpathian or strawberry

Disease resistance

Owners of apiaries specializing in breeding this breed of bees have to deal with all sorts of diseases extremely rarely. Karnika - a bee is very resistant to both rotten and nosematosis. In this regard, it is not inferior even to the very unpretentious Central Russian bee. Diseases of brood in this breed are practically not found. This is due primarily to the high vitality and energy of insects. The only exception is calcareous offspring (ascospherosis). Recently, beekeepers have recorded a rather frequent occurrence of a similar problem in Krajina bees.

What to do to prevent swarming

So, karnika is a bee prone to swarming. What will the beekeeper have to do to prevent the loss of part of the Krajina bees in the spring? Swarming in these insects occurs as a result of:

  • a sharp decrease in ferromones in the uterus and, as a result, the appearance of a large number of underpants;
  • the instinctive readiness of young bees to start collecting nectar in its absence in early spring.

If the bee breeds fastfood and karnika stop the construction of honeycombs and do not fly out of the hive, and the uterus has reduced egg laying, then the insects have prepared for swarming. You can prevent it by taking the following measures:

  • enhancing the ventilation of the hive to stimulate the construction of additional honeycombs;
  • reducing incoming light.

Beekeepers also often struggle with swarming by expanding their nests using a multi-case design. In this case, the uterus is fenced off with a dividing grid, and the brood is forcibly moved to another section. In this way, family overload can be avoided. Young working bees have an additional area for collecting nectar, and the uterus is able to actively reproduce.

uterine bees

How to treat ascospherosis

The breed of bees, carnica, reviews of which are not bad, to a disease such as calcareous offspring, as already mentioned, unfortunately, is not very resistant. This disease in insects is caused by the mold fungus Ascosphaera apis, which affects larvae and pupae of any species. Naturally, this mushroom from hives never disappears. Because of its highest vitality, bees cannot cope with it on their own.

Infection can be determined primarily by a white coating resembling calcareous on the body of the larvae. Often the latter also increase in size, since the fungus grows not only outside but also inside their body. White plaque with ascospherosis appears on the cell lid. At the final stage of the development of the fungus, the larva turns into a solid calcareous lump. Work bees themselves throw it out of the hive.

Infection occurs most often due to a too humid microclimate at a low temperature. There is also a risk of developing the disease if the beekeeper does not follow basic hygiene rules when working with the hive. Most often, the infection is entered trite through dirty inventory. Other bees (from already infected families) may also be peddlers.

If the family has contracted ascospherosis, the frame with the infected offspring should first be removed from the hive. Next, they are treated with Ascocin, Unisan, or Nystatin. Of folk remedies, garlic-wrapped garlic is often used. Bees are transplanted into another clean hive. Nest cut. Garlic is placed in several places - in the corners, on the frame, etc.

breed of bees carnica and their characteristics

Bee Karnik: breed reviews

Russian beekeepers praise this variety, primarily, of course, for its high productivity. Judging by the reviews of many beekeepers, with good care, this breed can give honey 20-30% more than most others. At the same time, the product itself is distinguished by simply excellent taste.

The ability to easily tolerate harsh winters is one of the advantages that different strawberry bees have. Russian beekeepers also have good reviews about this breed for this reason. After all, the climate in our country is severe. And that is why many productive bee breeds in Russia, and especially in the northern regions, simply cannot be bred. The only thing a beekeeper needs to know about deciding on a carnival is that you can’t put the frame on the drain too late. This can cause a weakening of the family, and therefore its death in the winter.

Also, experienced beekeepers are extremely advised not to try to cross this bee with other breeds. Of these experiments, usually nothing good comes out.

bee breed buckfast and carnica


As you can see, karnika is a bee that is very productive and quite unpretentious. You can easily get the maximum amount of honey from this variety. But, of course, good results in breeding this breed can be achieved only if all the required technologies are observed. In the spring, bees must be monitored to prevent swarming. Work with the hive is allowed using only clean, sanitized equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10724/

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