Shave the temple and radically change the style. How to do it right?

Along with sophisticated women's hairstyles in the form of a cute bob or smoothly styled long hair, extraordinary decisions when choosing a hairstyle are becoming increasingly popular. So, you can shave the temple on a neat female head, because asymmetry has long been established in fashion. Moreover, this trend applies not only to short haircuts. Shaved whiskey is increasingly found on long hair. On the one hand, the girl stays with her precious long hair, on the other, her appearance changes radically, and the fragile person in her eyes turns into a decisive and confident rock diva.

shaved whiskey girls photo

Shaving a temple is not a tricky business, but doing it yourself has a risk of achieving bald spots on the head, and not the desired result. If you shave a little more, there will be a feeling of unhealthy hair loss, if a little less, the desired effect will not be. It is better to turn to professionals, because the temple is not the most convenient place for an independent haircut, but from the side you can see how much you need to shave and at what angle.

shave the temple

But if the matter is urgent and you really want to make a new hairstyle, then you need to take into account a number of recommendations on how to properly shave your temple so that the result does not disappoint. Doing such a hairstyle is worth if the curls have a healthy well-groomed appearance. If hair problems, i.e. they are thin, brittle, rare, it is better to first put them in order, and only then proceed with the change of image. Otherwise, a shaved temple will only complement the picture of unhealthy hair. Before shaving the temple, it is important to determine the area of ​​shaving, that is, whether it will be a strip or a fourth of the head. Uncertainty in the process of cutting can lead to disastrous consequences. If the hair is long, then the temple should be shaved leaving one centimeter of hair, so the haircut will look more harmonious. If the hair is short, then you can shave the temple to zero. To make the image even brighter, you can supplement it with creative coloring of the shaved part. The length of shaved hair must be constantly maintained, if you do not do this, the hairstyle will look messy.

how to shave the temple

Before shaving a temple, it is important to understand whether such a haircut is suitable for the type of face. Hairstyles with a shaved temple look best on owners of a classic oval- shaped face , but also no worse on a round-shaped face. To understand this, you need to look at several options for this haircut for different types of faces on the example of celebrities. How do shaved whiskey look on different types of faces? Girls whose photos are given in the article will help to understand this.

On the face of a triangular shape, this option does not look too good, it creates the impression of something unhealthy, rather, even painful. Not feminine or mysterious at all. On the face of a classic oval-shaped haircut looks very harmonious and mysterious, especially in combination with evening make-up and red lipstick. For owners of a round type of face, a haircut is also suitable, the main thing is not to overdo it with the size of the shaved area.


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