Personal qualities of a person - a determining factor in his life

In order to better understand the nature of the origin of the expression “personal qualities of a person”, it is better to turn to psychology, its basic concepts, and definitions of some aspects of the human essence.

The concept of "individual" includes the gender affiliation of a person, in fact, this is a genetic formation, a set of individual and hereditary traits. Having been born, a person also becomes a person, this is a social concept, which is mostly influenced by the environment. That is, the same individual, but considered already as a social being. The concept of “personality” was introduced into psychology with the aim of showing that psychic phenomena originate from real human being, from its relationship with the material world, other people and the public environment. The implementation of these relations is carried out through human activity, through which the knowledge of the world and its change takes place. A person is simply impossible to isolate from the role that she has to play in life.

Based on the picture that develops when reflecting a human attitude to reality, a character arises that combines the personal qualities of a person. Since each person has a different attitude to what is happening, that is, it reflects reality differently, character, and, consequently, personal qualities, have a purely individual set, similar to how at birth we are given a certain set of chromosomes, but only in a social perspective . Well, a dog sits on the road, a black one, four paws, a tail, only some see a potential danger in it, while others will pay attention to a wounded paw. Pretty primitive, but affordable. Therefore, some are good, others are prudent.

Probably, you should not put on paper a complete list that includes the personal qualities of a person - an empty and unnecessary lesson. It’s better to devote a few lines to a more productive lesson.

Personal qualities are the decisive beginning of many areas of his life, including professional. If the personality is dominated by the qualities of a leader (psychology separately studies this side of the personality), then it is appropriate to talk about such an aggregate concept as the business qualities of a person.

It already speaks of more specific concepts, character traits that define one, one might say, collective, quality - efficiency. These include:

  • the ability to search and find the shortest paths leading to the goal;
  • the ability to think independently and make the most expeditious decisions;
  • ability to ensure their implementation;
  • ability for an initiative course of action, reaching to enthusiasm.

If the indicated personal qualities of a person are manifested in the character , then the person has all chances to become the leader of a certain group of people, large or small, that is, to lead the staff, production or other process.

In general, business qualities are an extremely complex psychological category. If you carry out a rigorous analysis of them, you need, at a minimum, to write a dissertation, and all that follows. We note only one side of this concept, which characterizes business qualities, as a symbiosis of two components: organizational skills and competence. The same definitions are the main ones in the category of “personal qualities of a leader”.

The head, incompetent in the affairs of the company, not having certain professional skills, is in a humiliating dependence on subordinates. He is forced to act on their prompts or on the instructions of his superiors. Therefore, it often happens that he surrounds himself with such incompetent people, so as not to look, at least, stupid.

As for the second side of the issue - organizational abilities - it should be more accurately determined that they include:

  • the ability to identify and formulate specific tasks, both related to the solution of a particular problem, and promising;
  • the ability to argue decisions, as well as ensure their implementation;
  • ability to reconcile intentions with real conditions;
  • ability to organize, coordinate, control the work of subordinates;
  • ability and willingness to cooperate effectively with regulatory authorities and other units.

The possession of these business personal qualities is a guarantee of the success of the organization led by such a person.


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