Artistic style of speech.

Style stratification of speech is its characteristic feature. This stratification is based on several factors, of which the main one is communication. The sphere of individual consciousness - life - and the informal atmosphere associated with it generate a conversational style, the spheres of public consciousness with the accompanying officiality nourish book styles.

The difference in the communicative function of the language is also significant. For conversational style, the leading is the communication function, for book styles - the message function.

Among the book styles, the artistic style of speech stands out. So, his language is not only (and maybe not so much) a means of communication, but also a means of influencing people.

The artist summarizes his observations with the help of a specific image, by skillfully selecting expressive details. He shows, draws, depicts the subject of speech. But to show, to draw, you can only what is visible, specifically. Therefore, the requirement of concreteness is the main feature of the artistic style. However, a good artist will never describe, say, a spring forest directly, so to speak, in the forehead, in the manner of science. He will select several strokes, expressive details for his image and with their help will create a visible image, a picture.

Speaking about imagery, as the leading style line of artistic speech, one should distinguish between “image in word”, i.e. figurative meanings of words, and "image through words." Only by combining both, we get an artistic style of speech.

In addition, the artistic style of speech has such characteristic features:

1. Scope of use: works of art.

2. The objectives of the speech: to create a living picture depicting what the story is about; convey to the reader the emotions and feelings experienced by the author.

3. Characteristic features of the artistic style of speech. A statement mostly happens:

- figurative (expressive and lively);

- specific (this person is described, not people, in general);

- emotional.

4. The characteristic language means of style:

- Specific words: not animals, but wolves, foxes, deer and others; I didn’t look, but paid attention, looked.

- Frequently used words in a figurative meaning: an ocean of smiles, the sun is sleeping.

- Use of emotionally-evaluative words: a) with diminutive suffixes: bucket, swallow, little white; b) with the suffix –evat- (-ovat-): loose, reddish.

- The use of verbs of the perfect form, having the prefix za, indicating the beginning of the action (the orchestra began to play).

- Use of present tense verbs instead of past tense verbs (I went to school, I suddenly see ...).

- The use of interrogative, incentive, exclamatory sentences.

- Use in the text of sentences with homogeneous members.

Examples of the artistic style of speech can be found in any art book:

Shone forged damask

The river is an icy stream.

Don was scary

The horses snored

And the blood was foamy ... (V. Fetisov)

Quiet and blessed is the December night. The village is dozing quietly, and the stars, like guards, vigilantly and vigilantly watch, so that the way is on the ground, so that the troubles and discord, not brought by the Lord, do not disturb unsteady consent, do not move people to new swars - the Russian side is already fed up with them ( A. Ustenko).


You must be able to distinguish between the artistic style of speech and the language of the work of art. In it, the writer resorts to various functional styles, using language as a means of verbal characterization of the hero. Most often, the conversational style of speech is reflected in the replicas of the characters, but if the task of creating an artistic image requires it, the writer can use the scientific, business, and journalistic style of speech in the hero ’s speech. The non-distinction of the concepts of "artistic style of speech" and "language of a work of art" leads to the perception of any passage from a work of art as an example of the artistic style of speech, which is a gross mistake.


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