English language learning

Today, in the century of powerful innovative and industrial development, the search for new ideas in all areas of activity, the implementation of educational reforms, special demands are made on schoolchildren, students and employees of various enterprises and organizations. Now, an obligatory list of knowledge and skills includes knowledge of the English language, as a universal, international means of communication. Currently, without knowledge of the English language, it is impossible to master a computer, because most programs and games are presented in the English version, and even for an elementary download of the program, it is important to know the button under which word should be pressed so as not to block the entire working system.

Learning English is divided into several stages:

  • Obtaining basic knowledge. Initially, it is necessary to learn the alphabet, basic slang making, transcription, remember the first, simplest words.
  • Mastering the rules of reading, pronunciation features.
  • Then begins the equally important, even more complex and voluminous stage of the study of grammar.
  • Mastering the translation skill.
  • Preparation of proposals, free translation from Russian into English and vice versa.

A lot of useful and interesting information that will help rise to a new level of knowledge can be found on the website. http://www.esperanto.ru/page/2593/ .

Translation from Russian into English is divided into literary, business and technical translation. Of course, it is best to master the three translation techniques, this gives a great advantage when hiring. But on the initial path, everyone chooses the option that seems most relevant and important to him.

Literary translation is general, having this skill, you can easily read books and newspapers in English, know what they say in English films, what they sing about in songs. This is a great feeling when, after several weeks of training, you finally understand what your favorite song is talking about. However, very often the impression of a song heard anew changes, it turns out that its meaning is not at all as romantic as it was thought before.

Business English is important for those who often travel on business trips abroad or receive foreign guests. This type of translation has some differences from literary translation; the transfer of information without symbolic colors is important here. Take you to seat, please - sit down, please, says the hospitable director of visitors to business partners, inviting you to the conference room. What would you like some coffee, tea? - Coffee Tea?

Technical English is most appreciated because of its complexity and richness in terms. Having mastered this translation system, you can provide paid services for reading the instructions on a plasma TV or newfangled refrigerator, on a computer or other equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10753/

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