How to become a steward: training procedures and vacancies

Do you dream of working in the sky, but you do not have a special pilot education? You can get a steward. Do you think this is a female profession? Nothing like this. Men in stewards are much more willing to take than girls. Why? Because men can think soberly in critical situations and quickly make smart decisions. How to become a steward? Read about it below.


how to become a steward on an airplane

If you graduated from high school with honors and then went to college to study the profession that your parents chose, then most likely, after graduation, you will not have the desire to work in your specialty. This problem is often faced by erudite and ambitious guys who do not smile at the prospect of sitting out in the office for 8 hours a day. At this moment, the thought comes that there is an easy way to look at the world and get to know the culture of other countries closer. A graduate may have a desire to become a steward. How to implement the plan? To submit your resume for this vacancy, the candidate must be confident in his good education. Yes, a person who has just graduated from school can be accepted on board, but this is very rare. More often they prefer people who have served in the army and graduated. Why? Due to the fact that such guys managed to walk up, so now they have become responsible, learned how to work in a team and they clearly understand why they need to go to aviation.

Job Search

Your education can be called good, and you are definitely entrenched in the thought of connecting your life with heaven and aviation? Then you need to take active steps to find vacancies. Guys who are wondering how to become a steward most often consider large airlines. It’s not worth starting with giants such as Aeroflot. Believe me, they are not the most promising prospects for beginners. You should choose something less pathetic, for example, Ural Airlines. Look at the official websites of these companies, as well as ask friends. You will need to know when the company will begin a new recruitment. As soon as it opens, you need to submit a resume. But take your time with the choice. The information you read on the site may not be true. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally check the data on various forums. Feel free to find people who work as flight attendants in the company of your dreams. Find out fresh and reliable information better firsthand.

Resume submission

When you have made your choice, you can send a request. Submit your resume, in which, in addition to personal information and education, you need to describe your strengths and weaknesses, as well as attach a photo. You must be creative in order to attract attention. But do not overdo it, otherwise people might think that you are not serious about your future profession. Do not delay the submission of the resume, otherwise you will have a chance not to get into the ranks of students. After you have applied, you will have to wait a few weeks for an answer. Do not waste time in vain, you can prepare for a further interview and tighten up your language level.

First interview

Everyone who thought about how to become a steward on an airplane understands that a lot depends on the first impression that the candidate will make on the commission. How are future airline employees evaluated? All men applying for the title of steward must be young. Age limits range from 19-30 years. The guy should be above 170 cm and have a athletic physique. Clothing size should be no more than 54. The appearance of the candidate should be pleasant. About any piercings and visible tattoos out of the question. If the guy is satisfied with the commission according to external data, they begin a dialogue with him. Questions can be quite common. For example, a student may be asked why he wants to work in aviation. People who have already been interviewed can tell those who are just thinking about how to become a steward, that you need to be ready for anything. The commission may ask you to sing a song, read a verse, or spoof someone. And it will not be a joke. The future steward will have to complete any task.


how to become a steward in Moscow

How to become a steward on an airplane man? After you pass the first interview, you will need to pass an English exam. Complex and specific terms do not need to wait. Everything will be quite simple for a person who can freely express himself in a language and understand his interlocutor. Of course, different airlines have different requirements. If you are applying for international flights, then you should know the language perfectly. They will even check the accent, or rather, its absence.

A routine exam consists of three parts. The first is testing. Grammar is checked here. Next is listening, then a lively conversation. The level of English can subsequently be tightened, but still, in order to qualify for the position of steward, your level must be no lower than pre-intermediate.

Medical Board

how to become a steward on an airplane man

People in perfect health can apply to the airline to become a steward. What needs to be collected from references? Be sure to bring certificates from the psychiatric dispensary and drug dispensary. Applicants for the position will need to go through a neurologist, psychologist, optometrist, ENT specialist, dentist and surgeon. It is also necessary for the commission to bring along ECG data and fluorography. In the Aeroflot building itself, you will have to go through the search again. Doctors will make sure that your papers are genuine. Do not be surprised if unexpectedly they decide to check your eyesight or ask a question about the last illness. Doctors will be convinced not only of your physical health, but also of moral stability. You can expect that some kind of emergency will be waiting for you on the commission. Such "troubles" can be done intentionally to look at how the candidate behaves in an emergency. After a thorough examination, they will immediately tell you whether you are suitable or not.


what you need to become a steward

Guys who are interested in how to become a steward in Moscow are considering how long their studies will last. Courses do not last longer than three months, then graduates are offered to test the knowledge gained in the "battle". What do people learn for 3 months? Classes are divided into two parts: practical and theoretical. The first group includes: etiquette of behavior with passengers, English, anatomy, the study of the fundamentals of aircraft driving, as well as the study of the mechanical “bird” device. In practical classes, stewards prepare for various emergencies. A plane crash, parachute flying, first aid, survival in extreme conditions - this is all that can be useful to a person who crashes.

Who pays the tuition? To get a job in large companies, the steward must pay for the courses. They cost about 60 thousand per month. In companies whose status is lower, employees are trained for free. And sometimes contracts are concluded under which the student agrees to work for the company several years before leaving. Otherwise, the steward will have to pay for his training.

Training flights

how to become a steward in a stadium

After the steward has successfully completed training, he becomes an intern. What does it take to become a steward on an airplane? Fly from 30 to 50 hours as an assistant steward. For each flight, the senior comrade will give ratings. Points will be given for everything: appearance, the culture of communication with passengers, behavior on board and during landing. After the internship time is over, the future steward makes his last flight with an instructor. He monitors the behavior of a beginner and renders his verdict regarding the suitability of a person. If all is well, the intern gets a job. It should be mentioned here that the steward is learning to work on a certain type of aircraft and in a particular airline. If he wants to change his job, he will have to retrain and pass exams.

Work advantages

what you need to become a steward on an airplane

Why is it worth going to study as a steward? The advantages of this profession are many:

  • A person will be able to see the world. Few people have the opportunity to travel every week. New countries, new emotions and new experiences are what accompany the steward profession.
  • Interesting dating. Every day, the steward has the opportunity to personally meet celebrities or famous politicians. Famous writers, artists and musicians can not only give an autograph, but also talk with a nice young man during the flight.
  • The study of human psychology. Communicating daily with a large number of colorful people, the steward over time will be able to well understand the personality types and read faces. This skill is very useful for a young man in life.

Steward at the stadium

how to become a steward at the world cup

Do you work in security? Then you can easily retrain and earn good money on temporary part-time jobs. It will be enough to learn how to become a steward in a stadium. What are these people doing? They look like conductors in an airplane. Stewards help people find their place, show where the toilet is and where you can buy water. It is also the duty of the stewards to keep order and cleanliness in the stadium. Many football fans are interested in the question of how to become a steward at the World Cup. The answer is simple - go and apply. But be sure to remember: the work is not as rosy as it might seem to someone. The steward comes not to watch the match, but to keep order. Therefore, during a sporting event, a person should be turned facing the audience, not the field. Those who do not comply with this requirement are fired after the second warning. Why do people agree to this work? Good pay and “connections” at the stadium attract many fans, and they are ready to spend their time and energy on calming the fans.


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