Weak hair? Your savior is a mask for strengthening hair.

Every girl dreams of being beautiful and attractive. But beauty is a collective concept, and its exact recipe, of course, does not exist. An integral part of an ideal appearance is a good figure, well-groomed hands and nails, soft skin and, of course, healthy hair.

Fluffy, strong, long hair in general at all times was considered an indicator of femininity, but because care for them, their strengthening must be given due attention. Like beautiful flowers, without “watering” (read, “proper care”) your hair will wither and grow dull day by day, especially if you live in a dirty, gazed metropolis.

If your hair is no longer strong, healthy and beautiful, then it's time to start strengthening it. How? Well, of course, for this purpose there is a mask for strengthening hair.

Such masks are firming cosmetics for hair and scalp care. Having an excellent healing effect, they are most often made from natural ingredients. For example, a mask for strengthening hair from radish, carrot, from coltsfoot is popular. Such therapeutic decoctions can be made with your own hands, however, manufacturers of hair masks also actively use natural components in the production of cosmetics.

Usually, reinforcing masks are rubbed into the roots of the hair, after which the head is tied with a plastic scarf, and on top of the scarf with a terry towel. This application allows you to achieve the best result.

However, one should not assume that the correct “wrapping” and the composition full of names of herbs are the key to an excellent result - these funds should in no case be used anyhow. The mask for strengthening hair is carefully selected based on the desired effect, hair type and other factors. Only in the case of the correct selection will it give really good, visible and tangible results.

If we talk about hair types, then the following masks are suitable for different types:

- To strengthen oily hair, masks made from parsley mixed with castor oil are perfect; rye bread in a broth of onion peel and oak bark.

- for dry hair, a mask of mashed beets and onions, which are mixed with quite a bit of burdock oil heated with a water bath, is suitable; burdock oil mixed with egg yolk; mask of castor, burdock or almond oil mixed with lemon juice (the so-called oil bath).

- to strengthen normal hair it is allowed to use any firming masks with the only proviso that kefir is best used instead of decoctions and oils.

As already mentioned, any mask can be made independently if desired. Of course, homemade masks for strengthening hair are much more useful than purchased ones, since any cosmetic product that you can buy in the store will almost always contain alcohols, preservatives and various additives that are designed to enhance its effect, but at the same time affect the hair negatively. If your choice is a firming mask made with your own hands at home, there are a few basic tips that you should listen to.

So, do not forget that for the preparation of masks it is worth using exclusively fresh products and freshly squeezed juices, since only vitamins are completely preserved in them.

You should not use all masks at once, it is much better to choose one or a maximum of two and apply them to your hair for a month or two - then you will feel a really tangible result.

When using burdock oil, you need to pay attention to its composition. Poor, low-quality oil most often consists only of paraffin oil and soy glycerin.

If your hair is oily, it is best to add lemon juice or mustard to the mask, but olive or castor oil is more suitable for dry hair .

When using castor oil, it should be borne in mind that it is very difficult to wash off, and therefore it is usually used together with cognac.

It is best to strengthen the hair starting from the roots. There are also special masks for strengthening hair roots. Using them, you can be sure that the hair, growing back, will look much stronger and healthier than before.

In general, if you want to look beautiful and attractive, you definitely need to take care of your hair. A mask for strengthening hair is the best way out of this situation, especially one that is made by one’s own hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10758/

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