Energy intensity - what is it in production?

An important indicator of the stability of a country's economic development is energy intensity. Current manufacturing practices and the huge consumption of electric energy have a negative impact on the outside world. Countries are striving to reduce these rates.

energy intensity is

The concept of energy intensity

Energy intensity is the volume of energy or fuel spent on the processes of production. The energy reserve of the system is calculated as an indicator of the ratio of energy used to the value that expresses the result of the system.

The volume of energy in the manufacture of a single product is not considered as a separate value. Energy intensity is the cost of production, which, as usual, is calculated for a certain period of time (month, year, and so on). They reflect the planned variable of production costs for this time interval.

energy intensity indicators

Despite the general component, the representation of energy intensity varies depending on the aspect of consideration.

Calculation of energy intensity of production

Energy intensity is an indicator that establishes the level and fruitfulness of the use of resources (electricity or fuel) in production. This value does not depend on the specific type of manufactured products.

Oil refineries are the most expensive. These also include chemical enterprises.

Fuel and energy costs include many aspects. Parameters such as energy and fuel capacity are a system of indicators for determining costs. The energy intensity of production is calculated as the ratio of the volume of production costs to the volume of goods sold.

energy intensity of production

Process Factors

The development of technological processes consists in the following factors:

  • Machine capacity. In other words, you need to determine the necessary equipment and the amount of equipment that will be required to complete the process or develop the technology.
  • Consumables required during operation of the equipment indicated above.
  • Material consumption of products (stock).
  • The area required for high-quality production.
  • Energy intensity of products.
  • Fuel reserves for product development.

Energy intensity is the cost of production or energy for its manufacture. This value is determined by dividing by the specific volume of products and the volume of all products. It is calculated both for all types of energy carriers, and separately.

Calculation of energy intensity of products

energy intensity of products

The calculation of the total energy intensity of a product for a year is made up of the expense for each individual stage of the manufacturing process. The costs of fuel, electricity and energy are determined by various methods (calculation procedure established by the norm per unit of goods and the like).

Economic parameters include the cost of new equipment or consumables, the costs of developing products using this tool, as well as the consumption of material for products.

An important area of ​​production is the conservation of resources. Measures to optimize consumption also apply to energy. The comprehensive improvement of all processes of any production lies in a system of technologically efficient measures.

GDP energy intensity

gdp energy intensity

Energy capacity is being formed both for industrial organizations and for the economy throughout the country. The energy intensity of GDP is used as an indicator of energy productivity. It is determined by the total costs of energy and fuel resources to GDP and shows the effectiveness of the use of energy resources throughout the country. Energy intensity of GDP is a characteristic of energy saturation, production productivity.

The decrease in production efficiency is due to the large expenditure of energy. The waste of energy entails an increase in energy intensity for the manufacture of the product, an increase in gross domestic product. There are two processes for increasing production efficiency - increasing and decreasing energy intensity.

How to reduce energy intensity?

Measures to reduce energy intensity prevail, as current production has a negative impact on the world. The implementation of such procedures for the economical use of fuel and energy resources (FER) can improve the effectiveness of the entire economy.

An objective analysis of GDP directly affects the determination of the indicator of energy intensity reduction. When calculating this value in the central bank's main currency, the calculated indicator can be used exclusively for internal settlements. When comparing annual results, it is important to consider the magnitude of inflation.

Another problem arises sharply. The objectivity of estimating GDP in international currency is in itself highly controversial. For example, estimating GDP in accordance with the exchange rate of currencies, one can not only distort data, but also not fully assess the country's economic potential . In addition, the exchange rate does not reflect the value of the currency in the domestic market. There is a linear relationship between prices and the estimated potential of the country.

The basic criterion for energy capacity is the numerical ratio of energy expended to the value of the system’s efficiency. They are determined in the design documentation for products of all kinds.

Energy Intensity Indicators

specific energy consumption

The main criterion for energy capacity is numerical expression. It is the ratio of energy to the magnitude of the result of the effectiveness of the system. Indicators are defined in the design documentation for products of all kinds.

The capacity of the energy reserve is characterized as general, absolute, specific and relative.

  • The total takes into account the energy costs of manufacturing the product. This allows you to give a general description of the cost of the production process.
  • Absolute determines the amount of energy consumption per unit of production and is used in the same type of production. She calculates the need for energy and explores their use.
  • Specific energy intensity is the consumption of certain energy resources per unit of technical characteristics of products. It characterizes the progress of the multi-nomenclature production system.
  • Relative - this is the proportion of the cost of energy and its elements for production and sale.

Difference in performance

The indicators of useful consumption and losses can vary even with the same amount of energy for production. These indicators include the coefficients of the extraction of components from raw materials, as well as the development of plans for the use of raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished products.

Indicators of the amount of energy expended are simple calculation and availability. With their help, you can analyze the technology of energy consumption in any industry. These indicators allow us to assess the effectiveness of the use of energy resources in production, taking into account industry specifics.

Formation of energy strategies for each enterprise is a likely solution to the problem of reducing costs. The implementation of a system of indicators that assess the effectiveness of the use of energy resources is one of the directions of the strategy. Reducing energy costs for the production of products is especially significant for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the global economic market.


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