Glen Forest Whiskey Pros and Cons

Glen Forest whiskey is liked by those who prefer strong alcoholic drinks. Today, whiskey is a serious competitor to vodka in the alcohol market of the countries of the former USSR, and all because it has become more affordable and affordable, although it was simply impossible to get this alcoholic drink several decades ago. Ordinary residents of the USSR perhaps saw beautiful-looking bottles with golden liquid on television when the first foreign serial films were shown. However, even now whiskey is perceived by many as something extravagant and alien. Let’s try to convince such people and prove that whiskey is first of all an ordinary alcoholic beverage, the preparation of which uses various types of crops familiar to everyone.

It is worth noting that humanity has long learned to get high-quality alcohol using proven methods for its production, and modern technologies have not brought anything radically new in this direction.

Whiskey Glen Forest

Close but different

Fans of this drink can be divided into those who prefer Irish and those who like Scottish, which also includes Glen Forest whiskey. There are significant differences between the two types of this product. Scots and Irish are excellent producers of whiskey, and they make it by a similar technique, proven over the centuries. Both of them use peat to dry the malt, however, the Scots additionally impregnate it with smoke, which is why the alcoholic drink made by them has a rich specific aroma. Irish whiskey is considered a lighter product. In the process of its preparation, the Irish distill alcohol three times, while the Scots are limited to two distillations. It goes without saying that the distillation process affects the palatability of the product. Irish whiskey is called purer and less fragrant in comparison with its Scottish counterpart. It is easy to conclude from this that the Scottish version of the drink, which includes Glen Forest whiskey, is preferred by connoisseurs of aromatic, with a rich taste of alcohol. To such people, the process of drinking is much more important, and not the result.

Glen Forest whiskey reviews

Positive reviews

As they say, how many people - so many opinions. This also applies to the topic of controversy about whiskey "Glen Forest". Reviews about him are mostly positive, but there are also critical comments. Most of those who spoke positively about whiskey, first of all, note its taste and aroma. This product is called a true drink of real men, which goes well with grilled meat or barbecue. Many Glen Forest whiskey women also praise, calling it a noble drink. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity like the golden color of whiskey, its homogeneity, lack of suspensions, aromatic smell and soft taste. Noting the pros, the ladies point to the attractive design of the bottle.

Glen Forest whiskey price

Negative reviews

There are those who have not added Glen Forest whiskey to their list under the name “Favorite Alcoholic Drinks”. They argue that the bottle looks too primitive and discreet. In their opinion, the taste of the drink is not much different from the taste of homemade moonshine.

And they both agree that excessive drinking is dangerous to health, and we are unanimous in this. Glen Forest - whiskey, the price of which is quite affordable - one bottle (0.7 liter) costs about 700 rubles. Connoisseurs of alcohol notes that this alcoholic drink is a wonderful ingredient for various cocktails. There are those who claim that it must be combined with cigars, if you really want to get real pleasure from drinking.


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