Life in Germany: Russian reviews, conditions, standard of living, pros and cons

Russian reviews of life in Germany are mixed. One says that only having arrived here, they could find happiness and find a suitable place of life for themselves, but others strongly disagree with them. Some live in Germany only for the sake of high earnings, preferring vacation and spending all their free time in their native lands. Why do our compatriots love and do not like life in this cozy European country? Let's try to figure it out.

Relevance of the issue

Russian reviews of life in Germany are of interest to many, since the very possibility of moving from our country to a European one, more successful and stable, has attracted more and more fans in recent years. The most developed countries in the world’s economy are most curious, and among them one of the first places in the top leaders belongs to Germany. Those who are unable to realize themselves and their talents in their native country and achieve such success as we would like are more often interested in opportunities. Indeed, the standard of living in Russia largely limits modern man, so for some people moving is the only option. From the outside, it seems that Germany is a great power, well-maintained and very stable. It has long been known for a high level of citizenship and an excellent system for protecting the rights of all inhabitants. No less enthusiasm can be found about the domestic aspects of living.

As you can conclude their Russian reviews of life in Germany, it is here that foreigners can count on more than decent wages. At the same time, the entire population has the opportunity to seek medical services, the quality of which is universally maintained at the highest level. Life is no less thoroughly framed in social aspects. However, there were some shortcomings. Some note the difficulty of contacting local people. Others have problems in terms of parenting and the traditions associated with this. Someone is dissatisfied with the nuances of the social structure. Is it worth going here or is there a more attractive place to live?

the pros and cons of life in Germany

Basic information

According to Russians, life in Germany is an opportunity to work and exist in good conditions. The laws of the state provide support for the social strata with minimal security - these are the immigrants from other powers. Those who wish can study the local language in specialized courses for visitors - attending such training is completely free. If a person does not work, he can apply for special payments, which will avoid the financial collapse of the family. Benefits and benefits are provided that allow you to establish your life in the first time. From year to year, the Russian diaspora in Germany is becoming more numerous, and this is largely due to just such a friendly meeting. In some large cities there are neighborhoods in which only Russians live - there are special goods stores, public entertainment venues open for the specifics of the audience.

There are emigrants who set themselves the goal of quickly mastering the local language and traditions. Such people quickly learn to navigate in everyday things and begin to behave like local people in a short period of time, merging with the general mass. It is precisely such that the public welcomes most actively. There are others - those who prefer to dwell within the diaspora. Dislike for local traditions and unwillingness to become part of society often turn into insurmountable complexity. It’s very difficult to adapt to life in Germany and find a job, refusing to become like a local.

Where and how?

From the opinions of emigrants about life in Germany, we can conclude that the easiest way is for those who choose Berlin. Statistically, this is due to the fact that the locality is the most international in the country. It differs in the highest density of residence and a large number of inhabitants. The metropolis, according to many, is perfect for families and single people, as well as those who have children. There are excellent educational opportunities at any level, there are many educational institutions, but industry is relatively poorly developed, and about 80% of migrants find a job in the service sector. Those who want to work in the industrial block should take a closer look at Hamburg, Munich.

From the reviews moved about life in Germany, you can find out that local people are very different from a typical representative of our nationality. For the most part, those born in Germany are highly disciplined and responsible persons for whom labor and work are most important than anything else. Berlin is relatively relaxed, very different from other western settlements. Therefore, many believe that it is he who suits the Russians more than any other option. An equally important aspect is the financial one, since living here, although it costs a lot of money, is still cheaper than other cities. You can rent a simple living space (without luxury and frills) for only 500 euros per month. The second important aspect is the security inherent in any time of the day and any quarter of the city.

German life Russian reviews

I want to work

It’s easy to find out about life in Germany through the eyes of Russians - there are a lot of people who have moved here, and almost all of them are ready to share their experience. More often people leave for this country for a better quality of life compared to home. To ensure your comfort, you need to find a job - and here even highly qualified specialists sometimes encounter difficulties. Only a successfully obtained diploma of higher education is not a reason for an employer to hire a foreigner. First, the person who wants to must confirm their qualification level with an internal exam, but to do this is quite difficult.

Many admit that at first they agreed to simple part-time jobs and unskilled labor, if only to provide for themselves and their family. Even engineers with an excellent track record in their homeland were forced to work as waiters, cleaners. It was somewhat easier for those who were looking for work with the help of intermediaries, but at first such an enterprise required deductions from wages, so the employee himself has an insignificant amount. It is much easier to navigate and arrange a quality life for someone who knows the law - it is easier to find a suitable place and achieve favorable conditions and wages. You need to remember the advantages in obtaining a job from citizens of Germany and people who have citizenship of other EU countries. Our compatriots in this list are only in third place in priority, along with other foreigners born outside the EU.

Dreams and Reality

The life of Russian emigrants in Germany is not as simple as it seems from the outside. From statistical reports you can find out that about 96% of immigrants from our country, having diplomas of completed higher education, find a job in the Federal Republic of Germany that has nothing to do with specialization. As a rule, they are hired by cashiers and janitors as supermarkets. Many Russians settle in the field of construction, transport management, especially on long-distance transport. Quite willingly, our compatriots are taken in as nannies and nurses.

At the same time, there are people who came and found a great job for themselves. Some were able to prove their abilities and get a high-ranking position, others chose a promising area of ​​activity for themselves and succeeded in it. Those professionals who already had an excellent job and a good track record on the basis of which received an invitation from a foreign recruiter have better prospects. However, do not count on "stars from the sky." Even for the most educated and successful people, there are certain career boundaries that it is catastrophically difficult to go beyond without being a German.

standard of living in Germany

Live and learn

There are many who talk about what awaits the migrants, student reviews. What is life in Germany, they often tell in great detail, with all the problems and difficulties. In the general case, it is believed that this particular option of moving to a stable country is one of the most promising. A person with the ability to obtain a European diploma will not worry about work in the future. All universities in Germany are known for their impeccable level of teaching, and a diploma received here will certainly have excellent knowledge and skills. An important aspect is the free system that applies to citizens of different countries. Every student can apply for regular scholarship payments, decent enough to be enough for everyday needs. At the same time, the system is based on the idea that a person who has unlearned will go home to work.

To enter a higher education institution in Germany will be possible only if the applicant is able to communicate in the local language. For many institutions, there is enough basic level, but it needs to be confirmed by the results of a special exam. Talking about the peculiarities of life in Germany for Russians, they pay attention to the possibility of gaining a place at the university if a person has already studied at least two years of similar specialization in his native state or studied for one year, but enrolled in college. It is necessary to choose the institution at the university of interest. After the successful completion of the educational program, you can submit documents for admission to the highest level.

Education: Features

As can be concluded from the stories about what kind of life in Germany attracts our compatriots, the education system described above gives rise to misunderstanding among many. It is explained quite simply: in German schools children study for 13 years, and not 11, as in our country, and in the last couple of years their educational course is almost identical to that taught in our universities. Therefore, applicants from Russia must first obtain this useful knowledge, only then apply for training with the Germans, having the same starting baggage.

As Russians say, studying in Germany is primarily attracted by financial accessibility. The second aspect is a high level of quality. The third nuance is the opportunity to get a preliminary educational course for free, in which you can learn the local language. Another important opportunity for a foreigner is training programs in English. Those are designed for foreign applicants and are in the predominant number of German universities. From reviews of life in Germany it is known that for those wishing to study in this country, the best prospects open in Munich, Bremen. Many praise Bavarian, Berlin, Saxon universities and institutions in Hamburg.

In general, for those who seek to devote their lives to science, it is in Germany that they offer particularly broad opportunities and prospects. This area is highly valued, receives regular subsidies from the country's budget. A good scientist in Germany is always a valuable person who enjoys privileges and honor. In our country, this has long been known from reviews of life in Germany, because quite a lot of teachers in German universities come from Russia.

everyday life in germany

Us and they

Traditionally interested in the feedback of the late settlers about life in Germany in aspects of the attitude of the local population towards visitors. At the same time, many forget the centuries-old wisdom of our own people, which says that it is impossible to visit other people's monasteries, imposing their own charters on them. Here everything works the same way. A person arriving in another country either adapts to the requirements of society in a plastic way, joins him and talks about a well-formed life, or tries to maintain his individuality as a migrant. The second opinion about life abroad is usually much more negative. When planning to permanently live in the territory of a certain power, one should think: how does their mentality suit the emigrant personally? How does the local culture conform to its ideas and norms? Some of our compatriots are dissatisfied with the isolation of the Germans and even stinginess - the Russians are accustomed to living generously, hospitably, in a big way. Indeed, one cannot wait for such kindliness as at home, and this is completely normal - such is the local society, its features. The Germans are reserved, strict, adhere to the peculiar views nurtured by the long history of their society.

Everyday life in Germany is the need to contact a wide variety of people. In this country, a large number of foreigners from different parts of the world. Not everyone spends time and effort on mastering the local dialect and culture. Such people cause discontent among the indigenous population. It is because of them that they are biased towards everyone who has come from afar. There are many cases when the Germans for many years of working with Russian colleagues did not begin to communicate with them. The traditional invitations to dine together, pastime with colleagues and other options regarding informal relations seem to bypass the emigrants, which makes it seem different to them.

Socialization: an insoluble problem?

Some say that Russian life in Germany is similar to torture - it is so difficult to reduce the distance with representatives of the indigenous population. This is largely due to the specific upbringing and modesty of people, as well as the moral principles that they have absorbed since childhood. If a foreigner is well versed in traditions and customs, understands the mentality, they will be well treated. Surely you will be able to avoid sharp corners, difficult moments. A person who respects the locality to which he came, its customs, quickly adapts and lives fully, despite some difficulties.

Socialization for Russians is not an easy task, nevertheless, from year to year there are more and more people coming from our country to Germany. Russian life in Germany is not only communication problems, but also the opportunity to live in comfort and contentment, stability, receiving a decent income and having good opportunities for raising children. Every year, Germany takes one of the leading positions among the countries most attractive for permanent residence.

life in germany reviews

About Diasporas

The standard of living in Germany attracts many, and the most obvious indicator of this is statistical information. Russian speakers in this country are the most numerous stratum of foreign population in Germany and the EU in general. In total, there are about four million such people in the country. The main percentage falls on ethnic Germans. Everyone who speaks this language is considered as Russian, even if the person is officially Ukrainian, Belarusian, or of another nationality. For those born in the CIS countries, it is often precisely Russian that is the main language of communication, therefore the Germans practically do not make any differences. Children of immigrants, especially grandchildren, are already ordinary participants in society, who speak German and have the mentality of a local inhabitant. They are not taken into account when evaluating the Russian diaspora in the FRG.

Analytical studies were conducted to determine the features of the stratification of Russians into German lands. Most of our compatriots are in large settlements. In addition to the metropolitan area, it is also Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Dresden. There are separate quarters where only Russian is spoken. Relatively small social groups have chosen places to live in which are not only characterized by a high standard of living (in Germany there are many), but also the relative calm and quiet of the periphery - these are Osnabruck, Leverkusen. There are quite a lot of Russians in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, therefore there are educational, social, medical institutions designed for our compatriots, as well as commercial enterprises serving in Russian.

Don't wanna lose myself

Among the minuses of living in Germany, many note the difficulty of maintaining their national identity. The society requires adjustment, a newcomer must join it, master the language and traditions, culture, and adapt to the mentality. It seems to some that this is an infringement of their rights, others are painful to realize the possibility of losing their spiritual connection with their homeland. For those who want to maintain authenticity, there are specialized centers and institutions.

Currently, in Germany there are many cultural centers specifically for Russian-speaking immigrants. There are educational institutions and specific schools for children who have arrived. Courses, libraries and clubs are provided.There are societies uniting people with common interests. Such organizations individually, the community, the diaspora as a whole are one of the important aspects of the adaptation of the recently arrived. From year to year, more and more emigrants tend to join associations. Only in the capital there are more than ten. Some exist for several decades.

In addition to immigrants, specialized cultural centers and institutions attract the attention of the local population. Among the Germans there are many socially active citizens who want to help others settle in their country. People strive to make the process of interaction of nations more efficient and enjoyable. Particular attention is paid to cooperation in aspects of science, culture, business. Some communities even support migrants financially.

what is life in Germany

Not without flaws

If the advantages of living in Germany are well known to everyone - this is structure and stability, good earnings and the prospects for getting an education, then they think about the minuses much less often. As many note, among those who moved to foreign countries, those who chose Germany often find themselves disappointed - this happens much more often than among people who moved to, for example, Bahrain. Social surveys devoted to this topic were carried out taking into account the opinions of emigrants not only about the quality of life, but also about the problems of adaptation, as well as general satisfaction. Germany, of course, is attractive - no one argues with this, but she did not get the first lines in the recently organized polls.

What about the pros and cons of living in Germany? The key, as those who moved here say, is communication. The local population is not friendly enough to emigrants; it is not easy to establish friendly relations with native Germans. In this aspect, Germany is close to Danish and Swiss realities. Similar problems are observed in those who emigrated to Kuwait. Emigrants note an abundance of prejudice, fear of strangers, and the inability of local people to trust newcomers. The country is often characterized as cold, and the local population, as many emigrants believe, lacks an understanding of the benefits of being a multicultural society. Not knowing the local language, many foreigners find themselves in isolation.

Thin Points: Technology

It would seem that an obvious plus for Russians in life in Germany is access to the latest technologies, because the country is one of the most innovative. Surprisingly, it is precisely the problems with the latest technology that is one of the aspects that foreigners have described as an aspect that complicates adaptation. Surveys on habitat aspects here include the quality of “digitalization.” They began to pay attention to him only recently, and almost immediately Germany received a lagging status. Problems associated with the registration of SIM cards, with payment by credit card. Virtual services are poorly developed, and the speed of the Internet in many places leaves much to be desired. Even our country, as shown by studies of the opinions of emigrants from different powers, overtakes Germany in this quality. The first place according to the research results was awarded to Estonia as the most technological and computerized power. Here, all bureaucratic problems can be solved online, with enough English. According to analysts, in order for Germany to become a more comfortable place for visitors, a lot of effort should be made to ensure sufficient speed of connection to the virtual web and the ability to pay with cards.

Russian life in Germany

To live: not just for the sake of work

Considering the pros and cons of life in Germany, it is worth paying attention to leisure - an important component of everyday life of any person, wherever he lives - in his native land or in a foreign country. Many, however, believe that the opportunities for foreigners to have fun in Germany are very limited, especially if the visitors do not yet know the local dialect perfectly. Additional difficulties - insufficient social support, a small range of opportunities for communication and leisure.

There are other aspects of social activity that can be safely attributed to obvious pluses. In Germany, a medical care system is developed, transportation is well thought out. Those who wish to travel will not encounter problems and difficulties. You can’t expect that while traveling or permanently living in any locality they will be in danger - in this respect, the power is consistently considered one of the leaders on the planet.


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