Nikolaev shipbuilding plants. The state of Ukrainian shipbuilding

The Black Sea shipyard, also known as the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Yards, occupies the southwestern part of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. The plant is located near the Bug estuary, the waters of which approach directly to the Black Sea.

In Soviet times, it was the largest enterprise, the best of its kind. Now it has fallen into decay. Nevertheless, the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant "Ocean" remains a unique enterprise, integrated and fully autonomous. It is the largest both throughout the European territory and in the world.

From the history

In the city of Nikolaev, located in the southern part of modern Ukraine, there is a unique enterprise founded in 1895 - the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant. Initially, it was called the Naval anonymous society.

The plant has a rich Soviet and Russian past. Just a few decades ago, it was the central base for the manufacture of the largest surface ships, including aircraft carriers. Moreover, at the end of the Soviet period, work began on assembling a nuclear aircraft carrier, but due to a change in power, it did not receive a logical conclusion.

The decline and the crisis period in which the Nikolaev shipyard is today began immediately after the Soviet Union collapsed. The Ukrainian authorities could not only realize the capabilities of the unique enterprise, but also maintain its performance.

Enterprise development at the end of the 19th century

The founding of an anonymous society, which included foundries, mechanical plants and shipyards, occurred in 1895. Entrepreneurs from Belgium supervised over it, despite the fact that the enterprises in the city of Nikolaev settled down. It was they who leased land for three decades on the shore of South Bout and began to build the main enterprises.

At that time, the influx of foreign capital was actively encouraged in Russia. Thanks to this investment, the Belgian government received the versatile support of the great empire.

The city of Nikolaev favorably differed from the others in a particularly good location for the shipbuilding industry. Here conditions were created for military and commercial shipbuilding.

It is important to note that at that time the Admiralty was already working in the city. But the complex of enterprises "Naval" should be more powerful and productive. Initially, the best machines and equipment were imported to it. Separate workshops began to work even before the official opening.

All production facilities were located linearly, sequentially, had communication through a railway line.

The main components of the impressive complex were as follows:

  • shipbuilding;
  • engineering production for the assembly of auxiliary units of future ships;
  • car building production;
  • boiler compartment;
  • blacksmithing;
  • metalworking industries.

Foundation and early years of the plant

In October 1897, a really significant event happened. The largest complex, which is now known as Nikolaev Shipbuilding Plants, was opened and consecrated. An extensive article was published on this subject in the local city newspaper, and already at that time individual workshops began active work.

It was a really large enterprise. It brought the most modern equipment at that time. The Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant was designed not only for cooperation with the state, but also for the implementation of a number of private orders.

At the same time, residents learned that the Society of factories in the city was ready to accept orders for all kinds of watercraft - from small boats to impressive ships, designed to transport people or goods.

Such was the beginning of the path of this great enterprise. Later it was renamed several times, including the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant named after N. I. Nosenko. During the time of the Russian Empire and Soviet power, the plant put on the fleet more than one hundred ships of various sizes and destinations.

By 1889, the company had more than three thousand workers of various specialties. During the first year of active work, almost three million rubles were earned for the finished product. In total, Nikolaev shipbuilding plants occupied 50 hectares.

The best machinery and equipment were brought to the shipyard. Under a covered canopy 4 small ships or two powerful battleships could be assembled at once.

Other production within the complex of Nikolaev shipbuilding plants developed no less actively. But the main thing was the assembly of ships.

Development at the beginning of the 20th century

Already in the early years of the 20th century, the Nikolaev shipyards took their place in the shipbuilding of a large empire. At the same time, they began work on warships for their country, like serious destroyers.

The ships laid down in Naval, work on which began in 1901, went to sea in 1903, becoming part of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Some of these ships became participants in the war with Japan, which the empire lost.

Later, the plant received several more major contracts. They assumed the full assembly of destroyers or the manufacture of separate components and assemblies for ships that were built at neighboring shipyards.

In 1905, work was completed on a pair of serious cruisers. They went to the shores of the Far East. The work of these courts was to identify poaching in these waters. In those days, it was mainly hunted by foreign poachers, who by their activity inflicted tangible damage to the fishing industry of the empire.

In subsequent years, the company specialized in the repair of existing and the creation of new ships. But the main emphasis was nevertheless placed on the military ships, modern at that time, for the needs of the Black Sea Fleet of the empire.

Even the Civil War and the revolution did not create serious problems for the industrial giant. Immediately after nationalization, work began to boil within its walls with renewed vigor for the benefit of the Soviet navy. The young Soviet state understood well how important it was to have a strong fleet, and spared no funds for its development.

The second half of the XX century in the history of the Nikolaev shipbuilding enterprise

For several years, the company was occupied by German troops. He was released only in 1944. During this period, much has been broken and destroyed. But vigorous activity here was resumed in less than a year.

Perhaps the best period for the Nikolaev plant is the post-war decades. At that time, the Land of Soviets especially needed a powerful and modern fleet, because it became a superpower. Moreover, not only military vessels were required, but also scientific, as well as merchant ships, large and small. To achieve the objectives, all the capacities of the largest shipbuilding industries of Nikolaev were connected - "Ocean", the plant named after 61 Communards along with the shipbuilding Black Sea.

By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, about three hundred people were employed in these three industries — they were workers of various specialties, graduates of secondary and higher technical educational institutions.

The enterprise gained special fame when launched by eminent Soviet aircraft carriers and missile cruisers. Experts note that even in such a tight schedule, military production accounted for no more than a third of the total number of orders.

The company at the beginning of the XXI century

If in the Soviet period, the volume of production at the Nikolaev Communal Shipyard named after 61 communards amounted to hundreds of units, then after the collapse of the USSR, with the advent of the Ukrainian authorities, it became a piece. But the work went mainly on private orders for civilian vessels.

So, at the beginning of the XXI century, already a Ukrainian shipbuilding company received a number of foreign orders. One of the largest at that time was work on tankers for Greece. It also collected 4 bulk carriers sold to Spain.

Since that time, a large complex began to decline. Upon completion of large foreign orders, it was retrained from the creation of ships for their repair, which no longer required its former scope and brought minimal income.

From the very beginning, the shipyards of Ukraine had no prospects, but at first there was still hope for a positive outcome. The number of employees on them was declining.

The Ukrainian authorities tried several times to support the country's shipbuilding industry, but their efforts did not produce a visible positive result.

Some glimmers and serious hopes appeared at the plant upon receipt of a state order from President Yanukovych. In accordance with it, the plant should collect several military corvettes. But after the change of power in the country due to the acute lack of funding, this work was stopped.

Business stoppage in 2017

In November 2017, the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant stopped work. This happened even taking into account the fact that the enterprise itself currently belongs to Ukroboronprom.

The main reason for what happened is to stop the receipt of funds necessary for minimal maintenance of such a large Ukrainian warship as the cruiser Ukraine.

Such a difficult financial situation at the enterprise was due to serious debts to employees for the payment of wages along with the seizure of accounts. People were simply forced to leave their jobs and look for work outside their profession.

According to experts, the true reason is that at the moment the government is not taking the necessary measures to service a large cruiser. Since 2015, the company has not received monetary compensation for servicing a serious ship. This caused a lack of finance, even for the payment of wages to their employees.

In other words, the company has to do the maintenance of “Ukraine” on its own and at its own expense. Earlier, the leadership had already sent the relevant papers to the country's Ministry of Defense - the need was indicated to carry out its demilitarization, which would allow the plant to return the invested funds and cope with the situation.

But the current leadership of the country is not going to support one of the most important shipbuilding enterprises of its own country. It is important to note that the indicated cruiser has been idle on the territory of the plant for the past three decades, that is, from the moment the ship was withdrawn from the Russian fleet and transferred to the Ukrainian side.

Outstanding ships coming off the assembly line at different times

Hundreds of ships were assembled at the Nikolaev plant during its more than a century of history. The largest of them have received considerable fame and recognition.

The following ships became the most significant (starting from the foundation of the shipyard):

  1. "Crab" - a ship for the installation of minefields under water, launched in 1905. It became the first in the world in its class, took an active part in the events of the First World War.
  2. "Empress Catherine the Great" - a ship of the line, launched in 1915. It became the most advanced in technical terms and large-sized among Russian ships of a linear type which the state navy possessed. The ship participated in the hostilities during the First World War, later it was diverted from the shores of the Crimean peninsula so that the ship would not go to Germany as a result of the peace agreement concluded in Brest. Already in Novorossiysk he was flooded, for which he received a personal instruction from Lenin. This was necessary, as the Germans urgently demanded the transfer of the ship at their disposal.
  3. S-79 - a submarine created in accordance with project 613. It was launched in 1954. Immediately she was transferred to the disposal of the Northern Fleet, later the boat came to the disposal of the Pacific Fleet. Then, by coincidence, the submarine was secretly transferred to Indonesia. Today it serves as a museum ship in the same country.
  4. "Admiral Kuznetsov" is one of the greatest and most powerful ships issued by the Nikolaev shipyard. This is a heavy aircraft carrier cruiser, work on which was completed in 1991. For many years, he remained the only ship at the disposal of the Russian Navy, which offered aircraft the possibility of landing and vertical take-off.

The modern museum of Nikolaev shipbuilding plants

Today the shipbuilding enterprise of Nikolaev fell into decay. Financial problems and lack of orders played a significant role in this process. Only the empty workshops of a large complex of enterprises, as well as the museum operating within its walls, now remind of former greatness. He managed to save just over two thousand valuable exhibits.

In the central part of the museum’s exposition are industrial ships, as well as models of other ships that were launched since the first years of the enterprise. Here are present as the first ship with fifty guns, still sailing, as well as modern refrigerated vessels, military cruisers and many others.

Each of them is truly a symbolic symbol of the development and improvement of the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Within the walls of this museum, one can trace the transition from the use of metals during the assembly of ships to the creation of ships on gas turbines and even rocket, refrigerated ships.

Many valuable photographs and documents along with banners are also stored here. All of them carry information on the formation of shipbuilding.

One of the most interesting models for visitors is the ship “Vice Admiral Popov”. It was the first all-metal ship launched in Russia. Starting from it, work with wood in the shipbuilding sphere was completed, mastering modern technologies and the latest materials of that era. It was from this ship that a major overhaul and renewal of production took place.

The current state of shipbuilding in Ukraine

It is not easy for modern Ukraine to maintain the basic production at the proper level. Probably, due to the general trend, the state of Ukrainian shipbuilding was also deplorable.

Today in the country there are several large shipbuilding enterprises - Nikolaev factories, although the largest, but far from the only ones in this area. But they are more and more idle - orders are extremely rare.

The situation is complicated by the fact that many enterprises in this field, which try to stay afloat on their own, are simply a bargaining chip in the political games of Ukrainian officials and businessmen. This additionally aggravates the already difficult situation in the industry. There is nowhere to wait for support.

Shipbuilders of Ukraine have already felt the uselessness of their industry. Problems all accumulate, but they do not receive solutions even after the passage of time. Now there are no people in the country who are ready to invest large sums in shipbuilding assets. After all, this carries a certain risk.

Problems covered all major shipbuilding enterprises and factories of other industries. So, along with the Nikolaev plants, a very difficult situation is now at Yuzhmash.


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