"Meeting": a synonym for the word

To communicate normally with people, you need to establish contacts. What is the easiest way to do this? World leaders seek to meet each other. The quarreling neighbors sooner or later begin to greet and meet in a common kitchen to discuss the news. People need meetings. It is about this noun and its synonyms that will be discussed in the article.

The lexical meaning

Before you find a synonym for the word “meeting”, you need to understand what it means. In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov several options are presented.

  1. A meeting that is organized for dating, conversation.
  2. Competition.

Other dictionaries indicate that a “meeting” is a love rendezvous, as well as a gala reception over an outstanding event.

Greetings before the meeting

Similar words

When a noun “meeting” appears several times in the text, a synonym is required. By using a word close in meaning, repetitions that impede the perception of information can be avoided.

The Synonyms Dictionary contains words that can be used interchangeably. It’s easy to pick a synonym for “meeting”. There are several options.

  1. Reception The reception was gorgeous, no one expected such kindliness from the owners.
  2. Meeting. Behave quietly, we have a serious meeting with subordinates.
  3. Meeting. The commission postponed the meeting; not all participants were able to get to the embassy.
  4. Evening. Every year the king organizes a gala evening, during which he asks his subjects about their lives, listens to requests and complaints.
  5. Clash. A few million years ago, a comet collided with an asteroid.
  6. Congress. Suddenly, the congress had to be canceled due to bad weather conditions.
  7. Collection. The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual assistance and understanding.
  8. Plenum. It seems to me that this deputy should not participate in the plenum.
  9. Competition. The day before yesterday there was another sports competition, our team won.
    sports meeting

The concept of contextual synonyms

If it is clear what a “meeting” is, a synonym is selected, and questions no longer arise, it is worth remembering another important detail. In linguistics there is the concept of contextual synonyms. Some words may be similar in meaning only in a specific context.

For example, you can take the noun "evening" (solemn, anniversary). It is logical to choose one synonym for it - “meeting”. But these two words can have a similar lexical meaning only in certain speech situations. As an example, two sentences can be compared.

  1. Evening has come, the sun has set.
  2. The meeting took place at six in the morning.

In the first sentence, synonym for the word "evening" is "twilight." For “meeting,” a synonym will be “meeting.”

Meeting with friends

If “meeting” is often used in the text, a synonym is worth looking in the dictionary. When selecting a particular word, it is important to consider the context. The lexical unit should not distort the meaning of the sentence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10781/

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