What are the healing properties of cabbage leaf?

This agricultural crop, which is familiar to all of us, has become so firmly entrenched in the diet of modern man that few people think about the healing properties of a vegetable, which we often associate with its culinary advantages. Not everyone knows that cabbage, in addition to nutritional qualities, is valuable as a medicinal plant.


Hippocrates wrote about its benefits. Its use in medicine was mentioned in their treatises by Pythagoras and Pliny. Even some Egyptian papyruses contain information about growing this valuable vegetable.

medicinal properties of cabbage leaf

The historical homeland of cabbage is considered to be the Mediterranean territories of Europe and northern Africa. It came to Slavic lands more than two thousand years ago after the colonization of the Black Sea coast. Thanks to a suitable climate, she quickly took root on new lands. In traditional medicine, a vegetable is not used, and folk healers keep recipes for its use.

Why cabbage is so healthy

The healing properties of cabbage leaf and fresh juice are determined by their composition. Cabbage leaves contain in large quantities organic acids, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins C, H, E, U, B.

cabbage leaf healing properties

In addition, cabbage is rich in calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. It is noteworthy that most of the vitamin C, which is contained in cabbage, is presented in a special form called ascorbigen. This is a variant of ascorbic acid. It is not destroyed during the processing of vegetables, fully entering the human body. The healing properties of cabbage leaf are used in the treatment of many diseases.

The properties

It has long been noticed that the cabbage leaf produces an analgesic effect, so it began to be used in the treatment of joint pathologies. In some cases, even without the use of medications, the cabbage leaf helps to relieve pain. The healing properties of this vegetable have long been used by people suffering from joint diseases.

cabbage leaf medicinal properties and contraindications

Those who notice swelling of the soft tissues around their joints will also benefit from cabbage leaf. The healing properties of the anti-inflammatory nature are also characteristic of this vegetable. In addition, according to traditional healers, this tool activates blood circulation in diseased joints.

How to treat

This is not difficult. Take a medium-sized cabbage leaf, rinse it well under running water. Then, on one side, which you will apply to the sore spot, make many small incisions, incisions, remove thick veins.

After this, wrap the affected joint with cabbage leaf. Cover it with plastic wrap and wrap it with a woolen scarf.

cabbage leaf medicinal properties for edema

This compress should be kept for at least an hour, but it is better to do it at night and do not remove until the morning. If the pain persists, you must repeat the procedure, only with a fresh leaf. The effect will increase significantly if the sheet is coated with honey.

Treat cough

Surprisingly, the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf have long been used in the treatment of cough. To do this, you need an external sheet, separated from the head of cabbage. Rinse it, remove the veins, slightly doubt that it becomes softer. Lay it on your back or chest like a regular compress.

cabbage leaf cough healing properties

Spend treatment overnight for a week. You should not refuse medications - with the parallel use of two drugs, you will get rid of the most debilitating cough. Try using a cabbage leaf. The healing properties of cough are tested by time. This is an effective method.

Mastopathy treatment

This serious disease can also be treated (along with traditional methods) with cabbage. There are many treatment options - from ingesting cabbage juice to external compresses on the chest of leaves.

What are the healing properties of cabbage leaf that contribute to recovery? In addition to a powerful general strengthening effect on the body, cabbage pushes the degeneration of the nodal forms of this disease into malignant neoplasms. However, we want to warn you about the need for consultation with your doctor. Independence in the fight against such an ailment is inappropriate.

Outdoor use

In the treatment of mastopathy, there are several options for using cabbage leaf. Check them out.

Rinse the cabbage leaf, grease it with butter, previously melted, and sprinkle with salt a little, so that it will let the juice a little.

Attach the sheet to the mammary gland by wrapping it on top with a dry cloth. Lingerie should not be constricting, so as not to crush the breast tissue and thus not reduce the effect of the compress. Leave the sheet for 6-12 hours, and then replace it with a fresh one. Such cabbage compresses must be done during the week, leaving them overnight.

what are the healing properties of cabbage leaf

The second method is similar to the first, but in this case, smear the cabbage leaf with honey instead of oil.

Beets grated on a fine grater (about 3 tablespoons), mix with honey (1 tablespoons). Spread this mixture on the cabbage leaf, apply a compress on the chest.

You can use only cabbage leaves for a compress, without lubricating them with anything. First, remove the thick veins from the sheet, lightly beat it with a hammer so that it releases healing juice. Apply it to the mammary glands.

This method is especially good in the presence of pain. Grind a leaf of cabbage (it is better to use a meat grinder or a blender) into a homogeneous gruel. Mix the resulting composition with three tablespoons of homemade kefir. Apply this mixture on gauze napkins and apply on the mammary gland. It is necessary to replace raw materials several times a day.

We want to warn that there are no scientific medical studies confirming the effectiveness of cabbage leaf when acting on mastopathy. But there is centuries of experience in using this healing product in traditional medicine for women around the world.

Cabbage leaf: healing properties of edema

Needless to say, many are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon firsthand. Swelling appears on the legs, arms, face. There can be many reasons for this — diseases of the heart, blood vessels, impaired kidney function, etc. It is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence in the clinic. Do not immediately grab the cabbage leaf. The medicinal properties and contraindications for its use are still being studied. Although today it is known that it is worth abandoning treatment with cabbage for those people who have an increased acidity of the stomach, suffer from flatulence and have an allergic reaction to cabbage.

cabbage leaf medicinal properties for edema

But back to the swelling. As an aid in the treatment of leg edema before bedtime, you can make a compress with a cabbage leaf.

For a few minutes, drop a leaf of white cabbage into boiling water so that it becomes softer. You can soak it for 1 hour in olive oil. Before applying the leaf to the foot, squeeze a little lemon juice on it or sprinkle with baking soda. Traditional healers claim that it will have a beneficial effect even without prior preparation. Attach it to the desired area, after making a few notches on it.

Such a compress is done before bedtime all night. Fix it with gauze or bandage. The healing properties of cabbage leaf are also used in the treatment of facial edema. To do this, it should be rubbed into gruel and applied to edematous areas.

To remove excess fluid from the body, you can take freshly squeezed cabbage juice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10786/

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