Short haircut for women: names, selection rules

We girls love changes and changes very much, we are a little windy and frivolous, but it is for this that our men love us. This year, a major change for all girls will be a change of hairstyle. The main fashion trend is short hair. Many have already managed to say goodbye to long strands, and flaunt hairstyles "under the boy." And with others, all kinds of names of short haircuts for women do not go wrong: aurora, rhapsody, pixie, bob, extreme and many others.

short haircuts for obese women

Fashion haircuts

Recently, the fair sex more and more often choose short haircuts for themselves, and boldly lose their long curls. If you donโ€™t have the courage to take such a step, look at the celebrities who are loved by millions. Many of them preferred short hair. And did not fail. Moreover, there are short haircuts for obese women, thin, short, tall, young and not very. Every woman with any type of hair will be able to choose the perfect option.

Today, at the peak of fashion, there are 3 haircuts:

  1. French Looks great on short and curly strands. An obligatory element of a hairstyle is a bang. It can be of any length, straight or oblique. A haircut is done with volume in the neck and crown.
  2. Beanie. Absolutely everyone knows what this haircut looks like, so there is no need to describe it in detail. It is worth noting that on straight hair the hairstyle will look elegant and strict, but for owners of curly hair a slightly frivolous and mischievous image will come out. Such a short haircut is suitable for women and 50 years and 20, without restrictions.
  3. Extreme Briefly trimmed (or shaved) temples and nape, strands of medium length at the crown. This is what modern extreme looks like. Usually this haircut is chosen by the bold, young girls who love to surprise the people around them. They are not afraid to experiment, because all life is yet to come.
stylish short haircuts for women

The choice of hairstyle depending on the shape of the face

You need to choose a haircut not only according to your personal preferences, but also in accordance with the shape of the face. Since an ineptly selected hairstyle can expose flaws in appearance, and this one never wants.

The most successful short haircuts for women with a round face: square, pixie, bob. A hairstyle must have several levels and volume in the crown area. Short haircuts for women with a round face are best pulled along the contour of the face, and also make asymmetric bangs.

Owners of a square face suit ladder and bean. The haircut should be asymmetric with the volumetric crown. In this case, hairstyles with the correct geometric shape are not appropriate.

Those who have an oval face shape are incredibly lucky, because they can choose any hairstyle for themselves. You can make straight and multilayer haircuts, adhere to a clear geometric shape or make asymmetry, cut the back of the head and so on.

If you have a heart-shaped face, you should not dwell on voluminous haircuts. In this case, the styling should be as smooth as possible to the mid-ear line, and the tips can be made lush.

Also, non-voluminous hairstyles are better for girls with a diamond-shaped face. An asymmetric haircut with a side parting and the presence of a bang looks best.

An important role is played by the choice of cosmetics and accessories, since short hair besides the face also opens the neck, ears, shoulders. It should be remembered that earrings or pendants that look great in tandem with long hair will not be in harmony with short strands at all.

short round haircuts for women

Very short haircuts

Owners of a beautiful slender figure and perfect facial skin should choose very short haircuts for women. If the girl is not tall, then it is preferable to do a hairstyle in a romantic style, medium height - you need to do voluminous bangs.

The most spectacular and stylish of very short haircuts for women are:

  • Dandy (hair is combed back, smooth styling).
  • Twiggy (youth hairstyle with shaved temples and a long bang).
  • Page (clear lines, oval edging, smooth hair).
  • Pixie (very short strands on the back of the head and temples, any type of bangs).

Thin hair? There is no reason to be upset

Specialists recommend making haircuts for women with short thin hair with an even trim, voluminous bangs and it is advisable to carry out the procedure with hot scissors.

Best hairstyles for thin hair:

  • Kare (there should be a clear geometry of the hairstyle, preferably with a straight bang).
  • Short flight of stairs (graduated and torn strands will give the hair the desired volume).
  • Bob (short and asymmetric).
  • Pixie (the more ragged strands, the better).

Thick hair

Short hair haircuts for women with thick hair should emphasize this advantage as much as possible and make the image unsurpassed. In this case, do not shave whiskey or the back of the head, make a very short haircut. Such options will not look on thick hair. Best to choose:

  • Sesson.
  • American.
  • Cascade.
  • The pot.

Voluminous hairstyles

Voluminous and short stylish haircuts for women should have many layers and be well profiled. Without these nuances, they will cease to be voluminous. Examples of such hairstyles:

  • Rhapsody.
  • Debut.

A more detailed description of these short fashion haircuts for women is presented below in the article.

Voluminous haircuts can be done on hair of different densities, as well as with any bangs. Or even without it, but then it is necessary that the forehead is completely open.

very short haircuts for women

If the hair is curly

Owners of curly hair most often try to cut them as short as possible. But experts say that you just need to choose the right hairstyle, the strands will lie down as they should and look organic. The best haircuts for short hair for women with curly locks are:

  • Italian.
  • Chanel.
  • Aurora.

Each of these hairstyles is universal. Such short haircuts for women from 50 years of age and older will harmoniously fit into the image, and will not look too pretentious. They are also suitable for any face shape and hair type.

With a bang

Short stylish haircuts for women are able to reveal and show a feminine character. A hairstyle can speak of calm, romance, secrecy or rebellion of its owner.

For women, a short haircut with a bang is an opportunity to mask the flaws of the appearance or vice versa - to emphasize the merits. It all depends on which bangs you choose:

  • thick, lush and asymmetric bangs will make the shape of the face visually more round;
  • oblique will open the forehead (it is best to choose girls with the right facial features);
  • long ragged bangs will help narrow the broad cheekbones and forehead;
  • very short successfully harmonizes with the round shape of the face;
  • asymmetric and triangular will reduce the chin and hide the cheekbones.

When the fringe is very long and begins to interfere, then it is combed back or curled into a curl and fixed on the side of the hairstyle. And if you want to extend the short bangs, then it should be combed, give a larger volume.

When your choice fell on a long bang, then before you let it go you should find out several significant nuances about the variety of its forms:

  • triangular (business women choosing such a bang are 100% self-confident);
  • asymmetric (indicates adventurous features in the character of its owner);
  • direct (shows openness, straightforwardness of a person).

The long bangs perfectly harmonize with the shaved nape and ultrashort crown.

name of short haircuts for women

No bangs

Short fashion haircuts for women without bangs look best on straight or curly hair. The density of the hair here does not matter.

Professionals categorically do not recommend choosing a hairstyle without a bang to owners of large facial features.

It is advisable to make a haircut without bangs voluminous and use a special root biowave for this. Visually make the hairstyle volumetric correct dyeing. Roots need to be painted in lighter colors, and the tips should be darkened.

Torn strands

A short haircut for women with torn curls guarantees one thing - people around you will pay attention, because this hairstyle blows with a sense of style and creativity. This type of haircut is in harmony with any type of appearance and structure of the strands. Torn strands visually give volume to thin and weak hair, and help to rejuvenate for a couple of years.

A professional, making a short haircut for women with torn curls, takes the classic form of hairstyle as the basis of his work. Having completed it, conducts a deep thinning over the entire head. And in the process of laying, the resulting "feathers" stand out as much as possible.

A ragged haircut allows you to reveal the unpredictable and artistic nature of the girl.

Shaved temple

For women, a short haircut with a shaven temple is evidence that they are ready for any difficulties and changes that may arise in their life's journey. You can shave the temple both on one side, and on both. But, as statistics show, most often girls prefer to shave just one temple. Professionals often make sure that you can always close the temple with the rest of the hairstyle if necessary. Here, as in the previous case, the texture and density of the strands do not play a decisive role.

Basics for a haircut with a shaved temple:

  • square;
  • potty;
  • page.
styling short haircuts for women

When styling is not needed

Professionals in their field boldly declare that if the hairstyle is chosen and done correctly, then for women styling short haircuts can be done not every day, but once every few days. But this does not mean at all that the hair should look careless and messy. Hair care has not been canceled. However, like using a comb.

On straight hair, you can do without daily styling by choosing a haircut:

  • potty;
  • bean;
  • Garcon.

Girls with wavy strands should choose from the following list:

  • Italian;
  • American;
  • debut.

Haircut cascade

The essence of the cascade is that the stylist makes strands of different lengths throughout the hair. Moreover, basically the length of the strands is determined by the length of the hair on the crown. Haircuts has a stepped shape. To create a multi-layer haircut, thinning scissors are used. Stacking is made smooth to highlight and show each lock.

Women of 40 years and older choose such short haircuts, because they allow you to make the image youthful and laid-back.

Short hair

A square is a classic hairstyle that has a clear shape and straight lines, as well as an even bang. But to date, many variations of this hairstyle have been invented, which are somewhat not similar to the standard look. Haircuts can do:

  • with elongated strands framing the face;
  • shave the nape area;
  • make the hairstyle asymmetrical;
  • with torn strands;
  • change shape from square to oval.

I would like to note that even if the styling of the bob haircut is done with the tips turned outward, this is no longer considered a bob haircut.

short hair cuts for women

Bob haircut

This hairstyle does not need to be styled at all, especially if you have naturally smooth and even hair. The haircut itself is very voluminous, especially in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the crown and neck. This is one of the most popular short haircuts for overweight women, as it can distract attention from the fullness of the body and visually reduce the roundness of the face.

Today, in addition to the classic bean, there are several modern variations:

  • graduated;
  • asymmetry;
  • on the "leg";
  • with a straight bang;
  • with asymmetric bangs;
  • with torn bangs.


This hairstyle looks airy and laid-back. The classic version of the haircut cap is a clear outline, beautifully framing the face. Strands starting at the crown and ending at the level of the upper point of the ear are trimmed with a ladder to smooth the transition between them. At the same time, the volume is maintained on the back of the head. And also the presence of a straight bang is assumed.

The modern look of the hairstyle of the cap allows you to diversify it with:

  • various types of bangs (there are no restrictions);
  • asymmetries;
  • shaved nape (or maybe two);
  • pigtails descending along the neckline;
  • shaved or short-cut โ€œlegsโ€ on the back of the head.

What could be better than pixies?

This is an ideal hairstyle for young slim girls who are not shy about their appearance and their body. With this haircut, a woman begins to look very touching and defenseless, not for nothing that her second name is an elven haircut.

The hairstyle is very short, its maximum length reaches only the upper part of the ear. Throughout the hair, volume is preserved, and the whiskey, along with the back of the head, is cut very, very short.

The main highlight of the pixie haircut is styling. Hair can be straightened or stretched out individual (longest) strands, or you can make a slight mess on your head. And you can completely do without styling.

Garcon on short hair

It can also be called a "boy-like" haircut. It looks like this:

  • the strands on the back of the head are very short;
  • crown and whiskey are made of the same length;
  • graduation is done throughout the hair;
  • bangs can be of any length and shape.

In general, this hairstyle does not involve daily styling. But if there is no visible volume on the top, then it can be done with styling foam. Strands on the temples should lie freely, they do not require additional fixation.

Garson will make her owner very cute, even more feminine and touching.


Long hair at the temples and the back of the head (of course, as long as short female haircuts allow) and loose strands at the crown - this is how the hawro haircut looks. Each curl is necessarily milled along the entire length. The hairstyle looks equally good on straight and curly hair.

Based on this haircut, you can even make a small short pigtail. Usually it is braided behind, on the side or originates from the very top of the head.

Caprice on Short Hair

Very short or even shaved whiskey, short hair at the back, the volume is present only in the crown zone. It looks like a female whim. The main nuance of such a haircut is the deep thinning of curls. At the same time, it is recommended to do bangs with torn and milled strands. Making styling, you should randomly pull out several curls with an iron. This will be enough to make the hairstyle look perfect.

Session haircut

It is recommended to do it on wavy and even strands, but they must be thick. The maximum length of this hairstyle is the middle of the ear. When performing it, you need to follow the rule - each subsequent strand is shorter than the previous one. The difference should be 2 mm. The bangs in the classic version should be higher than the eyebrows, but today no one forbids experimenting, especially on oneself.

Asymmetric haircut

Everything is very easy here, the basis for any such haircut is one of the classic hairstyles. Just at runtime, the master moves away from the standard rules for its design and makes a sharp transition from short to long strands.

Most often, asymmetric haircuts are performed on thin hair to visually give them a larger volume. But on thick and lush strands, such hairstyles look no less impressive and impressive.


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