Protein Gold Whey Standard: composition, reviews

One hundred percent protein Gold Whey Standard is the most famous and popular supplement for bodybuilders from around the world. This product was developed by a huge giant from America - Optimum Nutrition. Protein is an indispensable substance that contributes to the development of muscle mass. It is based on a concentrate and whey protein isolate, as well as amino acids necessary for the human body. They affect the blocking of catabolic processes.

What is this supplement for?

If you want to become a great bodybuilder and have great muscle mass, then Gold Whey Standard is the perfect solution. With it, you will be able to build dry muscles due to the high protein content and low - fats and carbohydrates. This tool is used not only by novice lovers, but also professional athletes.

gold whey standard protein

If you want to succeed in sports and have a beautiful appearance, while not at the expense of your health, then Gold Whey Standard protein will become your ideal ally.

Balanced diet

Very often people do not have enough time even to make a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. In this case, you can enjoy the taste of healthy protein. Do not think that protein shakes are harmful to your health. A high-quality product contains only proteins useful for the human body, glutamine and BCAAs. Therefore, the Gold Whey Standard protein will not only replace a full meal, but will also work on your muscles.

Key Benefits

No wonder the protein "Wei Gold Standard" occupies a leading position worldwide. After all, it perfectly performs its functions and, in general, has a good effect on the human body:

- Actively involved in the process of gaining muscle mass.

- Almost completely absorbed by the body.

- Fully saturates with such important and necessary amino acids.

- Improves concentration and memory.

price quality

- A positive effect on immunity, strengthening it several times, which is especially important during periods of colds and viral diseases.

- Prevents the breakdown of muscle proteins, so they will not decrease in volume.

- Amino acids enter the muscles immediately after drinking a cocktail.

- Add energy. This is especially important during the workout itself. Your productivity will increase, and you can do even more than you planned.

- In the body, all anabolic processes are accelerated.

Composition and nutritional value

The protein "Wei Gold Standard" consists of three main components:

- whey protein isolate;

- glutamine and important amino acids;

- hydrolyzed serum peptides.

In one serving, which is thirty-three grams, contains:

- eighteen interchangeable and irreplaceable amino acids ;

- 24 g of protein;

- 4 g of carbohydrates;

- 2 g of fat;

- 140 mg of calcium;

- 210 mg of sodium.

The energy value of the product is 130 kcal.

The protein Optimum 100 Whey Gold Standard is very easily and quickly digested, so digestion problems do not occur. This is confirmed by reviews. In addition, you can easily dissolve the powder in any liquid.

wei gold standard

By consuming just a few shakes a day, you will saturate your body with the necessary proteins and amino acids that positively affect your muscle growth.

How to take protein?

Pour 200 ml of liquid into your blender or shaker. You can use plain water, as well as milk or juice. Add one scoop of the mixture that comes with the 100 Whey Gold Standard protein. It holds about 33 grams.

Stir the cocktail for about thirty seconds. If you prefer to drink chilled drinks, add a few ice cubes to the shaker. To improve the taste, you can use additional ingredients. For example, fruit, honey, or peanut butter.

100 whey gold standard

If you don’t have a shaker or blender, just mix your drink thoroughly in a glass using a teaspoon. By the way, you can add more or less liquid in order to create for yourself the most optimal taste of the cocktail.

You can take the first portion of the mixture in the morning immediately after waking up. The second - before training, in the third - after it.

After you have drunk your morning portion, wait thirty minutes, then have a hearty breakfast. Do not forget that breakfast is the main meal of the day. On days when you do not have training, drink a prepared cocktail throughout the day.

By the way, this protein can be used not only as a main dish, but also as a tasty supplement. For example, add a portion of the mixture to milk or yogurt with which you pour morning cereal. So you get a tasty and healthy breakfast. Try combining protein with your favorite pastries. For example, muffins or pies. So you will get much more benefit from your favorite treats.

Are proteins useful or harmful?

Very often, a novice athlete wonders what protein is and whether to use it. Of course, first of all, you need to pay attention to such an indicator as price-quality. A very cheap product contains, most likely, poor-quality raw materials. The protein "Wei Gold Standard" consists only of safe components, therefore it has a positive effect on the human body. Such mixtures are natural, therefore safe.

optimum protein 100 whey gold standard

There are several reasons for the appearance of negative rumors about the harm of proteins. Very often, novice athletes confuse them with anabolics. You will notice the first results within a few weeks after application. Negative consequences can be detected only in cases of non-compliance with recommendations, as well as in the presence of latent diseases. If there are any, then before using a protein supplement, be sure to consult a doctor and you will not experience the negative consequences of this product. By the way, a protein supplement is used not only to build muscle. The substances contained in the composition contribute to the process of quick and healthy weight loss. The Gold Whey Standard protein has a considerable price, while the quality is excellent. Judging by the reviews, all athletes who combine the use of protein and training have excellent and fast results that are noticeable even to the naked eye.

If you want to see the real result of using protein supplements, visit the gym at least three times a week. Do not expect the result to appear on its own. Only comprehensive measures will guarantee your beautiful appearance. Based on consumer reviews, we can conclude: protein shakes are an effective tool only subject to all recommendations. In other cases, you can not only not build muscle, but also purchase a couple of kilograms in the form of fat.


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