Human Impact on the Environment

The human impact on the environment is undeniable and obvious. We must honestly admit that all the negativity that is observed in nature occurs “thanks” to man. People tend to solve any of their problems, sometimes regardless of the possible consequences for the environment. Many entrepreneurs put forward in the first place one single goal - making a profit, leaving the concern for the environment for later.

Given such a consumer attitude to natural resources, it is not surprising that humanity has come close to solving global environmental problems . It is on them that the future happy or problematic life on Earth will depend.

Of course, at the beginning of the 20th century, when progress was only gaining strength, much was done to improve the quality of life, but whether there was a positive impact of a person on the environment is a moot point. Marshes were drained, roads were laid, the first hydroelectric power plants were built. Engineers, without computers and guided only by their calculations, erected structures, taking into account the landscape and the state of groundwater. The human impact on the environment was evaluated long before the start of work, and measures were taken to reduce the risk of negative impacts on nature.

The big changes that are taking place continuously in agriculture clearly demonstrate the human impact on the environment. Often they lead to large-scale and irreversible changes. For example, today 10-12% of the earth's land has been plowed under agricultural fields. Their increase, as scientists estimate, will not be able to fully solve the food issue, but it can lead to catastrophic depletion of the soil. In some countries, land has been plowed by 30-70%, and their intensive exploitation has already led to environmental shifts. Without taking urgent measures, mankind runs the risk of leaving the dead, landless for their descendants.

The human impact on the environment in the agricultural field is also associated with the excessive, sometimes thoughtless use of fertilizers and herbicides. This leads not only to the fact that many farmed products become hazardous to consume, but also to negative effects on soil and groundwater.

At present, promising agricultural institutes have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve the problem of food shortages on the Earth by breeding highly productive animal breeds and the same productive plant varieties.

Previously, farmers were much less likely to allow themselves a predatory attitude towards the fertile layer of the earth. The positive impact of man on the environment was expressed in the fact that the soil was cultivated according to all the rules of agricultural science, allowed to rest and generously fertilized with organic matter. People built prospects for the future, while realizing the pricelessness of the earth.

Unfortunately, the swift 20th century is characterized by the waste of natural wealth, which uncontrollably leads to periodically occurring environmental disasters.

Mankind depletes rivers and takes 13% of river flow, annually processes 100 billion tons of mineral resources, and electricity consumption doubles every 10 years. This cannot but affect the nature around us. One cannot count on the fact that everything will return on its own, but this does not stop entrepreneurs in the pursuit of profit. Of course, the human impact on the environment should change and become more prudent. Otherwise, our descendants are unlikely to be grateful to us.

Reasonable human impact on the environment will achieve equilibrium in nature and harmony, and this is what progressive humanity is striving for. Scientists are creating new high-tech treatment facilities, using modern non-waste technologies. Great and humane work is carried out by specialists in the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals. They are listed in the Red Book, they are not allowed to hunt. Of course, the best thing for them is to live in a natural environment, in nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries.


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