How to install a boot from a disk in BIOS. How to enable booting from a CD / DVD disc

For many situations involving the use of modern computers, intervention, so to speak, is required in the basic settings of the computer hardware. Therefore, it is advisable to know how to do it right.

Download HP from disk

Probably, in the recent past, each of the users had to spend the "nth" amount of money in order to reinstall the operating system and the necessary software applications. The specialist’s expectation and some inconveniences associated with the challenge nevertheless compel a person to draw the proper conclusions and decide on an exceptionally expedient step - to carry out the process of reinstalling an inoperative OS with his own hands. As a result of this, the first completely logical question arises: "How to install boot from disk in BIOS?" It turns out that it’s not so difficult.

So what exactly is BIOS?

The fact is that any computer is initially equipped with an independent electronic chip, the essence of which is to control the hardware of a computer. That is, a person, using the BIOS functionality, can in practice make changes to his program settings, which critically affects the OS boot parameters. Activation or deactivation of some hardware components is also performed in the environment of the basic input / output system. At its core, the question of how to install boot from disk in BIOS implies a change in the priority of one of the boot devices.

Different and at the same time similar microprograms: computer trinity

How to put a boot from disk?

To date, 3 types of BIOS are widely used:

  • American Megatrends (AMI).
  • Award Software (Phoenix Technologies).
  • Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).

The last item from the list is the new brainchild of Intel. Practical, multi-level and with an intelligently understandable interface, the revolutionary BIOS surpassed its predecessors with the perfection of technological solutions.

The question of how to install a boot from a disk in BIOS is solved differently.

In order to enter the computer’s basic system, first of all, you need to know its “pedigree”, that is, what type your BSVV belongs to. When you turn on your desktop or laptop from the information displayed in the upper left corner of your monitor, you can understand what you have to deal with. Well, what to do next, you will learn from what is read below.

Award Software and Phoenix Technologies

Boot a laptop from disk

All the same “delete” key and “frost-like” pressing will allow you to enter the holy of holies of your electronic machine.

  • Use the up / down arrows to go to Advanced BIOS Features.
  • In the first paragraph (usually Floppy is there by default), use the enter button to call up the drop-down submenu and select “CD-ROM”, this is your drive, which has become a priority bootloader.
  • We return to the main menu by pressing "esc".
  • Save & Exit Setup is the next step, so to speak, the final one. You agree to the question of conservation by selecting the letter "Y".

Attention! Loading a laptop from a disk differs from a stationary version only in a certain difference in the buttons used to enter the laptop’s basic system. The most likely use of the “delete” and “F2” keys. Again, you won’t have any difficulties with the correctly activated button if you press “Pause” during the initial boot of the computer. A service line is displayed at the bottom of the display with detailed information about which key is responsible for directly entering the BIOS settings.

By the way, loading HP from the disk (meaning the laptop from the manufacturer Hewlett-Packard) requires a more detailed description:

  • To change the sequence of starting devices at the time of reboot, press “F10”. In some models it is necessary to use the “F2” or “F6” button.
  • Select the “Advanced” tab, the navigation arrows left / right will help you with this.
  • Then in the “Boot order” you set the boot priority - the DVD drive.
  • In conclusion, press "F10" and confirm your consent to the changes.

It is worth noting that the “F9” key allows you to return the default values. Now for you, the question of how to set the boot from disk on an HP laptop is also resolved and clear.

American Megatrends (AMI)

BIOS boot from hard drive

  • When starting the computer, briefly press the delete key. In the BIOS interface that appears, select the “Boot” menu.
  • Then - “Boot Device Priority”.
  • In the drop-down list, we note the priority of loading from a CD-DVD drive, and the hard disk should be (visually) lower.
  • Next step: press the “esc” key.
  • Go to the “Exit” menu and activate the “Exit & Save Changes” with the up / down arrows.
  • In the drop-down box, agree by clicking "ok."

Congratulations! The question of how to install boot from disk in BIOS was resolved for the AMI BIOS.

Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)

How to install boot from disk in BIOS?

This basic system is much more understandable and most comfortable to use. Firstly, the Russian language is provided in the design of the interface. Secondly, everything is very thought out. An important convenience can be considered the implemented ability to control with the mouse. So, configure the required boot options:

  • And again the irreplaceable key “delete”. A few taps will help us enter the main BIOS window (UEFI).
  • In the lower left corner of the screen, select the highlighted interactive button "Advanced (F7)". Click it with the right mouse button.
  • A pop-up window will ask you to confirm your actions: "Enter advanced mode?" Agree - ok.
  • Next, you need to activate the "Download" tab.
  • Scroll through the mouse the proposed list to the last item “Download changes”.
  • Next step: right-click from the first drop-down list offered, select your drive. After that, the base system will automatically restart the computer with the changed parameters.

Agree, everything is elementary simple. After you change the priority of the devices in the BIOS program, loading from the hard disk will occur only if there is no installation disk in the drive. However, after all the necessary steps, it is recommended that the download priority be returned to the default values.


Before your theory turns into a logical practice, it is worth remembering one golden rule: I’m not sure of the correctness of my actions - do not change the settings in the base BIOS. The consequences can have a disastrous result. Remember: making adjustments to the computer hardware management program, you can completely “kill” the machine. Therefore, be careful what you do.

Particular care must be taken with settings whose change affects the voltage supply to devices. It is also not recommended for users who have an initial understanding of how the computer works, to independently perform actions that contribute to overclocking the processor, or to reflash the BIOS software part, otherwise you won’t have any problems.


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