If you want to cry for no reason, what to do?

There are people who do not cry, but there are those who want to cry constantly. What is the cause of human tears? Most often, a person can independently answer this question. If something bad happens, people cry, and if something good happens, they can cry too. But it also happens that nothing has changed in life, and tears still flow. Let's deal with this issue.


I want to cry

It is logical that a person wants to cry if grief happened in his life. Thus, a person can relieve emotional stress and get a kind of discharge. The same applies to cases when something joyful happens unexpectedly. So that a person does not have a nervous breakdown, violent emotions come out in the form of tears.

Well, if you want to cry for no reason? It should be understood that any consequence has its own reason. If it is not obvious to you, this does not mean that it is not there. Not all people are good at owning their emotions. But some individuals have reached perfection in this art. Here they may have unexpected tears.

For example, in the morning a person had a difficult conversation with the boss. The employee was reported, but he managed to save face and remained impartial. But when they come home and sit in front of the TV, tears can suddenly roll up. And there seems to be no reason. But she is. The subconscious mind postponed the moment of emotional discharge. It is not necessary to contain such sobs. If you constantly blame yourself for emotionality, you will get a nervous breakdown.


why do you want to cry

If you want to cry, but there is no reason, look at your life in the context of the past month. Perhaps failures rained down on you from all sides. You were fired from work, the children began to study poorly, your husband began to drink. But you tried to hold on. The only thing that betrayed your emotions was a bad mood. It should be understood that such failures can drive anyone into depression. And getting out of this vicious circle can be problematic. You can cry every night in your pillow and curse fate for injustice.

What to do in this case? Do not hold back tears immediately. Have you been fired? Come home and cry. It makes no sense to put on a smile and lie to others about well-being. Husband started drinking? This fact cannot be taken for granted. Yes, hysteria will not help solve problems, but a frank conversation can help the matter. Solve problems as they occur to prevent depression.

Nervous tension

I want to cry reasons

This often happens when a person is worried before an event. For example, you might feel like crying if you sit over books and study for an exam for a week. Before his surrender, tears can pour into three streams. But this is still a good option. A nervous breakdown can happen just during the exam. Naturally, this cannot be allowed.

To avoid overstrain, you can not focus on the goal and not see anything else. If a student teaches an exam, he must not forget about food and friends. Be sure to go for a walk and be distracted. It should be remembered that the brain is actively working and remembers for four hours. Then all efforts will be in vain. The same goes for other situations. If you are waiting for a response from management, do not go in cycles. Anyway, you should worry less - this guarantees you a good mood, good spirits and healthy nerves.

Low self-esteem

what to do if you want to cry

What to do if you want to cry? You need to understand the reason. If it’s not there, think that you’re not comfortable with life? Perhaps the reason lies in the person you see in the mirror every day. You may be unhappy with your appearance, your character or abilities. All this greatly underestimates self-esteem. And then, flipping through the Instagram feed and admiring someone else's life, it may seem to you that you live too boring.

Of course, the easiest way to get out of the situation is to do self-flagellation. But that does not help. You should increase your self-esteem. A person who is confident in himself will not wonder why he wants to cry. Such a person does not question his uniqueness. In order to increase self-esteem, you need to learn to love yourself.

Lost goals

if you want to cry

If you cry constantly, then something in life is going wrong. What exactly? Do you have a goal? Not? Well then, it’s clear why I want to cry. The fact is that purposeful people always see light ahead of their life's journey. Regardless of how far their dream is, it still warms the soul. Moreover, this should not be something tangible. A person should strive to be realized in something. And the easiest way to do this is to work.

Having a real goal ahead, you will strive to achieve it. And the fact of your need will warm you. But becoming a good specialist in your field is not enough. You need to establish the harmony of your life. You need to write all the aspects that are important to you: sports, love, career, etc., and then promote all this simultaneously. A person will be happy only if he has all the important aspects of life in balance.

External irritants

Tears may appear in response to an adverse external environment. If you want to cry for no reason, look at the room you are in. Perhaps the room is too dark and the walls psychologically press you. Or maybe the room is too dusty and small particles cause allergies. Moreover, a person can not always be aware that he wants to cry. The reasons for it will remain a mystery. If tears come, try to change the atmosphere, but rather go outside. Fresh air and the sun always help drive away sadness and improve well-being.

How to help yourself

If you understand that the problem is psychological, it will be useful for you to distract somehow. Even if it seems to you that everything in life is normal, but you still want to cry, go to nature. Have a family picnic or dinner. Meet friends. Talking with loved ones helps you forget your own problems. And if there is no way to meet someone or to leave somewhere? A good book may help in this case. Having plunged headlong into an exciting plot, you will stop thinking about the hustle and bustle, and this will help you get a little distracted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10825/

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