How to grow a mustache at home: ways and means

Beard, mustache and even whiskers are now at the peak of their popularity. All men strive to grow on their face as much vegetation as possible to look like stylish famous actors or athletes. Beard and mustache make the young guy more brutal, courageous and aggressive. Therefore, it is not surprising that an increasing number of guys dream of learning how to grow a mustache and beard at home.

What determines facial hair growth?

The amount and density of hair on the body and face of a man depends on many factors. Of course, age plays a huge role. Beard and mustache can begin to grow only after puberty is completed. After about 20 years, a man begins to actively use a razor. Then you can begin to grow facial hair. Hair growth depends on the following factors:

  • Heredity and genetic predisposition. The influence of this factor can be seen on the representatives of the Mongoloid race. Such men have almost no facial hair. Therefore, if grandfather or father had a luxurious and thick mustache, most likely, the beard will grow as actively with their heir.
  • Health status. If a serious illness was suffered in the past, the body can recover for a long time. Then you will need to wait a bit before trying to grow hair with home methods.
  • Stress or depression. Nervous exhaustion will contribute to hair loss, as well as a deterioration in mood. The growth of new hairs for the most part will depend precisely on the state of the nervous system.
  • Hormonal disbalance. It can contribute to hair loss. Also, a malfunction in hormonal indicators is often the reason that the vegetation does not appear on the face even after a transitional age. Therefore, if home methods do not help enhance hair growth, you need to see a doctor and take tests for hormones.
beard and mustache care

Proper nutrition and fast facial hair growth

A person’s health, mood, physical activity and, of course, appearance depend on the quality of food. The healthier the food, the better the condition of the hair. Most men do not pay attention to the state of their own hair, but strive to do everything so that a stylish beard and mustache grow on their faces as soon as possible. Before you grow a mustache, you should remember that nutrition should be healthy and clean. The success of all home procedures to accelerate the growth of hairs will depend on him.

proper nutrition for mustache growth

What you need to eat

In order to quickly grow a thick mustache and beard, you need to eat food products that contain the following useful substances:

  • Unsaturated amino acids. They are the building material for all internal processes of the human body. Their source must be sought in lean meats and poultry. Seafood lovers should lean on fatty fish. Using them 2-3 times a week, you can quickly grow dense vegetation on the face and body. It is such a fish that contains a large amount of healthy fats.
  • Zinc and sulfur. These trace elements are in second place among substances that help accelerate hair growth. Most of all sulfur and zinc are in dairy products, spices, as well as dried fruits and sunflower seeds.

How does water affect the growth of mustaches

Eating a lot of healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins, do not forget about the water regime. Drinking your norm of water, which depending on the weight of a person varies from 1.5 to 3 liters, you can not worry about the condition of the hairline. If you do not drink clean water, tissue regeneration may slow down, and hair follicles will function poorly. Do not replace water with coffee, tea or juices. These drinks will not fill the skin cells with moisture.

beard and mustache care

Mustache growing with burdock oil

This valuable substance can accelerate hair growth not only on the head, but also on the face of men. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. Before you grow a mustache in this way, you must remember that he will not give quick results. You can notice the effect only after 2-3 months of regular use. Despite such a long period, it is this folk remedy for the growth of mustaches that gives a 100% guarantee that new hairs will certainly appear.

Burdock oil should be applied to the lower part of the face, including the chin area. Before use, the product should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. When warm, it will act faster on follicles. It is better to apply oil on the face in the evening, a few hours before bedtime. The procedure should not be lazy to carry out every day for several months. After an impressive result from burdock oil, after 2-3 months you can not think about how to grow a mustache, because quite dense vegetation will already appear on the face.

beard and mustache care

Home warming mask

Together with burdock oil, you can make masks on your face that give a warming effect and make new hairs grow at double speed. Caring for a beard and mustache will not be complete without the constant use of this home recipe. To prepare the mask, you need to heat any vegetable oil in a water bath. It is advisable to take burdock or olive.

The preheated oil should be warm, but not hot. A few tablespoons of the product should be poured into a deep container, and then add a couple of drops of liquid pepper tincture. The resulting mixture must be distributed over the bristles. Keep the mask on your face for at least 1 hour. During this time, its active ingredients will provoke follicles and accelerate hair growth.

how to grow a long mustache

Proper home care

In order for the mustache and beard to grow faster, they must be carefully looked after. With proper care, the question of how to grow a mustache will not be relevant, since the hairs will grow perfectly without it. Unfortunately, not all men have the opportunity to constantly visit hairdressing salons and newfangled barbershops. Therefore, you should adhere to the following rules of home care:

  1. Beard and mustache care starts with regular washing. This must be done every day. Instead of soap, you must use shampoo.
  2. Do not forget to comb the hairs. This is necessary not only so that they are not confused, but also to remove dust, dirt or pieces of food.
  3. After each washing and combing of the mustache, use oil or conditioner for the beard. You can use wax for a mustache.
  4. No need to dry facial hair with a hairdryer. It’s enough to get your beard and mustache wet with a towel.
  5. Buy only quality cutting tools. Every man, before growing a long mustache, must get a good trimmer and scissors to periodically trim the hairs.
beard and mustache care

Increased facial hair on a man will always be in fashion. You just need to learn how to care for her and skillfully adjust at home. You should also remember that it is better to grow thick hair. Rare ones will not look so attractive on the face.


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