Falafel - what is it? Falafel: photos

Israel is a country of contrasts and amazing culture, which finds its expression even in traditional Arabic cuisine. For example, the national dish falafel. What is it? And with what eat it? But this is an integral part of culture, without which it is impossible to imagine Israel.

Falafel is more than just food

In Israel, you don’t at all wonder where the falafel comes from. This is a natural phenomenon for this country, exactly the same as potatoes for Belarusians or lard for Ukrainians. Respectable businessmen eat it during business lunches, poor students eat it three times a day in the dining room, and on weekends they all go with their families to dine at humoussi - small restaurants that certainly serve delicious falafel. It seems that this dish also exists outside the kitchens and restaurants. Therefore, we can safely offer, so to speak, a gastronomic synonym for Israel - this is a traditional Arabian dish falafel. What is it? What is it like? And why does everyone love him so much?

falafel what is it

Some people call it the “Israeli hamburger” in the American way, but, unlike fast food, falafel does not contain so many harmful substances. Quite the contrary - the minerals and proteins that make up its composition prevent the development of cancer, and also slow down the aging process.

Popularity story

Arabic falafel is a traditional dish that consists of boiled chickpeas and spices. The bean culture is thoroughly ground or ground to a gruel-like consistency, and then well fried in oil until golden brown.

This simple dish for a short period of time has gained unrealistic popularity throughout the Middle East, and then in North Africa and the Middle East. Just as quickly, falafel, the photo of which makes you immediately go in search of it, spread throughout the world, becoming an integral part of the menu of small restaurants and eateries. He especially fell in love with the Israelis, turning into a kind of symbol of the country. Most often it is served with lots of vegetables or wrapped in fragrant pita bread.

falafel photo

How to cook falafel at home?

There is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and then the fragrant balls will turn out exactly the same as in Israeli restaurants. So, first you need to deal with the ingredients necessary for cooking. Remember that falafel is an Arabian cuisine, which means that replacing them with similar products of our latitudes is not worth it, as this will significantly ruin the taste of a traditional dish.

For cooking, you need the following:

  • special chickpeas - 500 grams;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • two small onions;
  • 3 to 5 cloves of garlic;
  • a lot of greens - it can be parsley and necessarily cilantro;
  • a quarter teaspoon of coriander;
  • deodorized oil;
  • pita or pita bread;
  • breadcrumbs or flour (at worst);
  • ordinary vegetable salad.

Falafel - Arabic Cuisine

It is worth paying attention to the main component of a traditional Israeli dish - chickpeas. It is necessary to use only it - it is impossible to replace it with anything. So, bean culture needs to be soaked overnight in cold water. By morning, foam will appear on the surface - this is normal, you should not be scared. Rinse the peas thoroughly under running water, and then pass through a meat grinder. A blender is not suitable for these purposes - the ingredients should be crushed, not porridge.

falafel arabic cuisine

Pass the greens through a meat grinder with chickpeas (a bunch of parsley and cilantro). There also send chopped onions and garlic. Season the whole thing with coriander, salt and pepper (to taste). Mix everything well. If the mixture is liquid, you can add a small amount of breadcrumbs.

Roll up medium sized balls and fry in a large amount of deodorized oil until golden brown.

How to eat falafel

What kind of dish it is is already clear. It remains to figure out what it is usually eaten with. At home, falafel can be served to the table just like that, by putting some piquant sauce next to it, for example, tzatziki. In addition, in a cozy atmosphere, falafel goes well with a juicy vegetable side dish. You can pre-buy pita or pita bread and serve rosy balls, wrapping them with lots of fresh vegetables and herbs.

he died with falafel

And how is a traditional Arabic dish served in Israel and other countries? Falafel, whose photo causes intense salivation, is often served in pita. To do this, she cut off the upper part, grease the inside with tahini and line it with lettuce, onion rings, tomatoes and other vegetables. At the end of this vegetable envelope put a few rosy Falafelin and lightly sprinkled with some sauce.

A classic version of a traditional Arabian dish is falafel with tahini sauce. In addition, these ruddy balls go well with the more familiar mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream or ketchup.

Interesting about Falafel

Surely many will be surprised that this amazing dish has penetrated into many spheres of human life. In Israel, you can even see signs associated with these ruddy balls. But for sure, few people know that the name of this traditional Arabic dish made its way even into the film industry. The film "He died with a falafel in his hand" is an interesting and slightly strange comedy that I want to see already for at least one name.

arabic falafel

It is worth noting another important feature of a traditional Arabic dish. Despite the fact that it is sometimes compared with an American hamburger, falafel is a storehouse of nutrients, which is quite logical, because its main component is bean culture.

By the way, in different countries this dish is served in various ways. So, for example, in Lebanon, instead of hot sauce, you can offer yogurt, but in Egypt - bean sauce. Moreover, even the shape and dimensions of the balls themselves may vary.

A dish that is impossible not to love is falafel. What is it and what does it eat with? An answer has been found to this question, now you need to run to the store for all the ingredients and start cooking a traditional Arabic dish at home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10830/

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