What happens in the coffin with the body? Interesting Facts

What happens in a coffin with a body after its burial? This question is of interest not only to those who are fond of the afterlife, mysticism and anatomy. Almost every person on the planet often thinks about this. A large number of myths and interesting facts that are not widely known are associated with the burial process and the further development of the body. In our article you can find information that will allow you to learn more about what happens to a corpse throughout the entire time when it is underground and above it.

General process information

Death is a natural process, which, unfortunately, cannot be prevented yet. Today, how the decomposition of the body occurs in the coffin is known only to those who have a medical education. Nevertheless, the detailed information about such a process is also of interest to many inquisitive people. It is worth noting that a variety of processes take place in a corpse immediately after death. These include temperature changes and oxygen starvation. A few minutes after death, organs and cells begin to break down.

Many torment themselves with the thought of what is happening in the coffin with the body. Decomposition, depending on many factors, can occur in completely different ways. There are more than five processes that, in connection with certain circumstances, occur in a particular body. Surprisingly, cadaveric odors are often artificially created by specialized organizations. This is necessary for training dogs.

what happens in the coffin with the body

Decay and mummification

In our article you can find detailed information about what happens in a coffin with a human body after death. As we said earlier, there are more than five processes that can take place in a particular corpse, depending on a variety of factors. The most famous forms of body development after burial are decay and mummification. Almost everyone heard about these processes.

Rotting is a laborious process that takes place in the body. As a rule, it begins on the third day after death. Simultaneously with decay, the formation of a whole list of gases begins. These include hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and many others. It is for this reason that the corpse emits an unpleasant odor. Depending on the time of year, the body can decompose slowly or quickly. At air temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, rotting of a corpse occurs in the shortest possible time. If the body was not buried, then the time of its decomposition on the surface of the earth is 3-4 months. When the process of decay comes to an end, only the bones remain from the corpse, and everything else turns into a mushy mass and eventually disappears completely. It is worth noting that everything that stands out at this stage absorbs the soil. Thanks to this, it becomes unusually fertile.

What happens in a coffin with a body after death if it is subjected to mummification? With this process, the corpse dries completely. An interesting fact is that with mummification, the initial body weight decreases tenfold. As a rule, such a process takes place in those corpses that have been in conditions of low humidity for a long time. Such places include an attic or, for example, sandy soil. A mummified corpse can persist for quite some time.

There are only a small number of people who know what happens in a coffin with a human body after death. However, this process is of interest to many. In our article, you can find out more detailed information about how the body develops after death.

Peat tanning and fat waxing

The process of the formation of a grease occurs if the corpse is buried in wet soil or has been in water for a long time. As a result, the body becomes covered with a greasy layer of white color, which has a specific and unpleasant odor. Often this process is also called saponification.

what happens to the body in the coffin

Not everyone knows what happens to a person’s body after death in a coffin after 2 months in the event that he is buried in excessively moist soil. After 60 days, the corpse begins to crumble and has a white and yellow tint. If a person’s body is buried in peat soil or in a swamp, then the skin becomes dense and rough. It is worth noting that when tanned, the corpse acquires a brown tint, and the size of the internal organs is significantly reduced. Over time, the bones become soft and resemble cartilage in consistency. By the way, peat tanning can also occur due to the influence of certain factors. These include the temperature of the water and the presence in it of a variety of trace elements and chemicals.

The impact of living organisms on a human corpse

In addition to all of the above factors, the human body can be destroyed from the effects of animals, insects and birds. The most visible body of a deceased is destroyed by larvae of flies. Surprisingly, they are able to completely destroy the corpse in just two months.

Another living organisms that absorb the body of the deceased are ants, cockroaches and corpses. Termites can turn the body into a skeleton in two months. It is no secret that in addition to insects, the human body can be eaten by dogs, wolves, foxes and other predatory animals. In a pond, a corpse is destroyed by fish, beetles, crayfish and other aquatic inhabitants.

Explosive coffins

Not everyone knows what happens to a person in a coffin. With the body, as we said earlier, after some time after the burial, various changes begin to occur. After a few hours, the corpse begins to release substances, including various gases. In the event that the coffin was not buried, but was placed in a crypt, then it can explode. Many cases were recorded when relatives came to visit the deceased, and he detonated. However, this can only happen if the coffin is hermetically closed, but not placed on the ground. We strongly recommend that you be careful when visiting crypts.

what happens to the human body after death in a coffin after 2 months

Self destruction

What happens to the body in the grave after death after some time? This question is asked not only by doctors and criminologists, but also by ordinary people. Surprisingly, for some time the body absorbs itself. The thing is that in any body there are millions of the most diverse bacteria that do no harm during life. First of all, after death, they completely destroy the brain and liver. This is due to the fact that it is in these organs that the largest amount of water is contained. After that, the bacteria gradually destroy everything else. It is with this process that a change in the color of the skin of the deceased is associated. After the corpse passes into the stage of rigor mortis, it is completely filled with bacteria. The time and process of self-destruction may differ depending on the set of microbes in a given organism.

It is worth noting that some bacteria can be in the body only at a certain stage of decomposition and decay. Surprisingly, under the influence of microorganisms, the tissues of the deceased turn into gases, salts and various substances. By the way, all these microelements favorably affect the composition of the soil.


In our article, you can find out what happens to the body in the coffin after exposure to larvae. As we said earlier, in addition to bacteria and other microorganisms, tissues and internal organs also absorb insects, animals and birds.

After the self-destruction stage ends, the larvae begin to destroy the corpse. Surprisingly, a female fly is capable of laying about 250 eggs at a time. It is no secret that the body of the deceased emits a pungent and unpleasant odor. It is he who attracts insects that lay a large number of eggs on the body. After a day, they turn into larvae. Surprisingly, only three flies are able to swallow a corpse at the same speed as a tiger or lion would do.

what happens in a coffin with a human body after death

The location in the body of certain elements of the soil or certain microorganisms allows forensics to find out where a person died or was killed. They also argue that in the near future it is precisely the bacterial corpse kit that can become a new "weapon" for solving many crimes.

Human soul

Some people think they know what happens to the body in the coffin. They claim that after some time the soul leaves the flesh of the deceased, and when he dies, he sees everything that the living do not see. They also believe that the first three days after death are the most difficult for the deceased. The thing is that for 72 hours the soul is still near the body and is trying to come back. She leaves as soon as she sees that her face and body are changing. After this happens, the soul rushes from home to the grave for seven days. In addition, she mourns her body.

After seven days, the soul goes to a place of rest. After that, she only rarely drops to the ground to look at her body. Some believe that they know what is happening in the coffin with body and soul. Nevertheless, it is impossible to prove that the spirit really leaves the flesh.

what happens in a coffin with a human body after

Diamond production

It’s hard enough to suffer the death of a loved one. It’s even difficult for some to imagine what is happening in the coffin with the body. Often people cremate their deceased relatives or even build a crypt for them right in the yard. Recently, technology that was invented by American experts is gaining special popularity. Surprisingly, they create diamonds from the dust and hair of a deceased person. American experts believe that this is a great way to preserve the memory of the deceased. Today, similar technology is used all over the world. As we said earlier, diamonds can also be made from the hair of the deceased. Today, such a procedure is extremely popular. Few people know, but more recently, a company that deals with such jewelry was ordered to make diamonds from Michael Jackson's hair.

what happens to a person in a coffin with a body

It is worth noting that precious stones can be created from dust due to the fact that it contains carbon dioxide. The cost of such a service in America is 30 thousand dollars. Many believe that you should not torment yourself with the thought of what is happening in the coffin with the body. They argue that it is better to keep only good memories of the deceased.

Love after death

All absolutely differently suffer the death of a loved one. There are many cases when people did not bury the deceased, but left him in their home, hiding it. It is known that in Arizona , a man lost his wife, but he did not want to bring her body to the ground, because he could not let her go because of great love. Surprisingly, he ordered a transparent coffin and placed his beloved into it, after pouring a special liquid into it. Then he built a coffee table from the coffin.

what happens in the coffin with the body after death

Another case of strange handling of a corpse occurred in America. There, a woman decided to make a scarecrow out of her husband. For the corpse, she allocated an entire room in the basement. There she arranged her husband’s furniture and favorite things. She put the corpse on a chair. A woman often visited him, told how the day had gone and asked for advice.

Previously, there was a peculiar tradition. If a person during life did not find a mate, then he was married after death. It was believed that if this is not done, then the soul of the deceased will not find a place for itself and will wander forever.

This tradition was in Russia. If the girl died unmarried, then she was dressed in a wedding dress and a guy was chosen who should follow the coffin before burial. It was believed that due to this the soul will find peace. It is worth noting that in some settlements, this tradition is popular today.

In ancient Egypt, necrophilia was common. This is not accidental, because the Egyptians believed the myths that the goddess Isis fertilized herself with the help of the corpse of Osiris.

To summarize

Death is a natural process. A large number of myths, conjectures and interesting facts are associated with it. It's no secret that to bear the loss of a loved one is difficult enough. Some of them are depressed and do not make contact with society. There are many cases when people begin to suffer from a mental disorder. As a rule, they do not bury their relatives, but leave them in the house, hiding this from their neighbors and friends. In our article, you found out what happens to the body in a coffin. The photos we picked up will let you know what happens to a person after death.

Doctors strongly recommend not to focus on death. Thanks to this, your mental health will be in a stable state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10837/

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