What is the element of speech

Among the statements of the writer Maxim Gorky there are words that what is being said may not always be important. But truly important is, as they say. One cannot disagree with this.

This article will consider what it is - the speech element. How is it involved individuals and society as a whole, one way or another involved in the processes of verbal communication.

speech element


The speech element is considered the atmosphere, the social environment in which the formation of aspects of verbal interaction of people of a certain cultural level takes place.

Verbally means with the help of speech. That is, to a greater extent, people are used to interact with each other. A small percentage in communication is given to non-verbal means: facial expressions, gestures, intonation. But sometimes it is they who form a special speech atmosphere.

How people communicate, express emotions, build dialogues, form sentences - the speech element unites all this into one common cultural space.

Situations of interaction

The minimum element with which communication between people is built is the word as the basic information carrier. The second most important place is the speech situation.

speech element definition

They are different, like scenes from a play: informational dialogs (questions - answers), collective conversation, interaction of the "teacher - student" type and others. Based on the situation itself, words are used that correspond to it and the meaning of communication.

Communication factors

Verbal communication can be diverse in form. The element of speech is formed from the totality of language. It may depend on:

  • atmosphere of communication (friendly, family, official);
  • quantitative composition of participants;
  • social roles of those involved in the conversation.

Depending on the above communication factors, the speech situation will be built using special vocabulary, intonation, voice timbre, pauses in the conversation, argumentation and much more.

Subjects of communication

People, heroes, characters - all these are thinking units of the communicative process in life and books. Each has its own unique colloquial image - the "speech mask".

A person is quite capable of developing his own manner of speech, based on the general cultural customs of his social environment. Let's take examples of speech masks from life: a teacher, a military man, an adolescent informal, a clergyman.

speech element what is it

Everyone is characterized by the use of a personalized set of lexical tools and non-verbal communication methods that distinguish them from other social groups.

Speech element

Within one state (district, district, state), all subjects of communication with their speech masks will interact in a common language segment. That is, at a higher level, all social groups form common ones: pronunciation, accent, dialect, intonational and rhythmic features.

Speech element implies mass self-awareness of a large number of speech subjects, united in social layers. This is due to the identification by people of themselves in relation to the country, its culture and art.

Diversity and Reasons

The element of speech can manifest itself at various levels. From national to local - within the same settlement.

The uniqueness of such lexical "enclaves" is due to the peculiarities of history and multinationality. It is these reasons that often give rise to such a peculiar style of communication - the speech element.

Everyone knows and loves the famous Odessa humor. The manner of inhabitants of this city to communicate with each other is also surprising and admiring. The speech element of Odessa can be called inimitable. It is built on specific speech features.

sentence spoken element

Vocabulary and style

The elements of speech can vary at different levels (territorial, social, cultural). But there is something in common that unites them: vocabulary. It is of three types:

  • neutral, for example, the word "belly";
  • underestimating - "belly";
  • overestimating - "womb".

From here comes the style - techniques of slang, colloquial speech (vernacular) and sublime, pompous and pathetic forms. Many examples can be found in fiction.

Odes are an example of a sublime style in poetry. It uses a method of presenting information using inflated lexical forms and speech intonations.

A similar style can be used in everyday life, but it will acquire a shade of irony or sarcasm. Example: "Oh, my beloved wife! Deignly cook me an exquisite dinner with your thin fingers!".

Vernacular and slang expressions - the lot of many detective stories or books that describe the world of crime.

Most often, there is neutral vocabulary, narrative notes in descriptions of nature, retelling of news and events.

For the sake of perception, the authors create literary heroes, who are endowed with speech masks. Then dialogues or crowded meetings look colorful, lively, fiery. The writer most often uses this technique. A good example is the works of V. Shukshin, in which you can find elements of a "violent" speech element - "multilayer" communication.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10849/

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