Panchakarma at home. A program to cleanse the body of toxins and restore health. Ayurvedic medicine

In order for the body to remain healthy, vivacity was present and a good mood needs to be cleaned from time to time. Pachacarma at home is one of the best cleansing techniques. It is based on the dogmas of Ayurvedic medicine. Improves the state of health, helps a person to feel strength and energy.

What is panchakarma?

Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic rejuvenation technique aimed at eliminating stress and physiological defects. It relaxes the mind and body, cleanses of toxins and toxins. Restores the immune system, improves the activity of the cardiovascular and lymphatic apparatus. Allows you to take extra care of your body and think about life.

“Pancha” is translated as “five,” and “karma” indicates “activity,” which implies five directions of treatment. It is a component of Ayurvedic medicine, balances bioenergy.

According to Ayurveda, a person is born with an ideal genetic structure called prakriti. Improper lifestyle, time-consuming work, stress and other factors cause an imbalance of bioenergies and lead to various diseases.

Panchakarma awakens the body's ability to eliminate toxins. Some of them are removed from the body with large amounts of water, as these substances completely dissolve in the fluid and exit through the kidneys and skin. There are toxins that can only be removed with oil-containing fluids and they exit through the gastrointestinal tract and skin. It is for this purpose that panchakarma at home suggests using oils for a different type of organism. This, according to the Ayurvedic system, brings the mind and body to balance, rejuvenates the body and saturates it with nutrients.

The stages of therapeutic cleansing

Panchakarma at home takes place in three stages, this:

  • preparatory stage - purvakarma;
  • therapeutic stage - paschat karma;
  • supporting procedures.

The duration of purification at home is 10-14 days, under the supervision of a specialist, it lasts 21 days.

First stage

panchakarma at home

Panchakarma at home begins with internal oiling. This stage lasts three days. During these days, on an empty stomach they consume 50 g of liquid warmed ghee (this is melted butter), washed down with hot water. According to the type of constitution, other substances are added to ghee:

  • vata - some salt;
  • pitta - take oil without additives;
  • kapha - a mixture of ginger, black and red peppers.

After taking ghee , you can eat in 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that before food enters the body, ghee must be absorbed in the stomach and intestines. If it is difficult to immediately drink 50 g of ghee, then you can take ghee in two tablespoons fifteen minutes before the meal.

According to Ayurveda, ghee helps to carry out internal oiling, which contributes to the release of ama (toxins and toxins) into the gastrointestinal tract.

When triglycerides are elevated, cholesterol or sugar are high, ghee is replaced with flaxseed oil. This product contains fatty acids and helps lower cholesterol. It should be consumed for three days, two tablespoons, fifteen minutes before eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ayurvedic medicine recommends a cleansing procedure on a growing moon. After all, it is the moon that affects all processes occurring in the body.

For the preparation of ghee, they take good quality butter (82.5%) and heat it. Then remove the white foam and sediment.

Second phase

Ayurvedic medicine

After carrying out internal oiling it is necessary to pass to external. You can not wait for the end of internal oiling, and at the same time begin to do external oil.

For these purposes, select massage oil. Which is better to choose? This product is used based on the type of body constitution. Sesame is suitable for the vata personality, sunflower for pita, and corn or mustard for kapha.

If a person has a mixed personality type, then the oils are mixed together. If an imbalance is violated in one of the doshas, ​​then more oil should be taken for it. During the week, preferably in the evening, two hours after a meal, about 200-250 heated oily unrefined product is applied to the body. Massage oil (which is better to choose, Ayurveda experts advise) is rubbed for about 15-20 minutes. Apply it in the direction from the head to the toes.

The room where self-massage is done should be warm. The body should not cool after oil treatment. After rubbing the oil into your skin, you should take a shower or a bath with hot water, without detergent. If a little oil remains on the surface of the skin, then it should not be removed. It is necessary for effective oiling and should be absorbed deep into the dermis.

For seven days (this is how much external oiling lasts) and two hours after an evening meal, you need to take two teaspoons of trifal churni. This Ayurvedic drug can be purchased in esoteric online stores.

The dosage of trifal churni is selected independently. The stool after taking the drug looks softened or slightly liquid. Feces should not be completely liquid. If in the morning there is no desire to go “in a big way”, then after eating breakfast they drink another portion of trifal churni. Previously, the product is poured with a glass of boiling water, everything is well mixed and drunk, without neglecting the precipitate. Triphala churna is a gentle laxative product. It tones the body and stimulates the activity of internal organs.

Third stage

body health

Ayurvedic medicine gives the third stage of panchakarma cleansing enemas. They are made the last three days, along with external oiling, after taking a shower or bath.

For an enema, they take an Ayurvedic collection called dashmula. One spoonful of the plant mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water and subjected to a boiling process for five minutes. The broth is cooled to 36 - 37 º, filtered and used for an enema.

With vata - constitution, dashmula decoction is mixed with sesame warm oil (150 ml). Instead of dashmula, you can use a composition of fennel, calamus and ginger, taken in the same amount. The broth should be in the intestinal environment for as long as possible, preferably at least twenty minutes. The fluid may not exit or enter the intestinal tract. More often this picture is observed in people of cotton-type, having a large intestine, which is often dry and dehydrated.

Nutrition During Cleansing

massage oil which is better

No improvement in the body is complete without proper nutrition; panchakarma at home is no exception. During the procedures, you should follow a vegetarian diet. You can eat a special kichri dish. Herbal tea with the addition of various spices and honey is allowed. Plants that can be used to make tea include basil, thyme, dandelion root, mint leaves, chamomile, and burdock rhizome. From spices, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom are added to tea.

From the fourth to the ninth day, only kichri should be eaten. If external and internal oiling is done simultaneously, then kichri is eaten from the first to the seventh day.

They do not recommend starving during the course of panchakarma, so you should eat enough kichri so that you do not feel hunger. On the first day after completing the panchakarma procedures, only kichri with vegetables is eaten. From the second day, it is recommended to switch to a diet consistent with the constitution.

Cooking kichri

panchakarma reviews

Panchakarma causes healing. The main course used in this program is kichri. To prepare it, take rice, preferably basmati. Mix it with mash in the same amount. A little turmeric, ginger, cumin, coriander, and mustard seed are added to the dish. Rock salt is allowed. Mash is soaked on the eve. In the morning, the water is drained, clean and poured along with the rest of the ingredients. The peeled and yellow mung bean are not soaked.

Kichri can be cooked both on a pressure cooker and in a saucepan. To prepare the dish, put rice, mung bean, salt and spices into the pan. All fill in with water and bring to a boil. They boil for five minutes, then reduce the heat, and kichri is boiled for another 25-30 minutes, until all the components of the dish are soft. Served with two tablespoons of ghee.

Kichri can be liquid and thick. The more water used in preparing a dish, the thinner it gets. This food can have any consistency.

Practical tips

what is panchakarma

Panchakarma (cleansing the body), even at home, gives good results. It requires a lot of strength. On the days of these procedures, it is better to be at home. The mind and body must rest. Do not expose the body to excessive physical and mental stress at this time. If possible, the work schedule should be made less stressful. It is better to have panchakarma on vacation days.

Exiting the program should be gradual. In the early days, the body should be protected from overstrain, stress, overeating and from the negative effects of the environment.

Contraindications to the procedure

Panchakarma health recovery gives good results. But you can not resort to this system if there are health problems. There is weakness, a breakdown, there is a depletion of the body. It is strictly forbidden to do panchakarma during pregnancy.

With the release of toxins from the body, psychic clamps can open, which are expressed in old suppressed emotions and feelings. This part of purification has a positive effect on a person. It allows you to remove past grievances and mental blocks that cause many diseases. At this time, you should drink herbal tea with a sedative effect.

How often do you need to do panchakarma?

Panchakarma procedures at home are recommended to be performed twice a year, during the off-season, in spring and autumn. If the purification system is carried out in a special Ayurvedic center, then it is repeated once a year.

Panchakarma: reviews

panchakarma body cleansing

Reviews about the Ayurvedic system of purification are the most positive. People say that the procedure cleanses the body well, brings the mind and body to a state of equilibrium. She relieves of many, even the most inveterate insults and diseases, rejuvenates. Gives a charge of vivacity and energy, relieves stress. It must be carried out on the growing moon. Many after this technique lose weight. To oil manipulations are advised to add yoga. So the results will be more effective.

People also note negative points in this system. These are difficulties with the use of ghee, especially if the procedure is carried out for the first time. After external oiling, strong relaxation sets in. Cleansing herbs and enemas in this system are a necessary, but extremely unpleasant procedure. There are people who at the beginning of the practice felt unwell, but then it passed.

Those who practiced panchakarma can no longer live without it and resort to it regularly, 1-2 times a year.


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