Jobs at Google: How to Get a Job at a Company?

Joining Google is the dream of many job seekers. Beautiful and spacious offices, comfortable soft sofas, a riot of colors, cleanliness, order - the splendor of creative thought is concentrated here. Indeed, the Google building is amazing. The fantasy glass campus, which brought together super professionals under its roof, attracts people who want to work in spacious and bright offices, in a creative environment. Everything here is designed for comfortable and productive activities. The headquarters of the American company is located in California, and small offices are scattered around the world.

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Google is a web-based corporation aimed at developing and creating scalable modular systems. Today, the company manages a million servers, processes billions of requests, as well as user data. The main Google product is a search engine. In addition to it, there is a mail service Gmail, social network Google+, Internet browser Google Chrome, Picasa, Hangouts. The company is developing operating systems, as well as well-known mobile applications such as Ok Google. Work in this company is hard, but the experience gained is invaluable for any programmer and engineer.


Google ... Employment is an urgent issue that worries everyone who wants to work in this company. This process is complex and consists of three stages:

  • The applicant must submit a resume. He is evaluated by the HR manager and decides whether to call and schedule an interview.
  • The first interview is on the phone. The specialist determines remotely the level of knowledge of the applicant, professional skills. Based on the results of such communication, the manager invites him to the office or refuses in the next step.
  • Interview in the office. The applicant meets with several employees of the company who conduct an interview in the form of a conversation. Expect tests and questions.

Keep in mind that Google’s specifics also have an impact on the interview level. Do not worry if the experts drag out the answer.

how to get a job on google


If Google has opened vacancies, the chances that resumes will be considered increase many times over. The corporation appreciates interesting and knowledgeable employees, therefore they often select a job for the applicant according to his skills. The requirements for writing a resume at Google Corporation are no different. It should be correctly composed, structured, interestingly stated, but in simple language. An ideal resume will help you get to work. Google Play is a company’s application store where you can easily find any information on how to correctly compose such a document. Stick to while writing simple rules:

  • The summary must be written in English.
  • Indicate the place of study and average marks in the diploma.
  • Write about your achievements (participation and victories in competitions, diplomas, diplomas). This information should relate to science, engineering, computer technology.
  • The summary should include information on scientific papers and publications.
  • Tell us about the projects in which you participated and the developments.
  • Indicate hobbies and hobbies.
  • Write briefly about yourself (advantages, features).
    google services work

The resume should fully reflect the personality of the applicant, his strengths and abilities. This is a kind of portrait that, in the imagination, on the basis of the data obtained, is represented by recruitment managers. Want to make a positive impression? Be brave, frank, do not hesitate to take the initiative and take responsibility.

How to get a job?

Many may be interested in the question: "How to get a job at Google?" This is quite difficult to do. Some job seekers prepare for an interview a few months before X. They study theoretical disciplines, communication skills, learn to look and speak naturally, without excitement. At the interview, Google experts evaluate the candidate according to four basic criteria: analytical, communicative, work experience, programming skills.

ok google work

Each criterion is rated from 1.0 to 4.0. Interviewers only ask questions and contact the applicant, and the selection committee is handed down by a staff selection committee. A large role in the positive outcome of the interview is played by the grading system. If a potential employee is gaining 3.6 - this is considered an excellent result. The final decision on whether to take the job seeker is delayed for several weeks. Employees advise you to prepare for the upcoming interview, to study questions about scalability and memory limitations and bitwise processing.

Who is needed?

The work of Google services requires proactive, hardworking and qualified specialists. The company appreciates development engineers, software engineers, designers, development and sales managers. Education, cognitive abilities, level of intelligence, sociability, portfolio, work experience - all this plays a big role in finding employment in a large corporation.


Remote work at Google is a great opportunity for those who want to work in the company, but physically cannot be in the office for many reasons. In order to find a job in Google, which does not require direct contact with management and employees, the applicant must have certain knowledge and skills. A freelancer interview is no different. A company specialist will talk with the applicant on the phone, ask technical questions. They may relate to writing codes. Sometimes a candidate for remote work may be invited to the office to chat in person.

Four to six interviewers conduct a personal interview. It is objective and independent. Questions are asked non-standard, but there is no consistent structure. The decision on hiring is made by managers and engineers based on the results of the interview.

Selection criteria

If you are interested in how to get a job at Google, consider the criteria for selecting candidates for a particular position. For example, for technical applicants, the manual makes special demands. At the interview, the personal and professional qualities of the candidate are evaluated:

  • Programming skills.
  • Fast learner.
  • Leadership.
  • A sense of ownership.
  • Intellectual modesty.

The interview takes place in an interview format. The candidate is asked questions by five different employees from the management and engineering departments. Each of them evaluates the applicant objectively, without consulting with colleagues. Based on the final results, an independent decision is made.

google play


Working at Google is an interesting and rewarding experience for creative people. Employees of the company have many rewards and bonuses. For the purposes of productive activities, management has created special working conditions, but this can be attributed to personal gain. Employees are equipped in accordance with modern standards. The headquarters is cozy, like home: soft sofas, armchairs, delicious and free food. Conditions are such that you can stay late at work until late and not rush home.

A huge number of cafeterias with a free and varied menu amazes the imagination of an ordinary worker. For breakfast, you can eat fried tuna and drink lemon-mint mineral water, for lunch, order breaded chicken curry and enjoy a chocolate dessert. Local balanced menu (fruits, vegetables, cereals), as well as exotic dishes - all this easily compares with the best restaurant food. Any whim of the gourmet employee will be carried out here, and even for free!

Jobs on Google are extra bonuses. For example, there are special lounges where an employee can relax. At the full disposal of the company’s staff are playgrounds, massage chairs, a billiard room, laundry, and car maintenance. Fridays evening, employees can while away a glass of weak alcohol. A pleasant advantage of work is solid insurance, monitoring the health of staff. Often, employees get expensive gifts: new smartphones and other gadgets.

Another plus: room design. It is modern, not boring, has futuristic features. It is impossible to fall into depression and despondency. Offices are equipped with places to sleep and recover. However, time for rest in the corporation still needs to be found.

google work


Jobs at Google are not so cloudless and fabulous as many people think. This is a separate world in which you must obey the established laws, sacrifice your time and principles. As a rule, they hire qualified professionals who graduated from prestigious educational institutions. Beginners often can’t stand the success they have and can’t put their knowledge into practice. Yes, there are high salaries, bonuses and other incentives, but working in a company takes up all your free time. Employees practically live in the office, as in a "golden cage".

Another significant drawback is overcrowded offices. The company has many employees, and the staff is constantly replenished. The management simply does not have time to expand the workspace . There is red tape in this vibrant American company. Problems at Google certainly exist. This is a large institution in which live people from blood and flesh work. No one is safe from mistakes and shortcomings.


Which of us does not dream of a high salary, the realization of creativity and acquired knowledge? Jobs at Google are prestigious and highly paid. Without bonuses, payments, cash incentives, presents, employees receive annually from 100 thousand dollars. The highest paid positions in the company are financial analyst, development manager, senior engineer, product sales manager, research scientists, technical manager, technical project manager, corporate lawyer, public relations manager, technical manager, user interface designer, online sales manager, service and software availability engineer, and others. Ordinary employees get less.

google remote work


How to get a job at Google and get good money? The question is interesting and relevant. To get any position in this company is difficult. Even harder is working at Google. The best reviews of all the "pitfalls" are real eyewitness accounts. According to the experience of most ex-Google employees, working in a company is hard. Despite the excellent working conditions and conditions, the atmosphere in the corporation is tense. The arrogance of many workers, the desire to put a colleague in their place and point out a mistake is a huge minus for large companies.

In reality, everything does not look so rosy as from the outside. Many immigrants from prestigious universities carry out simple tasks and do not use their potential to the maximum. In fact, work on elementary tasks leads to slow degradation. Over-qualification, brand strength, corporate culture, high requirements for candidates for the post, comfortable working conditions impede development. The downside is that the lower posts are often held by highly qualified personnel. Some former employees recovered during their work at Google, lost friends, and their life turned into a continuous routine in a cozy glass office.


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