Antifungal shampoo: types, manufacturers, prices, reviews

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a skin disease as a fungus. Itching, peeling and excessive dryness of the skin are only part of the troubles that this ailment delivers. And if mycosis gets to the scalp, then this can result in complete loss of hair. Of course, these are the consequences of the most neglected form of the fungus, but in any case, fighting it is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. Most often, only a high-quality antifungal shampoo can help get rid of the fungus of the scalp.


The method of using a detergent from a fungus is practically no different from washing your hair with a simple shampoo. It foams well and performs a cleansing function no worse than the main care product. With light massage movements, apply antifungal dandruff shampoos to the affected scalp and distribute along the entire length of the hair to the ends. Do not immediately wash off the product. It is necessary to allow all useful trace elements to soak into the hair. As a rule, ten minutes will be enough. After this, the product can be washed off with a light infusion of chamomile or ordinary warm water.

antifungal shampoo

Antifungal shampoo should be used at least three times over a two-week period. However, if the skin is very strongly affected by parasitic formations, then you can increase the number of applications up to once every two or three days, until noticeable improvements appear. In most cases, the fungus completely disappears after 14-20 days of using the shampoo. But in order to protect yourself from the further occurrence of infection, it is necessary to use a therapeutic agent for at least another two weeks.

Types of fungal diseases


Today it is considered a very common and at the same time the most serious disease of the scalp. This disease is characterized by the formation of bald spots on the head and intense hair loss. Most often, ringworm affects children aged 3 to 12 years. It should be noted that this type of fungal disease is very contagious. After 7 days after infection, the patient begins to experience areas of peeling on the head and severe fragility of the hair directly at the base of the follicles. Also in the affected areas, one can observe a gray coating, which is a product of the fungus's vital activity.


This type of fungal disease of the head is characterized by a very fast spread rate. The symptoms of microscopy are very similar to ringworm: on the scalp appear areas of a rounded shape, covered with a gray coating. Excessive dryness and brittleness of hair is also observed.

antifungal shampoo Price


In patients with this fungal disease, yellowish crusts are observed on the scalp, in the center of which hair grows. If you do not deal with the treatment of this disease in time, then the formations will grow very much, which will ultimately lead to baldness. In people with favus, hair becomes dull and lifeless. Outwardly, such a hair is more like a wig.


A disease of the scalp that occurs due to a violation of the sebaceous glands or hormonal failure. The ailment is expressed in the form of increased fat content and an unhealthy shine of hair, numerous exfoliations of skin flakes, ulcers and sebaceous wounds can form on the scalp in a complex form.

antifungal shampoo for people

Popular remedies

Currently, there are a huge number of shampoos that can easily cope with any type of fungus. Therefore, each buyer will be able to find for himself something suitable.

  • Nizoral is a very popular antifungal shampoo for people. It contains ketoconazole, which remains for a very long time in the upper layer of the epithelium, while not losing its beneficial properties. Nizoral quickly relieves symptoms such as peeling and itching. However, many studies have shown that this shampoo does not cause any harm to human health. Consumer reviews unanimously agree that "Nizoral" shows the highest efficiency in the fight against fungal formations.

antifungal hair shampoo

  • "Tsinovit" has proven itself as an antifungal agent. The shampoo contains two main components: zinc perition and climbazole. They relieve symptoms such as peeling and itching. Cinovit should be used for at least one and a half months, but 80% of consumers note a tendency to decrease fungal symptoms after 10-14 days of using this drug.
  • "Dermazole" - this tool is usually used to treat pityriasis versicolor and seborrheic dermatitis. This antifungal shampoo should be used daily for three to five days, then increase the frequency of use up to once a week. According to consumers, the disease completely recedes only after one and a half to two months of using the product.
  • "Keto plus" is a fairly effective tool that has appeared on the market relatively recently. Zinc pyrithione, which is part of it, fights with strong peeling of the scalp, ketoconazole helps to get rid of dermatitis and yeast-like fungi. The big plus of this tool is that even pregnant ladies can use it without fear. Reviews speak of its real effectiveness and safety.

Antifungal dandruff shampoos: good efficacy and reasonable price

Dandruff is the continuous detachment of scaly particles of the epithelium. At first glance, this ailment is harmless and causes only aesthetic problems. But if you do not pay due attention to the problem and do not start treatment in time, ordinary dandruff can develop into seborrhea, and this is already quite a serious skin disease.

antifungal dandruff shampoos

  • "Sebozol" - this antifungal dandruff shampoo can be used every day, it is suitable for any type of hair. It is based on ketoconazole, which in a short time can help get rid of dandruff on the head.
  • "Dandruff" is a multifunctional shampoo that, in addition to dandruff, successfully fights against seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss and mycosis.
  • "Sulsena" - this antifungal dandruff shampoo contains selenium disulfide, which significantly inhibits the growth of fungal cells and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

antifungal dandruff shampoos

The properties

The effectiveness of cosmetic products is due to its effect on the problem. Thus, a good antifungal shampoo should help reduce the fungal area and inhibit cell division, preventing their increase in size. After applying an effective remedy for fungus, sebum should be produced in much smaller quantities. And, of course, a high-quality dandruff shampoo should remove existing flakes on the scalp and prevent their further appearance.

Price order

Many people who suffer from such troubles as scalp fungus are worried about how much an effective antifungal shampoo costs. The price is not sky-high, but quite affordable for the middle level of consumers.

  • Nizoral. This tool is most effective and costs between 490-520 rubles. for 60 ml.
  • Mycosoral. This antifungal hair shampoo is quite cheap - 135 rubles. for 60 ml.
  • "Dermazole". To purchase this tool, you have to say goodbye to 300 rubles.
  • "Dandruff." The price of the drug is within 250 rubles. per 100 ml.
  • "Zinovit." The cost varies from 270 to 350 rubles. for 150 ml.
  • "Sulsena." It is also inexpensive, about 180-200 rubles. for 150 ml.


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