Types of wine glasses (photo)

A true connoisseur of this noble drink - Friedrich Siegel - once noticed that without decent dishes, wine can lose its taste and quality. That is why it is worth paying special attention to what types of wine glasses exist and what are their fundamental differences.

Physiology of taste

On the surface of the tongue there are a large number of receptors that are responsible for the perception of various tastes. So, for example, at the very tip of the tongue there are nerve endings that perceive a sweet taste, closer to the larynx are receptors that transmit bitterness, but salty notes are effectively perceived by the middle of the tongue.

types of wine glasses

Oddly enough, but it was with these physiological characteristics of a person in mind that various types of wine glasses were developed, since this drink is an amazing combination of taste and aroma. So, in order to fully appreciate the exquisite aroma of red or white wine, special glasses of wide and open form were created, and narrow and long wine glasses allow you to appreciate the fullness of the free flow of this drink.

A little history of the origin of the glasses

Wine glasses , the types of which allow you to appreciate the noble taste and aroma of this drink, first appeared on the territory of France in the XVIII century. Currently, a glass is called a container with a capacity of 125 to 150 ml, which can be cylindrical or pear-shaped. In addition, there are wine glasses designed for sparkling wines that have the shape of a vase.

Of great importance is the correct placement of glasses on the table. So, in relation to the serving plate, the wine glasses should be on top or on the right.

wine glasses types

The relationship of the glass and taste buds

The perception of the taste and aroma of wine is greatly influenced directly by the shape of the glass itself, the thickness of its glass, as well as the quality of manufacture. Taste receptors located on the surface of the tongue contribute to a particular perception of the drink. So, for example, wine that contains sour notes in its aftertaste should be served in glasses with a narrowed top. In this case, the drink will not be able to get on the side of the tongue, which means that the wine will immediately appear on the laryngeal part.

But "Chardonnay" just the same and should get on the receptors that are located on the sides of the tongue. For these purposes, it is desirable to use glasses with a wide edge. The salty taste of noble drinks is felt by all parts of the tongue, so almost any type of glass can be suitable for specific types of wine with a characteristic taste.

Types of red wine glasses

Taste features of a noble drink are revealed only in properly served dishes. As a rule, red wine is served in large enough and wide containers, the edges of which narrow at the top. It is these glasses that can reveal a full bouquet of aromas and flavor blends.

wine glasses types photo

These are the most common types of wine glasses that are found in almost every connoisseur of this drink. In such dishes it is advisable to serve “Merlot” or “Cabernet Sauvignon”, as the edges of the glass tapering at the top eloquently express the whole bouquet of aromas and taste characteristics of the drink.

The Bordeaux glass is distinguished by a large and wide bowl, which helps to fully reveal the taste and aromatic blends of the exquisite drink.

Wine culture

Today, there are a huge number of wine glasses of a wide variety of shapes and volumes, which, in turn, are intended for a wide variety of noble drinks and even grape varieties.

Of course, sorting out this assortment is quite difficult, as modern bohemian producers in their quest for excellence surprise buyers with absolutely incredible shapes and bizarre bends of containers designed for tasting a noble drink. Perhaps, nothing can emphasize the taste so exquisitely as correctly selected and elegant glasses for wine. Types of “bohemia”, for example, are not just for consumption, it’s a pleasure to drink a noble drink from such glasses.

wine glasses types black

Nevertheless, among the whole variety, one can trace some basic directions and forms of glasses, which have common features and are characteristic of a particular type of wine.

Glasses for wine: types, photos

There are several most common forms of wine glasses, among which are the following:

  • The tulip form is the most common and universal.
  • Ball - is a very peculiar form of a wine glass, which is not so common, but is very much appreciated among true gourmets.
  • Lira - this form of a glass is not popular among tasters and admirers of a noble drink, but is of particular interest.

Glasses for wine (black or colored) can be completely bizarre. In addition, table wines accept the use of completely different interpretations of the dishes for this drink.

wine glasses types colored

Aesthetics of taste

In order to maximize the quality of the drink and its taste, it is necessary to follow some recommendations, which, in turn, will help to enjoy the wine. So, for example, the leg of the glass should be wrapped around with five fingers and in no case should the little finger be protruded - this is a sign of bad taste. Holding the glass with three fingers (thumb, forefinger and middle) is also not recommended.

Before you take a sip of a noble drink, you need to inhale its aroma - this will provide an initial idea of ​​the taste of the wine.

From this it follows that a glass of wine must be held by the foot with all fingers. Particular attention should be paid directly to the cup itself - it is unacceptable to wrap it in your hand, as this will provoke the heating of the drink, and therefore, the deterioration of its taste.

Instead of a total

Of course, a correctly selected glass has a great influence on the drink itself and its taste. One of the main classifications of wine glasses is the look of this noble drink. So, there are special glasses for white and red wine. In addition, there are unique universal glasses for wine, the types of which do not have significant differences among themselves. As a rule, they are intended for tasting table varieties of the drink.

wine glasses kinds of bohemia

True admirers of this drink adhere to special rules for consumption and tasting. Moreover, only they can meet truly unique containers that allow not only to fully appreciate the exquisite taste of this noble drink, but also to get a lot of pleasure from the tasting process itself. Glasses for wine - types of colored, black, "bohemian", etc. - are designed to truly plunge into the atmosphere of exquisite pastime with a bottle of French or Spanish Cabernet.

It is worth noting that professional tasters use a specialized glass approved by GOST for relevant purposes. The development of this tank belongs to the well-known company Riedel, whose products are popular in many countries of the world and are considered a quality standard.

An improperly selected glass can significantly distort the taste of a noble drink, which is why for tasting exquisite varieties it is necessary to select the appropriate dishes that will help to fully appreciate the quality of a particular type of wine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10873/

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